by SuperDoodleMan If you don't understand a term, look it up in the Terminology txt ------------------------------------- Thunder Punch Total: 21 Hit: 3-5 IASA: 19 ------------------------------------- F Tilt Total: 29 Hit: 9-11 ------------------------------------- D Tilt Total: 35 Hit: 10-12 IASA: 35 ------------------------------------- U Tilt Total: 114 Hit: 81-83 IASA: 113 (hooray) ------------------------------------- F Smash Total: 66 Charge frame: 10 Hit: 20-24 IASA: 60 ------------------------------------- D Smash Total: 49 Charge frame: 14 Hit: 19-22, 29-32 IASA: 47 ------------------------------------- U Smash Total: 54 Charge frame: 8 Hit: 21-23, 26-29 IASA: 40 ------------------------------------- Dash attack Total: 39 Hit: 7-16 IASA: 38 ------------------------------------- N-Air Total: 44 Hit: 7-8, 16-17 Auto cancel: <3 22> Landlag: 25 L canceled: 12 ------------------------------------- U-Air Total: 33 Hit: 6-16 IASA: 30 Auto cancel: 22> Landlag: 25 L canceled: 12 ------------------------------------- B-Air Total: 35 Hit: 10-15 IASA: 29 Auto cancel: <6 19> Landlag: 25 L canceled: 12 ------------------------------------- D-Air Total: 44 Hit: 16-20 IASA: 38 Auto cancel: <3 36> Landlag: 35 L canceled: 17 ------------------------------------- F-Air Total: 44 Hit: 14-19 IASA: 35 Auto cancel: <6 34> Landlag: 25 L canceled: 12 ------------------------------------- Ledge stand <100% Total: 33 Invincible: 1-22 ------------------------------------- Ledge stand 100%> Total: 58 Invincible: 1-49 ------------------------------------- Ledge roll <100% Total: 48 Invincible: 1-24 ------------------------------------- Ledge roll 100%> Total: 78 Invincible: 1-54 ------------------------------------- Ledge attack <100% Total: 54 Invulnerable: 1-20 Hit: 24-29 ------------------------------------- Ledge attack 100%> Total: 68 Invulnerable: 1-33 Hit: 37-40 ------------------------------------- Ledge jump <100% Total: 43 Invulnerable: 1-11 Soonest FF: 40 ------------------------------------- Ledge jump 100%> Total: 53 Invincible: 1-18 Soonest FF: 47 ------------------------------------- Grab Total: 30 Grab: 7-8 ------------------------------------- Running grab Total: 40 Grab: 11-13 ------------------------------------- Warlock Punch Total: 119 Hit: 70-72 ------------------------------------- Dark Dive Total: 64 Grab: 13-33 Direction choosing: 13 Landlag: 30 Landfallspeciallag: 30 Grabs edges from both sides as early as 45 If it hits… Hit: 3-5, 9-11, 15-17, 21-23 Releases on frame 25 Free falling 60 frames after release ------------------------------------- Wizard’s Foot From the ground… Total: 77 Hit: 14-34 Total (ends in the air): 69 If you hit a wall, 60 frame animation From the air… Total: 58 Hit: 15-29 Landing hit: 2-3 Landing animation: 57 ------------------------------------- Gerudo Dragon Total: 79 Hit Window: 15-34 Upon Striking… Total: 25 Hit: 4-8 Upon striking from the air… Landlag: 40 Landfallspeciallag: 40 Otherwise Landlag: 20 Landfallspeciallag: 20 ------------------------------------- Jump Airborne on frame 7 Air time: 42 Earliest FF: 22 FF air time: 32 SH air time: 33 Earliest FF: 18 SH FF air time: 24 2nd jump earliest FF: 20 ------------------------------------- Air dodge Invulnerable 4-29 out of 49 Ground dodge Invulnerable 2-20 out of 32 Roll Invulnerable 4-19 out of 31 Landlag: 5 Dash becomes run at frame 16 Turn-jump Threshold: 16 Run turnaround: 28 __________ final line