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The Grudge Center

This is the, obviously, the Grudge Match center - home of all the fights people want to see yet were never voted for. It's my way of saying "Alright, already, stfu -- here's your stupid fight already!" Ok, I'm just kidding, but seriously... there's two sections here [/obvious]. One is called "ETC" [Extra Things and Crap] and this is filled with concepts up phorumers not yet entered into matches or grudges or whatnot. It's good stuff. And the other is called "Grudge Arena", which is of course the place where these extra grudge matches will be cateloged and placed. So far most people at the phorums want to see Penance vs. Tartanfury? Well let's just say I may have a treat for these happy fools very soon. Anyway, out."