NHL Game Day Walk-out
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NHL Game Day Walk-out

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With the CBA looming in the background of the 2003 NHL season, neither side has come to an agreement. Such action could cost fans the 2004-05 season if the players decide on a walkout. In an effort to send a message to the players and owners, as well as Gary Bettman, commissioner of hockey, I propose a walkout by fans on one day during the season. Fans should walk out of games 10 minutes into the first period of each respective game on Saturday, March 26, 2004. Fans are asked to return to their seats when the second period begins Twenty-four teams are scheduled to play on this date including big market teams like Detroit, New York, Montreal, Toronto, and Boston. Let the players and owners know it's the fans who are the most important asset to hockey and its future. If the players are going to walk out on us, let's walk out on them. Please pass the word along and help make this walkout a success. Help save the 2004-05 season and the sport of hockey.

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