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Skillz And Killz

Ok I know this web page is crap... but it's a start. We can enter UGC. however if anyone can make a good web page PLZ contact me or any other SaK member. Ender-SaK-

4/21/04 OK .. it is kinda hard to keep track of our members so we have decided that it is a requierment to post on our forum. Also, when your pubing play on team bad ass.. I know it is full alot, however, critical and I are trying to get admin and our own ventrilo channel. Speaking of vent if any of our members DON'T have vent DL it . It is important that you have a working mic and this program. Ender-SaK

04/22/04 Ok... cookie is a pimp and he is hooking us up with a vent channel. Also... big news critical and I decided to take a look at private cs servers and we found a deal 12 man server, vent channel, rcon,and admin mod for $40 a month. If we split the cost it's... do the math, cheap! so i will organize a way to gather bout 5 bucks from our members, purchace a server and we will all have admin. But best of all we will have a practice/scrim server!!
get this gear!

Information for all members