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Welcome to the       NWA | Clan         Webbpage!!


                    Who are NwA and where do they come from?
Forum          NwA is a new counter strike clan on it's way to the top. The clan was started by a cupple of skilled, but Members        bored, gamers with a lot of extra time to kill. The original Nwa members are all from Saltsjöbden, an Downloads      outcast to Stockholm the capital of Sweden. We here at NwA see a bright future ahead. And we look forward to         all of our upcoming CB's and Pracc's.
ScreenShots    If you are intrested in a BC against NwA or you of some other reason want to get in touch with us, below are                two mail adresses to the two CL's of NwA.

               NwA only have one CS server up and running ant the moment... play with us at

               You can allso find us at mIRC qnet #naturewitharms

               Contact NwA | Cop$kill
               Contact NwA | M@gical