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Ciarans Compilation of Final Fantasy VII


Appearance: Sephiroth has long silver hair that reaches to his lower back. The fringe has two raised areas, and his hair frames his handsome face. His eyes are a beautiful green, enhanced by mako to make them seem like they are looking right through you. Sephiroth wears a unique set of clothing. He has a black clothes, with the collar low to reveal his muscular chest with a pair of straps and a metal disk. His shoulders have white steel shoulder pads, each with three holes in them. Black clothes cover his hands and he has black metal rings on his arms and legs. He wears black leather boots on his feet. The giant weapon Masamune is normally seen at his waist. History: Spehiroth was created by the ShinRa to be the ultimate SOLDIER. He was made by the fusion of cells from the Jenova Specimen and a girl named Lucrecia. He was raised by ShinRa. Sephiroth was first used in Midgar's war against Wutai. He decimated whole units with his superior materia and Weapons. Even the powerful summon Leviathan was unable to stop him, and Wutai was forced to surrender. Since then he loyally served ShinRa. Until the mission to Nibelheim. At Nibelheim Sephiroth discovered the truth of his origins. A simple search and destroy mission had turned into a disaster. Sephiroth burnt the town to the ground in a fit of rage. The discovery of how he had been brought into existence drove him insane. He cut down Tifa's father at the Mako Reactor where his mother Jenova was being kept, and since he couldn't take her whole body, removed the head. Then he defeated the SOLDIER who was with him, and tried to leave. But someone else stopped him, and he was thrown into the life stream. But even with such a terrible wound, Sephiroth refused to die. He floated in the life stream, neither dead nor alive, gathering knowledge about his true purpose. Soon he knew what he had to do: Summon Meteor and cleanse this world. It took him several years to do this, but he sealed his body, or what was left of it, in a great Materia. Then he used his powers to send his spirit into the world. He manipulated Cloud and the others into getting him the Black Materia, and was gathering ShinRa's poor attempts to replicate him. He was destroying them at Whirlwind Maze.