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Gamers Unite

Ladies and gentlemen, video game enthusiasts everywhere. We must unite against a battle that has gotten out of hand, and in a more ridiculous manner each time we have to fight. I'm talking about unnecessary censorship of video games. There are parents out there that insist on buying games for their children that are inappropriate for their age group, and then want to have the game censored or changed to be acceptable to their personal views. This is completely wrong; that's why game makers have games rated "E" for everyone. There are hundreds of "E" rated games, yet "concerned" parents continue to purchase "T" and "MA" -rated games for their underage children. When certain offensive options can be halted on a video game, then the company has done it's job of making sure it doesn't offend it's buyers. It is then up to the buyer of the game to control this option and not ruin gaming experiences for everyone. I find it difficult to believe that anyone could petition against Tony Hawk to begin with; he's the Bagel Bites guy, he's appeared on Rocket Power, he's a family man. Not to mention he's an outstanding role-model for young boys everywhere. Parents of Danville who own one or more copies of his games are suddenly concerned about the music on them, and therefore are trying to have the game altered to suit themselves. 250 people in Danville, VA have signed a petition to either have the music removed from the game, or have the game removed from the shelves of major marketers. While Danville isn't the biggest city on the map, certainly a victory in this sense will give these people who think they can edit the world to fit their own personal desires a sense of power over the majority of us that are not offended by nonsense. Be heard. Do not tolerate people trying to extinguish your freedom. Add your signature to this petition to STOP P.A.T.H. There are a couple ways you can do this. Find the petition in select locations around Danville, Va., and sign. Send your name and comments HERE and be counted by email. CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE PETITION AND BE COUNTED. Do your part and be heard and counted, or let people change things to their liking without regard for how you like it.

sometimes it's nice to have an alias

We are proudly affiliated with LANEVOLUTION.
Oh and after looking at their graphic I don't feel the need to run out, buy automatic weapons, and kill people. As most normal people wouldn't.

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Built in haste by Shannon of 7769 Productions. Image 1 & ANTI-PATH banner created by Shannon, and is copyright 2003 7769 Productions. Images 2 & 3 from The Danville Register & Bee, registerbee.com, and scanned by Shannon. LAN Evolution graphic is copyright LAN Evolution and no you can't take any of these graphics without specific & explicit permission from their respective owners.
