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=[PWN3D]= Headquarters

This is =[PWN3D]= headquarters! What's =[PWN3D]= you ask? Well, I'll tell you! =[PWN3D]= is a clan for online gaming. Mainly for Kaillera, but hey, we're not segregists here! It's a clan for ANYTHING online! But you see, =[PWN3D]= is a much different clan than all the others out there. Instead of of creating a clan for those who excel in thier specific field, well.....this clan is for those who SUCK at what they do. Yes, thats right:

We Suck.

Instead of telling others that "I have a headache and therfore cannot play to my maximum ability" etc., we have realized that we just plain old suck major ass! I stumbled upon this notion when I began to play "The King of Fighters" on Kaillera. I can stomp the computer with my crazy computer stomping skills, but I constantly get owned by others that play online. Ashamed, you say? No, I most certainly am not! Because I love King of Fighters no matter how much I blow! So, how about it? If you can't keep up with regular clans and thier aspiring players, join =[PWN3D]=!

Joining =[PWN3D]=
The =[PWN3D]= Bushido
Members List
