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Sorry for the incompleteness, need pictures. So, everything will be posted as I obtain it. -Jake

Last Updated:

04 November, 2003

11 June, 2003 @ The River

    This last bout, we gained a couple of Savannah boys that were very well armed. One had a 98 Custom with a flat-line system and the other, I believe, was a Rebel that he shot like an auto. This was Jon's second time with combat experience, and I killed him... MUHAUYAGHHAHAHAHAHAHA. Overall, the day was hot, sunny, humid and not buggy. However, I found 5 ticks on me so far. Tony and Shaun were also playing at this war. (No pictures)-Jake

21 July, 2003 @ The River

    What do I say, you invite 14 and get 6 with 5 guns. Nonetheless, the fight was fun and the poison ivy count minimal. Jon tested his new Spider and I tested the 98 Custom I bought from him. Shaun wasted two tanks of C02 and a new game was invented: Tag. My congratulations to Eli, for the one in a million shot of one shot, head shot accuracy. The stupid part was, I never saw him. Jason's first day of paintball lead him to understand why we spend money like we do, and got him hooked. Also, with Jason, great job with your'em from behind. -Jake

2 August, 2003 @ Bluffwoods

    We picked on three more, this time potentionally regulars, all with Carbines. We tested our team in action and there is obvious room for improvemnt, however, we were not bad together. Other than me losing a radio and getting shot up by an old man who jumped in a game without knowing the rules, the game was fun. -Jake

13 August, 2003 @ Jason's Property

    This was definately a larger fight. The oppertunity for 10 on 10 was available, however, we evened the teams out amongst noobs and kids. Basically it was us vs. them, and the land was perfect for paintball, excluding the manure piles and cow patties. And poor little Jon had to work, not next time. - Jake

23 August, 2003 @ The River

    Evan finally got himself an Eranger, and was set to play some serious ball. Josh came and brought his friend Lyle who n00bishly removed his mask in play and as the saying goes, shot his eye out. Luckily he's ok, but then again, you shouldn't drop all your paint on the ground. We have many pictures coming in, alot of which are black and white...thank you Becky. We've come to realize that speedball is a lot of fun. We found a nice open, mowed piece of land with scattered trees. Perfect for hidding and moving. And I've come to a conclusion: Shaun hasn't killed anyone yet...a Tippman 98 Custom with the Flatline barrel system, and 0 kills. Also Shaun, if you read this...when I yell surrender, you should listen. Nice. -Jake

26 August, 2003 @ The River

    Ironically, Jon, Shaun, Evan and I all had the same day off. So, instead of wasting time to request the day off, we played speedball. Blaine came to play with the Brass Eagle gun, whatever the hell it was, and soon found his paintballs all over the ground as a result of me shooting his marker. Go Blaine! Becky decided it was too dark to take pictures, so she grabbed a gun and was ready to go. That same fight that Blaine's gun fell apart, I was rushing up on Evan and Jon when Evan charged me and got a smudge in the face and a shot in the heart, when Jon flew around the corner. He got me in the leg, but I hit him under the arm and on the calf killing him. The best part was, he was five feet away, and the calf shot bruised and scabbed over instantly. Little Jon Jon got a nasty boo boo. Muahahhahahaha. Sorry you were grounded Chris, but at least you got to play! - Jake

28 September, 2003 @ Jason's Property

    All I have to say is those guys were finally caught cheating. Some dude got completely raped by four people, four honorable opponents, and somehow or another came out...completely lit up, and alive. The best part, however, was when Jon used Evan's autococker to completely light Blaine up Rambo style. No one ever said that friendly fire was off. - Jake

02 November, 2003 @ The River

    A word from the wise, n00bies...if someone tells you that they don't think that your tank is full becasue their scale is broken and you get your CO2 for free, then more than likely you won't have any air. -Jake

29 November, 2003 @ The Savana Kids' Place

    Never in my paintball career have I competed against such camponous n00bs as I have today. One kid even had a rifle scope on his 98 Custom, does that not say camper? Either way, they could only piss Jon and I even more by moving into position prior to the game starting. Evan's gun was out of CO2 and our n00bish teammate from their side was no help with his camping, so Jon and I killed. Two on Five and we creamated them. I killed a bunch of people. -Jake

20 December, 2003 @ Selecman's

Never have I sucked as bad as today. Zero kills and six deaths. It's almost like I was the n00b. However, when you have a shit load of campers playing and your team won't kick out to support your moving and moreover leave you to certain death, I only suppose that my causualties could have been significantly higher. Someone, apparently, had been doing something team seemed to have been the winning pick.

29 December, 2003 @ Selecman's

Finally I was able to see the A-5 in action. It's too bad that the kid didn't know how to use it, or else it could have been the challenge I expected. Lots of death and 6 on 6. Everyone liked the Bomb Defusal scenario, here's to CS, and here's to Mr. Anderson for finally coming out to play.

27 March, 2004 @ Jeagars Subsurface Paintball

I'll appologise for not typing up a few of our battles in the late winter, however, time is desprite measurement. The one event that desirves some true reconition, though, would be this silly tournament that we felt would be a fun, easy game. You see, having a three man team with about 2.5 years of practice a piece, a beginers tournament was just what we needed; a little competition. Ironically, this beginers tournament featured several professionally sponcered teams with angels. In other words, their masks and hoppers cost more than all of my equiptment put together. Include the marker, and you could be my life into slavery. This was a joke. A slaughtering if you will, by professional players entering a beginers tournament (classified as no more than four tournaments in the past year). And that's not including the unsportsmanlike conduct of five unpunished breaks where the max is three and the ref calling me out for wearing a band that I was told to wear. Refraining from bad words, I for one will never goto Jeagars again, for any cause, as neat as the caves look. They even knowingly allowed an 'intermediate' team to partisipate. Our team paid over $200 to play there and never stood a chance where we seriously should have. Thank You Jeagers, for once again addinging to the list of reasons as to why paintball died nearly 20 years ago. This sport is for fun and recreation, as all other sports, not for the business marketing and bad sportsmanship. I also appologise to Jon and Jason; this was my idea to jump into this tournament and I thought this behaivor had deceased. - Jacob Thompson