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Suikoden 3

C = Chris G = Geddoe H = Hugo T = Thomas The number after the letter indicates the chapter they will join. For example, C1 means that the Automatic Star joins in Chris' chapter 1. If there's a slash /, it means the Star joins in either chapter depending on your order of play. Automatic Stars: 1. Ace, G1 ------------------------------------ 2. Aila, G1 ------------------------------------ 3. Anne, H1, Support ------------------------------------ 4. Apple, C3/H3/T2, Support ------------------------------------ 5. Bazba, ch. 4 ------------------------------------ 6. Beecham, ch. 4 ------------------------------------ 7. Borus, C1 ------------------------------------ 8. Caesar, C3/H3/T2, Support ------------------------------------ 9. Cecile, T1/ch. 4 ------------------------------------ 10. Chris, C1 ------------------------------------ 11. Dios, ch. 5, Support ------------------------------------ 12. Dupa, ch. 4 ------------------------------------ 13. Eike, T1/ch. 4, Support ------------------------------------ 14. Fred, C3 ------------------------------------ 15. Fubar, H1 ------------------------------------ 16. Geddoe, G1 ------------------------------------ 17. Hallec, H3 ------------------------------------ 18. Hugo, H1 ------------------------------------ 19. Jacques, G1 ------------------------------------ 20. Jimba, H1 ------------------------------------ 21. Joker, G1 ------------------------------------ 22. Juan, T1/ch. 4 ------------------------------------ 23. Leo, C1 ------------------------------------ 24. Lilly, ch. 4 ------------------------------------ 25. Louis, C1, Support ------------------------------------ 26. Luce, H1, Support ------------------------------------ 27. Lucia, H1 ------------------------------------ 28. Martha, T1/ch. 4, Support ------------------------------------ 29. Mua, H3 ------------------------------------ 30. Muto, T1/ch. 4, Support ------------------------------------ 31. Nash, C2 ------------------------------------ 32. Percival, C1 ------------------------------------ 33. Piccolo, T1/ch. 4 ------------------------------------ 34. Queen, G1 ------------------------------------ 35. Reed, ch. 4 ------------------------------------ 36. Rico, C3 ------------------------------------ 37. Roland, C1 ------------------------------------ 38. Salome, C1 ------------------------------------ 39. Samus, ch. 4 ------------------------------------ 40. Sasarai, ch. 5 ------------------------------------ 41. Sebastian, T1/ch. 4, Support ------------------------------------ 42. Sergeant Joe, H1 ------------------------------------ 43. Shiba, ch. 4 ------------------------------------ 44. Shizu, T1/ch. 4, Support ------------------------------------ 45. Thomas, T1/ch. 4 ------------------------------------ 46. Yuiri, ch. 5 ------------------------------------ 47. Yumi, ch. 5 ------------------------------------ 48. Yun, C3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5c. Non-Automatic Stars Key- C = Chris G = Geddoe H = Hugo T = Thomas The number after the letter indicates the EARLIEST chapter the Star can be recruited, not when they _have_ to be recruited. To the best of my knowledge, the only Stars you can miss permanently are Franz, Iku, Ruby, and Duke and his team by abandoning the villagers in ch. 5 with Geddoe. The earliest chapter notation can vary wildly depending on your play order. Therefore, if you're looking at this list and wondering why you can't get someone as noted, it's probably because of the play order. Keep in mind that you can continue to recruit all the way until the final strategy battle in ch. 5. ------------------------------------ 49. Alanis, in front of fountain at Great Hollow, (T1, G1, C3, H3) Put Melville and Elliot in your party then talk to her. ------------------------------------ 50. Arthur, Brass Castle dining room, (T1, G3, H3, C4), Support Talk to him and tell him you believe there's a story to be found. He's in the lower right corner of the dining room and can be hard to see. Agree to help him then recruit him. Once you have Arthur, his news bulletin covering various game events will be posted at Lake Castle. Take the main stairs up and it's to your right on the wall where Arthur hangs out. ------------------------------------ 51. Augustine, VdZ outside the Armor Shop, (T1, G1, C2, H3) Buy a Rose Brooch, a Rarity at the Iksay Item Shop, and give it to him. ------------------------------------ 52. Ayame, North Cavern where treasure boss usually is, (T1, C2, G4, H4) Make sure Watari is not in your active party. Talk to him at his spot in Lake Castle (the area with the jail cells underneath Muto's level). A flashback will be triggered. Put Watari in your active party and go to the North Cavern where Ayame is located. Win a duel to recruit her. Note that for chapters 1-3, you need to use the person who recruited Watari when talking to him to get the flashback. You can use anyone in ch. 4-5. ------------------------------------ 53. Barts, Iksay Village to the right of the windmill, (C3, G4, H4), Support Give him a GrapeC, commonly found at the VdZ Trade Shop. You can give Barts the various seeds you find and he will grow those crops for you. Barts is located to the left of Juan at Lake Castle. That is, from the main entrance screen where Cecile stands, take a left on your mini-map down the stairs. ------------------------------------ 54. Belle, Brass Castle east courtyard, (T1, G1, C2, H3) Bring Belle a !Screw. It's a drop item from the Purple Creepers and Dark Hares at Plain Amur. Gadget Z joins with her. Most of the time I get the !Screw, it's on the Plain Amur screen with the blue save crystal (the screen closer to Karaya). ------------------------------------ 55. Billy, Lake Castle statue room, (T1, G1, C2, H3), Support The statue room is located on the second floor of Lake Castle. Take the main staircase up, make a left, and it's the room in the bottom corner. Place any "S" statue on the main pedestal. Exit, come back, and Billy will be there. Beat him at a game of Guppo to recruit. You can get some very useful prizes by beating Billy at Guppo, most notably the Tunic of Prosperity (random item for the 5,000 bet). If you're having problems getting an S statue, check section 2j. ------------------------------------ 56. Bright, Mt. Path area closer to Caleria, (C4, G4, H4) Automatically joins with Futch and Sharon. Check Futch entry in this list for specifics. ------------------------------------ 57. Dominic, VdZ Armor Shop, (T1, G1, C2, H3), Support Buy Mole Armor from him for 40,000 potch. He opens the Armor Shop at Lake Castle. This shop is located on the same screen as Juan. That is, from the main entrance screen where Cecile stands, take a left on your mini-map down the stairs. Dominic's shop is up the stairway at the top of this next screen. ------------------------------------ 58. Duke, Mt. Senai, (G5) Do NOT choose to abandon the villagers when given the option during the series of battles at Mt. Senai. ------------------------------------ 59. Edge, Le Buque Village outside of Rune Shop, (G2, C4, H4) Pay 1,000 potch to duel him and win the duel. ------------------------------------ 60. Elaine, Mt. Senai, (G5) Do NOT choose to abandon the villagers when given the option during the series of battles at Mt. Senai. ------------------------------------ 61. Elliot, alley in VdZ, (T1, G1, C2, H3), Support After Hugo's ch. 1 and after you have recruited Billy, talk to him. Billy does not need to be in your party to get Elliot. He joins with Melville. Elliot's Potch Finder is a C, the best in the game. You definitely _have_ to do Hugo's chaper 1 before you can get Elliot--this is so the AI will know what level to assign Melville when you get he and Elliot. ------------------------------------ 62. Emily, Chisha Village tavern, (C3, H3, G4) Beat her at an arm wrestling contest. Your party's collective PWR score needs to be at a high level to get her. ------------------------------------ 63. Ernie, Brass Castle Tutor Shop, (T1, G1, C2, H3), Support Answer 5 questions from her quiz correctly in a row. Check Section 8 or Geddoe's chapter 1 in the Walkthrough for the correct answers. Ernie's Tutor grade is a B+, the best. Ernie is located in the library on the second floor of Lake Castle. ------------------------------------ 64. Estella, Alma Kinan Inn, (C3, H4, G4) Talk to Rody first outside the Inn and ask him what he's up to. Then tell him you're looking for party members. Talk to Estella inside the Inn then to the little girl by the altar at the back of Alma Kinan. Talk to Estella inside the Inn again and they'll join. ------------------------------------ 65. Franz, Le Buque, (G5) Do NOT choose to abandon the villagers when given the option during the series of battles at Mt. Senai. ------------------------------------ 66. Futch, Mt. Path area closer to Caleria, (C4, G4, H4) Futch will be standing 3/4 of the way up the first screen of the Mt. Path nearest to Caleria. Talk to him and tell him you know the area. Once you're in Caleria, head toward the Item Stand then just follow Sharon. Eventually, you'll end up at the entrance to Caleria and he, Bright, and Sharon will all join. ------------------------------------ 67. Gadget Z, Brass Castle east courtyard, (T1, G1, C2, H3) Bring Belle a !Screw. It's a drop item from the Purple Creepers and Dark Hares at Plain Amur. Belle joins with him. Most of the time I get the !Screw, it's on the Plain Amur screen with the blue save crystal (the screen closer to Karaya). ------------------------------------ 68. Gau, Mt. Senai, (G5) Do NOT choose to abandon the villagers when given the option during the series of battles at Mt. Senai. ------------------------------------ 69. Gordon, Iksay Village Item Shop, (T1, C2, G4, H4), Support If you're Chris, talk to him with a full party of 6 (not counting support) and he'll join. With Hugo, Geddoe, or Thomas, bring an all-male party or Augustine by himself and he'll join. Gordon opens the Item Shop at Lake Castle. ------------------------------------ 70. Goro, Zexen Forest, (T1, C2, G3, H3), Support From the entrance closer to Brass Castle, take the top path at the first fork and continue left until you see him. Bring anyone with the Appraisal ability to recruit him. Those with Appraisal include Muto, Mio, Arthur, and Guillaume. Goro's Bath ability is an A+, the best. Goro's bath is located on the stranded ship at Lake Castle. It's on the deck of the ship and is behind the white door with the red trim. ------------------------------------ 71. Guillaume, Ancient Highway's big door, (H3, C4, G4), Support Beat him in a duel and recruit him. It's possible you have to recruit Nei, Shabon, and Toppo first before he pops up at the Ancient Highway but I'm not 100% sure. You do not have to bring those 3 to get Guillaume. Guillaume opens the Appraisal Shop at Lake Castle. ------------------------------------ 72. Hortez VII, starts in Duck Village, (C3, G3, H3), Support His pattern is Duck Village, Chisha, Caleria, back to Duck Village. The first three times you talk to him, tell him where Lake Castle is. The second time he shows up in Duck Village, lie to him about the location. Note that the only way to get him with Geddoe in his ch. 3 is to play Hugo or Chris' ch. 3 first to talk to Hortez at Chisha. Hortez opens the Magic Scroll Shop at Lake Castle. ------------------------------------ 73. Iku, Le Buque, (G5), Support Do NOT choose to abandon the villagers when given the option during the series of battles at Mt. Senai. ------------------------------------ 74. Jeane, Brass Castle Rune Shop, (T1, G1, C2, H3), Support Talk to her and she'll join. Jeane's Rune Sage grade of A is the best. This ability helps quicken the speed of your spell casting. Jeane opens the Rune Shop at Lake Castle. ------------------------------------ 75. Jefferson, Lake Castle where Cecile stands, (C4, G4, H4), Support Head to the front entrance once you have 70+ recruits and he'll join. According to an e-mail that Dallas Strimple sent me, Jefferson won't show up at the front gate if Juan is in your party. I can't confirm this without a save game handy to check myself, but it's worth noting in case this has happened to you. This would also probably apply to having Cecile in your party as well. I received an e-mail from Fate who confirmed this wrinkle in getting Jefferson. Thanks to Dallas Strimple and Fate for this information. Jefferson is located in the room to the right of the elevator on the first floor of Lake Castle (the same room as Mike). He is the person you give all the Medal Sets to. ------------------------------------ 76. Kathy, Plain Amur North, (T1, C3, G3, H3), Support Count up how many horses she has. The number is always random. Once Kathy joins, you can get very good prizes by running her races. These prizes include Hex Doll S, Pale Moon Leather, Pale Moon Necklace, and LightningMagic Ring. If you use Hugo, he'll race with Fubar if he's in the active party or with a Karayan Horse if Fubar is not in his party. The prizes I referred to are obtained without using Fubar. To get to Kathy's ranch at Lake Castle, exit the screen where Juan, Peggi, and Barts are to the north. ------------------------------------ 77. Kenji, Yaza Plain, (T1, G1, C2, H3) You need to have recruited a certain number of characters (around 30 I believe) before he shows up. If you're entering Yaza from Lake Castle's side, he's to the middle and far left of the screen. Talk to him, exercise, then ask for water and he'll join. ------------------------------------ 78. Kidd, Duck Village--top hut behind the inn, (T1, C3, G3, H3), Support Talk to Kidd and agree to help. Look at the shelf to the right of the screen, the small window to the left, and the body on the floor. Exit the hut and talk to the janitor outside. Go talk to the duck by the right waterwheel. Talk to the only customer at the Trade Shop to get a letter fragment. Return to talk with Kidd to recruit him. Kidd's Treasure Hunt is a C, the best. Kidd is located in the second basement of Lake Castle where the jail cells and storehouse are. ------------------------------------ 79. Koroku, Mt. Hei-Tou, (T1, G1, C2, H3) To the left of the screen hiding in the grass by the first corpse at Mt. Hei-Tou. Talk to him and adopt him. His flame is the fifth at the Trinity Site. To play as Koroku, talk to him at his spot outside of the Lake Castle Tavern (where Anne is) in chapter 4 or 5. You can then walk around as the dog and talk to people and do Kathy's races. His POV has no story or goals like the others. To quit his POV, simply walk back to his area and talk to the main character. ------------------------------------ 80. Landis, Kuput Forest, (C3, G3, H3) Will randomly join while you're in Kuput Forest if you have 1 open party slot. You do NOT need to get into battles for him to join. Hitmancf sent me this e-mail regarding getting Landis: "i remember you saying in your faq about people complaining about how to get Landis. Well finally, I figured it out, and I'm sure you already knew this, and it's easy. All you have to do is have your collective luck at a high number. My lowest was with Geddoe at around 120 something, the other 4 party members had a luck of higher than 140 or so, after the first battle he already shows up." I couldn't confirm this because I don't have a save game handy but it makes sense and is worth a shot. Thanks to Hitmancf for this info. wen sent me this e-mail with further information on recruiting Landis: "as far as i can tell from one of my japanese sui3 guides which covers indepth recruitments, luck isn't the deciding factor for getting landis. on the second screen of the forest (entering from the duck village direction), there is a VERY SPECIFIC area the player needs to run around in- the fork in the road. Keep running around the fork in the road, and ONLY that area, and there's a 10% chance that landis will join your party if there's an open slot. now, it's possible that it might be higher than 10% if your characters have high luck, but the guide doesn't mention anything about it. i got landis during chapter 5, when my main character had high luck, and got him in under 10 minutes just by running around where the fork in the road is and waiting until a monster encounter occured. on the third one, landis joined my party." Thanks to wen, falcon815, and crystalstar who all provided clarified content on how to get Landis. ------------------------------------ 81. Mamie, Duck Village Item Shop second floor, (C3, G3, H3), Support Give her a Crab Rice Bowl. Hallec comes with it and the Mantikra in Kuput Forest, Mt. Hei-Tou, and Zexen Forest drop it. Give Mamie the recipes and various spices from Trade Shops and she can make food items for you. Abraxas has a complete FAQ on all the recipes and how to make all the possible food items here at gamefaqs. To get to Mamie's food stand, exit the screen at Lake Castle where Juan, Barts, and Peggi are to the left/west. Keep going left past Scott's Trade Shop and the stairs up and you'll see Mamie's area. ------------------------------------ 82. Mel, Iksay Village to the right outside the inn, (T1, C2, G4, H4) Talk to her. ------------------------------------ 83. Melville, alley in VdZ, (T1, G1, C2, H3) After Hugo's ch. 1 and after recruiting Billy, talk to Melville. Billy doesn't need to be in your active party. Elliot joins with him. You definitely _have_ to do Hugo's chaper 1 before you can get Melville--this is so the AI will know what level to assign to him when you recruit him. ------------------------------------ 84. Mike, Caleria Trade Shop, (G1, C3, H3), Support Win 20,000 potch from him in Kabu. Mike is located in the room to the right of the elevator on the first floor (same room as Jefferson). ------------------------------------ 85. Mio, Iksay Village Inn second floor, (T1, C2, G4, H4), Support Talk to her and she'll join. Mio's Healing grade is a B+, the second best in the game (only Tuta's is better). ------------------------------------ 86. Nadir, Caleria Inn second floor, (C3, H4, G4), Support Bring three men, two women, and a child in your party to recruit him. Support characters do not count toward this total. Note that most teenagers in the game, such as Hugo and Aila, count as children. The Duck Clan characters count as men. Augustine and the mounts (e.g. Fubar) do not fall into any category. Nadir is the person you give scripts to. He is located in the tavern on the first floor of Lake Castle (where Anne, Nei, Toppo, and Shabon are). ------------------------------------ 87. Nei, VdZ, (T1, G1, C2, H3) Talk to Nei and Toppo at the screen with the inn. Head to the front of the Guild Hall and beat Guillaume in a duel and she'll join with Shabon and Toppo. ------------------------------------ 88. Nicolas, Mt. Senai, (G5) Do NOT choose to abandon the villagers when given the option during the series of battles at Mt. Senai. ------------------------------------ 89. Peggi, Great Hollow Blacksmith, (T1, G1, C3, H3), Support Talk to the Chisha man in the Great Hollow Trade Shop to get an Iron Hammer. Talk to Peggi and give him the hammer. If you somehow lost the Iron Hammer, it's likely you can give him one of the other Hammers to recruit him. Peggi is located to the right of Juan's spot at Lake Castle. That is, from the main entrance screen where Cecile stands, take a left on your mini-map down the stairs. ------------------------------------ 90. Rhett, Duck Village outside of the Rune Shop, (C4, G4, H4) Put Sgt. Joe in your party and talk to he and Wilder. Both will join. ------------------------------------ 91. Rody, outside of Alma Kinan inn, (C3, G4, H4) Joins with Estella. See her entry for details. ------------------------------------ 92. Ruby, Mt. Senai, (G5) Do NOT choose to abandon the villagers when given the option during the series of battles at Mt. Senai. ------------------------------------ 93. Sanae Y, Duck Village behind the inn, (T1, C3, G3, H3) Sanae Y will be available for recruiting once your total recruits, both automatic and non-automatic, total around 30. When she's available, she'll be at the above location talking to a Duck Clan member. Talk to them and pick the first or second choice to recruit her. ------------------------------------ 94. Scott, west side of Brass Castle, (T1, G1, C2, H3), Support Bring a Deer Antler to him. You can get one from the Trade Shops at VdZ, Duck Village, or Caleria. Scott opens the Trade Shop at Lake Castle. To get to his shop, exit the screen where Juan, Barts, and Peggi stand to the left/west. Go left a little on the next screen and you'll see his shop. ------------------------------------ 95. Shabon, VdZ in front of the Guild Hall, (T1, G1, C2, H3) Talk to Nei and Toppo at the screen with the inn. Head to the front of the Guild Hall and beat Guillaume in a duel and she'll join with Nei and Toppo. ------------------------------------ 96. Sharon, Caleria, (C4, G4, H4) Joins with Futch and Bright. Check Futch's entry for details. ------------------------------------ 97. Toppo, VdZ, (T1, G1, C2, H3) Talk to Nei and Toppo at the screen with the inn. Head to the front of the Guild Hall and beat Guillaume in a duel and he'll join with Nei and Shabon. ------------------------------------ 98. Tuta, Chisha, (C4, G4, H4), Support Put Mio in your party. Head through the double doors of the tavern in the basement. Head left and take the first pathway up. Tuta will join. Tuta's Healing grade of an A+ is the best. ------------------------------------ 99. Twaikin, Great Hollow, (T1, G1, H2, C3) At the main area on the first floor, take the SE exit on your mini-map. Go through the next screen to exit. At the screen after, head to the far left and talk to Twaikin. When the lizard guard asks, say "Nothing" then recruit him. Thanks to SimUser for correcting my previous info. that incorrectly stated Hugo could not get Twaikin until his chapter 3. ------------------------------------ 100. Viki (Big), Mt. Path entrance nearest to Plain Amur, (C4, G4, H4) After visiting Lake Castle in ch. 4, head to the Mt. Path and go past the first screen where the blue save crystal is. Viki will pop up as you're heading up the path. Big Viki can teleport you anywhere on the World Map and is standing to the right of the elevator on the first floor of Lake Castle. ------------------------------------ 101. Viki (Small), Mt. Path entrance nearest to Plain Amur, (C4, G4, H4) Put Big Viki in your party and teleport back to the Mt. Path. Walk up the same way and Small Viki will appear. Small Viki gives you the Blinking Mirror, which allows you to instantly go back to Lake Castle as long as you're on the World Map screen. ------------------------------------ 102. Wan Fu, Chisha at the bottom of stairs from the Item Shop, (C3, H3, G4) Talk to him and pay 3,000 potch to pick up his food bill. ------------------------------------ 103. Watari, Iksay Village, (T1, C2, G4, H4) Hiding between the two houses on the right as you enter Iksay. Pay him 100,000 potch to recruit. Journeyman sent me this e-mail about getting Watari: "In Iksay Village- If Watari does not show up instantly, go to the inn to save then do a soft reset, After loading you should see Watari across from the inn between the 2 houses." Thanks to Journeyman for this tip. ------------------------------------ 104. Wilder, Duck Village outside of the Rune Shop, (C4, G4, H4) Put Sgt. Joe in your party and talk to he and Rhett. Both will join. ------------------------------------ 105.-108. Check the 108 Stars of Destiny Bonus in section 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5d. The 4 Non-Stars After you get Koroku, you can recruit 4 more dogs who do not count toward the 108 Stars of Destiny list. You can start recruiting these other dogs in ch. 4 and you do not have to have any of the other dogs in your active party to get them. I believe you _do_ have to get them in the order listed below because it's how Kidd scouts them. -Koichi, North Cavern He's halfway up on the second screen from the entrance, to the right behind a barrel. -Connie, Great Hollow Take the same SE exit you did when getting Twaikin. Exit that path and take the middle exit on this screen on your mini- map. Go up the pathway a little and she's lying right on the path. -Kosanji, Mt. Senai From the entrance, keep going north a few screens until you can take the path that exits right on the mini-map. Follow it out and you'll come to a cliff. Wander the edge of the cliff to the bottom of the screen and you'll see him struggling up the cliffside (just keep hitting X as you wander the edge if you can't see him). -Kogoro, Cyndar Ruins From the main entrance to the Ruins where there's 3 pathways and a blue save crystal, take the left path. On the next screen, take the first left on your mini-map. When you get to the dead end square, look to the top right corner. You'll see a sliver of a black tail--this is the final non-star dog. Talk to him after he's through dancing to adopt.