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Welcome to the SonicFanaticism booth! This whole thing was kind of thrown together at the last minute so that I could concentrate more on the comic itself, but I can still

guarantee some great little extras to the comic anyway.

Basically, this booth is, as I'm sure you are aware, my little corner of the SonicVerse Team Comic Convention, run by those kind people at SVT. My main showcase is my series of comic strips based on the Sonic the Hedgehog universe, 'SonicFanaticisms', so called because I happen to be the SonicFanatic.

The comic on show now is SonicFanaticism #0 -- 'Origins'. It follows the storyline of Syke the Porcupine, and how he goes about uncovering his roots in the Mystic Ruins. More detailed storylines can be found here.


This is where I keep all of the comics. So far, this area is playing host to SonicFanaticism #0, but there will be more issues to come in the future. Why not drop them a visit here and rate me for the convention?


If you want a bit more information on the plot behind 'Origins', come here. In the future there will also be storylines for other plots, but these are only concepts at this point.

Basically, this is where all the brainstorming happens.


The characters in 'Origins' are quite varied and deep, and reading the comics may not give you a full insight into their personalities. Here you will find profiles on every character in SonicFanaticisms, and some artworks as well!

Booth Babe

Unwind from reading the comics with my booth babe, Naomi the Mouse. A series of artworks and interviews await you here, all devoted to that glamorous and determined rodent. Just don't stare too long...


SonicFanaticism wouldn't be where it is today without a lot of support from guys all over the internet. Here you will find links to all of the Sonic sites I visit on a regular basis, and also some of my fellow convention buddies. Drop them a visit too!


After tiring of all the comics, why not come and visit my forum and meet fellow Sonic fans?






Booth Babe

