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Its here the the older version had bugs now the V2 model is 97

 Money Generator (V2)

Its here the the older version had bugs now the V2 model is 97% accurate in how much money will be put in your account. This model will put money that was requested in your account every Day  Just sign the guest book (REMEMBER MUST HAVE $5,000 IN YOUR ACCOUNT FOR THE GENERATOR TO WORK ON TO YOUR ACCOUNT THERE MUST BE AN ODD NUMBER OTHER FROM 1 ALSO YOU MUST LOG OF OR THE GENERATOR CANNOT LOG ON TO THE NITTO WEB GAME IF YOU DECIDE TO NOT LOG OFF THE COMPUTER GENERATOR WILL REBOOT OR CANCEL YOUR TRANSACTION REMEMBER THE TRANSACTION MAY TAKE A WHILE THERE IS ONLY ONE GENERATOR  ) just Sign your name and password (WE GUARANTEE A SAFE MONEY TRANSACTION) if you leave a email you will get a bar number this is only for security reasons and if there is a problem with a transaction you will be notified by that bar number. Also for Teams on Nitto that would like there names posted on this site fill out a form under my guestbook But just put in your team name under name ,Thank you for you patronage . (The downloadable Generator will be put on the site soon)

(This money Generator is Guarded BY SHAWN RAY CORP and cannot be hacked or copied IF TRIED THE PERSONS/Person WILL BE PUNISHED BY LAW)



Our car duplicator is safe and easy its also very fun because you can copy as any car as much times as you please (Directions :

The process of the car duplicator is the same as the money generator ( Money will not be taken or put in your account)


(Safe guard by Shawn Ray Corp)

The Un Official Working Gear Ratios

Nitto Gear Ratios

Civic Stock Tuned Ratios
1st 3.230 3.174
2ed 2.105 2.05
3rd 1.458 1.487
4th 1.107 1.176
5th .848 966
6th 0.0 731
Final 4.400 4.539
Rsx Stock  
1st 3.27 4.383
2ed 2.13 2.412
3rd 1.52 1.599
4th 1.15 1.159
5th .92 .829
6th .74 .689
Final 4.39 4.035
Lancer Stock  
1st 2.298 5.402
2ed 1.950 3.15
3rd 1.407 1.9
4th 1.036 1.3
5th .720 94
6th 0.00 76
Final 4.529 3.75
Svt Stock  
1st 3.99 4.71
2ed 2.152 2.697
3rd 1.509 1.814
4th 1.125 1.406
5th .88 1.064
6th .65 854
Final 4.133  
Supra Stock  
1st 3.724  
2ed 2.246  
3rd 1.541  
4th 1.205  
5th 1.000  
6th .818  
Final 3.266  
Skyline Stock  
1st 3.83  
2ed 2.36  
3rd 1.68  
4th 1.31  
5th 1  
6th .79  
Final 3.54  
Viper Stock  
1st 2.66 4.708
2ed 1.78 2.238
3rd 1.3 1.579
4th 1 1.177
5th .74 .917
6th .5 .676
Final 3.07 3.086


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Racing Tips

Racing Tips

Starting line: When you are at the starting line try giving your self a little NoS this is good because you can get a quick boost but be careful because if you redline you could harm your engine.

Using NoS: When using NoS its always best to use it around 3rd gear .

If you would like to no more about Nos look here courses_nitrous_oxide.html





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