Welcome to a New Age of Humanity

The World of the New Age.

As race vanishes the world will need a new way of defining humanity all over the world as old cultures diminish and new ones rise in its place.

United Global Republic ruled by the World Union Council will be the main government of the new age though the continents will have republics of their own and the countries thereof shall become districts. This is proof that only one kind of government can work and that is a republic which can easily repel any problems in the system while keeping order.

It is said that every 24 to 25,000 years evolution leaps forward so what does evolution have in store for humanity? Simple, we knew we would one day be capable of telepathy, psychokinesis, telekinesis and other pre-psionic abilities so evolution bringing us such a gift is better than any high end technology by far. Criss Angel might be the only known Biotic in the world but soon it will be rather common amongst humans to become this amazing thing.

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Thus Shall Commence The New Eon At World's End