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Information : Role-Play Number # 3 Record - W : 000 - D : 000 - L : 000

Achievements : None


Nigel Harman : Looks like the rock has more to say tonight.
Ross Kemp : Well Nigel lets here what the man has to say !

The Rock : Ok , from day one , thats right day 1 i have known being in TCW would not be easy but there again i am the peoples champ and i will do whatever i have to do for my people i will win the belt for my fans and i will defend my belt for my fans hell the rock will defend the belt against Mark Binrack for his loving fans. You see Jindrak i thought I would come out to show my fans my appreciation for cheering me on, after all im a new person here in the TCW and i have experince in professional wrestling but Jindrak i have no experince with TCW Jabronis. Hell the Rock does not want to begin what he thinks off the Monkey asses around here. All I want is what everyone wants and that is the Total Carnage Wrestling World Championship. I will bleed , I will cry , I will sweat The Rock will even loose his own pride to please the fans and bring back gold home. I see a new bright future for the TCW fans and that is the new world champion The Rock, we dont need people like Mark Binrack being a fan favourite, that man has no charisma of talent most of all he doesnt even have the guts everynight to get beaten down to the ground by guys. The Rock wont always win but he will always win for his people, the rock will always win when he has the belt around his waist that is what i can gaurentee you all. Now Mark i will be a little generous , you see Mark facing the next big thing in TCW is not an easy task and me my self the rock would like to wish you good luck, so what in the blue hell does your candy ass have to say about that Jindrak ? Jindrak when we walk to that ring head to head , nose to nose , eye to eye we will look into each others eye and we will see the fear and hate and we will see what moves we plan to do. Jindrak watch your back when the Brahma bull is about you dont know what hes cooking and you dont know when hes going to beat your candy ass to the ground. Jindrak you better walk into your locker room look down in the ground and ask your self why you want the gold , do you want it to be a jabroni show off or do you want to win for the people. Jindrak a true champion always fights for his people and you will never have that ability till you prove The Rock wrong because the people love the rock forever those people want me to win and i will not tap out , i will not run away and i will not lie down while you battle with me. The Rock will get up and give you a good old fashioned ass whooping to your candy ass. So i suggest before our match you train hard and you dont roll your mouth to your backstage freinds on how good you are like your some show off. The rock wont certainly roll his mouth before the match he will roll his mouth after the match when he beats your ass onto the ground and he wins the world gold at the end of the tournement. You see Jindrak you better put all you have because The Rock wont even think twice about snapping your ass in half. Jindrak when you look into the rocks eyes you wont feel the same ever again because i will take out my rage on you and i will not stop till you bleed i will not stop till your carrear is over i will only stop when you are crippled in a stretcher !!! Now the rock has one thing .. One thing only to say...

If you smell what the rock is cookin ?!!!!!!!!