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ILL-FATED - American Gladiators - Awesome List - What I Hate

organization is over rated
this damn notebook is so ill fated
grass grass grass
trees trees trees
when the birds take flight
the demons do fight
and tell me Jessie
how many ill-fated's do you like

You want to know what the coolest word ever is? Its so ill-fated I don't know if your mind and even handle the immense power it holds, but if you already read the top of the page, and your left boob didn't explode, then my ill-fated friend, you are ill fated. But your wondering... "Sensei, are you ill-fated" Well.... yes and no, I am pretty ill and of course we are all fated, or something like that, but I'm am no so ill-fated that I'm that kind of ill-fated, there are only a select few who aren't ill fated. Chances are you are, don't worry, it means you suck at life, like everyone else, but you are also ugly. Fat lady in an isle. If you have no idea what I am saying, then you are ill fated, and my ill-fated ill-fate... that is sad, the are only a couple hundred meanings of the word and if you don't know them, well once again you suck at life, and your right boob wants to kill itself, but since it has no limbs it cant, and it blames you, you ill-fated fiend. Have any questions about them e-mail at

I was at the mall one time right, and this girl kept saying "Hi" to me, so my friend says to her, "shut the hell up or come over here and talk to us", so she did, she said hi and then said suck some "wee wee"... so I said you want to suck some "wee wee" and she stopped... She said "alright" so I said "ill fated", then her left boob died, and so did she. This is how I realize the power of the word. And that's when became... "Sensei". But then my friends and I threw bricks at her. Then an Ill-Fated cat that everyone knew was ill-fated. So I did a back flip. Now my old name s gone with and everyone calls me "Sensei".

So one day I was in school and some hamster ran up and threw a fat lady in the isle. Then my teacher said... Sensei what are you doing, then I said " you know the usual... ill-fated..." And didn't die... nor did his boob. So I threw a brick at him and he died. I didn't feel like doing a back flip so I did a roll thing, don't know what it was but it was so ill-fated that everyone closed their eyes.... well only some of them did, some of them lost a boob... I told them they could be ill-fated if ill-fated did like them, but they wouldn't listen. So... They are ugly and they suck at life.

One day I was at school and I thought I was walking into the boys locker room, but it wasn't, it was the girls one and I said... "Whoa that's so ill fated..." and suddenly all the boobs were cut in 1/2... they tried to attack me but I brought my bricks... so they couldn't do much, so after they were tending to their one boob and brick wounds.. I said to them... ill- fated... it hates you and you all suck at life.. Fat lady in an isle. and I walked out like the bad ass I am... like "Sensei"

One day this kid walked up to me and he was all like...ill fated.. I stared for hours at a fat lady in the isle and the I looked at him and I said....who are you... he said his name was Justyn... and I was like... do you like bricks.. and he threw one at some person and they died... and I said... ill fated... and he didn't lose a boob... so I said he can join me... but I said... we have to throw bricks a lot and he said ok. and we both looked at a fat lady in an isle.

One day I was in school and I was like, bring it to everyone and so I got into about 7 fights the first one I dominated like usual, 2nd one I killed with a vicious use of the word "Ill-Fated", many boobs were lost, and that is sad... but hey you mess with "Sensei".. you get exactly what you asked for... one boob and death, pure domination is also common, maybe without fatal acts... but not normally. Anyways I owned all the way to the seventh  and then... there he was he was freaking huge.... and he had a hamster... ready to use... to I said ill fated and he died... so that's what happened say the hardest thing to do that day was.... waking up to all these ill-fated ill-fates. so after a hard days work... Justyn and I threw bricks at cars and a squirrel or two, I think we actually killed a Chihuahua, but I'm not sure if it was my friend, a giant rat, or something else...