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18 members and 2 visitors
Mortamer , Kezef [Moderator] , Nlky , Nakio! , Mosrael , LightMerlin [Admin] , Ailex , fhyona , Emily Strange , Lesha , Tsuruchi , Eru , evader , Laera , AceJP , Numberrtoo , StarCoral , Youlanda ,

> Latest Discussions
Emily Strange @ 12-22-03 18:05
Read: 39,156   Comments: 1,344
Kezef @ 12-22-03 18:02
Read: 154   Comments: 15
Silmarillion @ 12-22-03 18:01
Read: 266   Comments: 26
Therisa @ 12-22-03 18:00
Read: 781   Comments: 44
Lesha @ 12-22-03 17:54
Read: 218   Comments: 26
Emily Strange @ 12-22-03 17:53
Read: 9   Comments: 0
Nigma @ 12-22-03 17:43
Read: 53   Comments: 4
Nigma @ 12-22-03 17:41
Read: 313   Comments: 19
ElvenLynliss @ 12-22-03 17:39
Read: 15   Comments: 2
Eska @ 12-22-03 17:24
Read: 5,550   Comments: 296

 The Merriest of Dreams
Posted by Ramarayan - 12-19-03 14:03 - 156 comments comments
Tired and weary from a long day? Come take a nice nap at the inns of Mileth, Rucesion, and Noam. And may your dreams be merry.

((This is a Christmas event that takes place outside the world of Dark Ages.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,
DA Team))

as posted on DA site.
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 Meallaire Trivia Hour
Posted by LightMerlin - 11-29-03 02:28 - 41 comments comments
Meallaire will host a Trivia Hour on Sunday, November 30, at 6 pm PST. It will take place at the Ampetheatre outside Tagor Church. Aislings between the insights of 11-60 may compete. A series of 30 questions will be asked, varying in difficulty. As the difficulty of questions increases, the value of prizes will increase. Aislings with the most correct answers may compete for 5 different Mystery Grand Prizes.

To Enter: Arrive on time at the Tagor Ampetheatre. Aislings who arrive a half hour more
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 Network Updates
Posted by Zardok - 11-24-03 17:47 - 15 comments comments
On Monday the 23rd of September, from about 1AM to 4AM PST the Nexon network will undergo updates and changes. During this time Darkages players may experience game down time, or account page availability outages.

We are sorry for any trouble this may cause, and hope that you will understand that these updates are necessary

Zardok: September? I think they mean Monday the 23rd of February 2004
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 New Moderator Position!
Posted by LightMerlin - 11-23-03 23:00 - 177 comments comments
In an effort to crack down on the steady increase of flaming, and general idiocy, a new moderator position is opening.

This position however will be diffrent than the others as it will work in a user-decision way.

What does this mean?

Reply to this topic with who YOU wish to see as a moderator (Serious suggestions only, or i'll skin you alive). You can suggest multiple people.

At the end of this week, the user with the most referrals will be made a moderator. After a certain amount of time, an evaluation will be requested from users as to how good the moderator performed. If the reports are all more
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 The Pantheon : Auditions.
Posted by Lorre - 11-23-03 04:57 - 40 comments comments
~~ The embossed paper looks fancy enough for an Oren Ball invitation~~

My fellow aislings! I am pleased and delighted to announce that the Garamonde Theatre is currently working on a new play, to be called "The Pantheon." It is a history, through acting, of each of the various dieties of Temuair, and how they came to be as they are today.

The script is still in the process of being written. Obviously, this cannot be done, and done right, without the input of those knowledgeable about such things. We are in need of both scripting ideas, and actors. If you, dear reader, feel you know your religion well more
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 Eulogy: Ceremony
Posted by LightMerlin - 11-20-03 20:47 - 45 comments comments
The Eulogy: Ceremony

Kalliope writes:

A priest of each member of the Trinity appeared at dawn and began long chants of the tales of their arch-deity.

In Pravat the Grimlok worship Adranuch, their Lady of Gold. In Astrid the Kobolds worship Arpina, their All-Mother. In Mehadi the Mukul worship Matrika, their Goddess of the Sun-heart.

Bard of Undine
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 Eulogy: Octave
Posted by LightMerlin - 11-20-03 20:46 - 4 comments comments
The Eulogy: Octave

Kalliope writes a new octave in remembrance of Danaan and the cycle that has begun:

One gave us our eyes and taught us how to see.
Two comforted our sight.
Three showed us the beauty of the world.
Four gave a glimpse of knowledge.
Five protected our gift with reason.
Six revealed the hidden.
Seven showed us the battle.
Eight made us wish we had never seen at all.

Bard of Undine
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 New Option To Learn Master Skills/spells
Posted by Green Fox - 11-20-03 20:21 - 49 comments comments
They have added the option to relearn accidently forgotten or missed Master skills/spells, great news for those unfortunate to accidently miss or delete them!

How-to: For those wondering how, it couldn't be easier. Go to the temple of choosing, talk to Aoife or whatever her name is, then "Remember master spells/skills" or something like that. It will cost you 10k experience, but really...that's like nothing.
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 Eulogy: Trinity
Posted by Zyleci - 11-18-03 10:18 - 63 comments comments
11.17.03 Eulogy: Trinity

Jean, who provided lore of Mehadi Flowers during The Pact, confirms speculations on the stars and the number of years:

Our beloved poet of Undine relates something that has captivated my attention for some time: the cycle of time, rotations of stars that bring this ceremony into the heart of a great alignment. It is the 40th anniversary of That Moment. Just as every god transforms into the next through the affair of the heart, the day of the week transforms into the next God. Just as the first day of the week begins with Deoch's holy day, the first year of the new epoch bega more
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 Check Out The New Monk Page.
Posted by Nigma - 11-17-03 20:37 - 52 comments comments

tell me what you think, and post any errors in this thread.

(armour/equip/quests arent done yet, those will take me a couple more days.)

and excuse my silly grammer mistakes with the apostraphy s
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 Eingren Manor
Posted by Hyrulian - 11-14-03 20:28 - 563 comments comments
"Some strange things lie within the heart of this island, evil things."

"Near the village there was a peak and at the top was a large mansion called Eingren Manor."

"Everyone eventually left the town leaving it barren. No one really knows what happened there."
user posted image

Anyone got a idea where the island is yet?
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 New Rucesion and Abel
Posted by LightMerlin - 11-7-03 15:34 - 66 comments comments
The sudden snow storm has finally passed, but the damage was done. The towns of Rucesion and Abel were not made for such harsh weather. The building walls started to crack and soon enough, they will eventually crumble. The news of this crisis spread across Temuair to the other towns. Architectures and engineers from all over came to offer their assistance. Within a double moon, new buildings were constructed for both Rucesion and Abel.
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 Want Free Game-time And Merchandise?
Posted by LightMerlin - 11-4-03 14:16 - 21 comments comments
PlanetDA is currently brewing up a new contest to put more life into the site in the visual department.

If you have any sort of art talent, or even experience with creating websites and you want free game time, and possibly even some DarkAges merchandise for free, then this contest is for you!

Interested? Come to the chat tonight (read news thread below) and you'll get all the details!

(If you cannot attend, the contest details will be available later tonight or tomorrow morning).

Grab your pens, pencils, mouse, keyboard or whatever you need!
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 It's That Time Again!
Posted by LightMerlin - 10-30-03 12:54 - 96 comments comments will be hosting another live chat with the Developers/Game masters of Dark Ages (

The chat will take place Tuesday, November 4th at 3 PST.

For those of you who have not attended a chat hosted by, here's how it works.

We will be holding an hour-long moderated (You may not talk in the main chat room) discussion during which time you will be given specific instructions on how to submit questions. If your question is chosen, the PDA staff will ask the question in the main channel, and one or more of the DarkAges staff will address the question as best they can.< more
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 Snow Storm ((dark Ages 5.51))
Posted by Aesica - 10-30-03 12:29 - 233 comments comments
The clouds were dark over eastern Temuair for a few moons. Mundanes thought nothing of it, clouds would always come ago. But not these clouds, they lingered for sometime, mustering their strength. Within the late night they unleashed their power. A cold and heavy storm struck east Temuair. Rucesion and Abel were most affected, buildings were damaged and the water, frozen.

((Dark Ages will now be updating to version 5.51. All players must download and install the new client to be able to log on to Dark Ages. The server will also be down for a few minutes so we can update it as well. Make sure the complete client (58MB) has been more
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 Version 5.51 Delay
Posted by Aesica - 10-27-03 21:48 - 152 comments comments
We regret to announce that the release of version 5.51 has been pushed back to Thursday October 30, 2003.

DA Team
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 Raiders Of Undine Part Two Postponed
Posted by Sakura - 10-26-03 21:55 - 6 comments comments
Due to the release of the new Dark Ages client on Monday, Raiders of
Undine: Chapter II has been moved to Wednesday October 29th at 4:00 PM
PST. For more details on the event see the previous news post here or

(4:00 pm PST = 7:00 pm EST, by the way.)
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 Art Contest Winners Announced!
Posted by Kobea - 10-24-03 20:34 - 182 comments comments
As seen on

Click on the link below to see the winners of the Art Contest. It make take some time to load the page because of the heavy art content. Some of the entries shown were reduced in size. Congratulations to the winners and all who entered.

"Contest Winners"
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 Darkages 5.51
Posted by LightMerlin - 10-22-03 19:25 - 446 comments comments
We here at are pleased to announce the latest DarkAges News straight from their site;

On Monday, October 27, 2003, Dark Ages will be updating from version 5.21 to version 5.51. The new client will be available for download on the website at Click the link below for more details.

Newsletter 4 (Upgrade Details)Newsletter 4 (Ugrade Details)
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 Customer Support Update
Posted by Aesica - 10-20-03 21:21 - 73 comments comments
1) Due to player abuse, name changes will no longer be offered for heretical names.

2) Due to player abuse, we will not edit any character stats unless a bug has occurred.

3) For faster responses...

All emails pertaining to bugs, technical issues, website issues, and character sharing should be sent to

All emails pertaining the game-play, in-game issues, comments and suggestions should be sent to

All emails pertaining to account info, registration, renewal, and coupons should be sent to

Emails sent to the incorre more
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