Endangered Species Project

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Endangered Species Project The Cougar used to be all over North America,even in southern Canada! It can still be found living in the west. Eastern Cougars however, can be found in Canada's Great Plains and near the Eastern Border of North Ameican.Recently, people have been seeing Eastern Cougars in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Québec, Ontario and the Eastern United States. This could mean they are making a comeback. They mainly eat White-Tailed Deer. Being endangered, they have protection against hunting, to help the animal re-establish itself. It might still not make a big comeback however, because their biggest obstacle is the less of undisturbed habitats.

The diffrence between these Marmots and other ones are that their Fur is a Rich Chocolate-Brown color with Contrasting White patches. In the Mid- 1980's there were around 300 left. And now there are only around 100, with the ones in captivity.Vancouver Island marmots hibernate for about seven months each year, from late September to early May. Most marmots don't breed until they reach 4 years old, and thereafter usually breed only every second year.

The Harlequin is a small duck. At an average weight of less than 700 g for males and less than 600 g for females.the adult male is striking and brightly coloured, it has mixes of Blue, Chestnut, White, and Grey. While the Female and Youth only have Brown, Grey and White as colors.In western North America, there is around 200 000 to 300 000 Harlquin Ducks. But in the East, there is fewer then 1000.The western population breeds in Alaska, Yukon, British Columbia, Alberta, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Washington.The eastern population breeds in Labrador, northern Quebec, the Gaspé Peninsula, the island of Newfoundland, and northern New Brunswick.

The Cucumber Tree is very rare in Canada, it's found in the Southern parts of Ontario, North of Lake Erie.The tree grows up to 25 metres high.The Cucumber Tree's fruit looks alot like a cucumber, but when it's mature,it turns red and splits to release one or two seeds. Animals and Birds love to feed on these seeds.