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Nancy Drew The Haunted Carousel Walkthrough

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IF YOU NEED THE PICTURES (THE WEBSITE WILL NOT LET ME PUT THEM ON HERE) YOU CAN MAIL OR IM ME! You will start out typing a letter. After, you will be in Nancy's hotel room. First go to the nightstand next to the bed closest to the desk and look at the room service menu. Then go toward the laptop on the desk. When you get there check your inbox. It is important that you check it all the time. Check your journal and things to do list. The flag game is pretty easy. All you have to do is get three or more flags that are the same in a row. Click the flag you want to move, then click the place where you want it to be. You can play it later or now. After your done go to your suitcase and look at the pamphlet. Nancy will say "Rolfe Kessler....?" Get out of that and go towards the door. But don't go out yet. Turn to the right and you will see a small closet with toilet paper and extra towels. You will see an ironing board. When you click it the board will be down and the iron out. When you click the iron Nancy will say "I need to turn the iron on." There will be a switch behind it. When you click you'll see the iron and the board. When you click the iron it will go over the board. You will use it later. Back out of the ironing board but REMEMBER TO TURN OFF THE IRON. Click the switch off. Then back out and go to the door. It will automatically bring you to the front gate of the park. When you press forward a voice will say "Will the young lady who just entered the park please enter through the whales mouth to the left." When you go there you will meet Harlan Bishop. Talk to him about the shutdown. Then he will show you a tape of the carousel haunting. Then he will give you a map of the park and a fun card. Look around after your done talking to him. You willo see cones and different kinds of equipment. Then you will see lockers. When you go up to his locker he will say "Don't open that" Now go out the door. It's time to go see Joy. When you click her on the map it will bring you to her office. Whenh your about to click her door, Paula will call. She will tell you that all the rides are shut down except the carousel. When you hang up go talk to Joy. She will tell you what she thinks about Paula and the shutdown. After your done look around. You will see a thing with a blanket over it. It is on a filing cabinet. You can either look around now or later. After your done go through the door and go see Ingrid Corey. Talk to her. After your done go out the door and go see Elliot Chen. When you go there and open the door you will knock over a paint can. He will kick you out and tell you to talk to Joy. When you get to Joy's office she willnot be there. When you enter a voice will say "Who are you and what are you doing here?" You find out he is Miles the Magnificent Memory Machine. Talk to him and make sure you ask him who programmed him. After you leave the message why don't you look around. Look at the newspaper on the box. The things on the walls and the paper in the filing cabinet. You will find it's a paper with shorthand on it. You have to find out what the horses name is. After that leave her office and go to Elliot. When you go to his studio your phone will ring. Paula will say to look at a newspaper article on the wall in Joy's office. You have already seen it. Now got to Midway Games and play the game where you can get the seahorse token. It is easy if you have played The Final Scene. That is how it is supposed to be every level. Get the swimmer past all of the things in it's way. When you get the seahorse token go to the prize machine and click the button on the machine that has the seahorse token on it and get your prize. After you get it Nancy will knock down a can with it. Go ahead into Elliots studio. You will be aloud in but whenever you try to talk to him he will say "Can't talk, busy, busy, busy." You can look around. Look at the carousel horse book on the shelf. Pick up the peice of paper on the floor beside the lathe. You will use the lathe later. Go towards the magazine, but when you try to look at it Elliot will say things like "May I help you" or "Do you always go poking around in other peoples stuff?" Also look at the ruler on the desk thing. Behind it will be a role of tape. Also get the test strips from the shelf next to the desk thing. After your done why don't you check out the roller coaster? Go to it and when you go up to the door your phone will ring again. Talk and after your done go up to the door. When you go up to the keypad you will see a red tag. When you touch it the thing will come open. Don't do anything yet. Go see Ingrid to see what it is for. She will tell you to fix it. But you need to get her slodering gun from Elliot first. After your done go back to the roller coaster and open the keypad. Look at the instructions taped to the door. Then click the thing thats halfway out. It will take up your whole screen. Look at my picture and that is how it should look like when your done. When you are down close it and take the red tag off and go to Harlan. Then go back to the roller coaster. Use your keycard through the keypad. Go inside and keep going forward until you reach this. When you get there pick up the pencil and Nancy will say "This looks like one of Joy's." When it is in your inventory go toward the door. Uh oh! your trapped! Use your prize from the arcade and click the box in front of you with it. You have to rewire it. Make it like my picture. Get the wires like I have. First click the wires to unravel them. Then click those little switchy thingsto connect. After it is like my picture click Power and click the green butoon where the red arrow is. If you do it wrong you will be electrocuted. Alright! your saved. After you get your foot released go to the door and leave. After you get out call Bess and George. Tell them everything that is new. Also ask them to find a way to help you with shorthand. After your done talking to Bess and George go to Joy. Miles will be on and he will say to Joy that you were snooping when she wasn't there. Be truthful with her she will not be mad. Then Miles will tell you the riddle. Go to Elliot he will give you the answer. When your done talking to him go to the hotel to get the spoon. When your almost to your room your phone will ring. Bess and George are calling with the stenography. They say to check your inbox. When you hang up go in your room and order the Fundae first. Go to the phone next to the laptop. When it get's there eat it and get the spoon. You can then order a hamburger or pasta and veggie platter if you like. After your done go to Joy. Tell her you have an answer. Give it to Miles and he will give you the next riddle. It is a blank peice of paper. Go back to your hotel and go to your journal. Your latest entry is "The peice of paper Miles gave me smells like lemon." If you write things in lemon on paper it is invisible. But heat will make it appear. Go to the iron! Do you know what it means? Well it means the music of the carousel. But not a c.d., a roll! You need to go to the carousel straight away! While you are there swipe your fun card and ride it. Try and get the brass ring! YOU NEED IT. But be careful. If you reach to far you could fall off. After you get the ring go to the haunted house. When you get there your phone will ring. It will be K.J.Perris. Talk to him and after your done swipe your card through the keypad. It didn't work! Go see Ingrid about it. You find that she isn't there. Neither is Harlan. This is a good time to snoop. Go to Harlans first and look at the magazine by his computer. The Requested code on the magazine is 110190. That is the code to his locker. Wow! 0726 is Ingrids code. Looks like Harlan has been watching her! Well go see Ingrids now. Looks like Ingrid has spare cash! That is a very expensive watch. Now you have phone calls to make. Take out your cell phone and look in your directory for the two numbers. G Luis isn't there but will call you later. Now call L.H. Is Ingrid into something with Lance Huffington? You'll have to find out later. Now go back to the hotel and check your inbox and check the stenography. But when you get to the hotel your cell phone will ring. It is Paula. You find out she knows that Harlan is an ex-con. If you don't want to go through the whole stenograph lesson here is the answer: Glory. Type it in on the peice of paper. Now go see if Ingrid is back. When you are in front of her office your phone will ring. It will be the parol officer. When you get off the phone go in Ingrids office. She will be there. Talk to her. Then go to the haunted house. Your card works now. Go forward but don't go through the door. Look behind the broken shark and get the keyboard. Leave the Haunted House and go to Midway Games.Go to the broken game ans open it up and attach the keyboard. Click on the screen and type in SUPER, then press enter. Then Type in the serial number:KM5200 and press enter. Then play the game. On the squid toss these are the answers. left once shrimp. right once dolphin, right once whale. After you get those three tokens go to the prize machine and get the harmonica. Then talk to Joy.Miles will give you a hint about the riddle. After your done talking to Joy go to the carousel. Keep pressing forward until you can open a compartment with two keypads on either side. Go to the right side. When you open it there will be a note that says " Don't touch anything unless you call Tink" Sound familiar? It was in the hint Miles gave you. Call Tink on your cellphone. He will tell you the combination to the cabinet. 18 9 39. Now go to the keypad to the left. Swipe your card through and go to the cabinet and get the third roll. Then turn right until you find the trap door. Pick up the item on the ground. When you go up the little steps to the trap door when you look up you will see a letter. When you get out of the trap door fully look up and get your prize to knock the letter down. Read it. It is from Rolfe Kessler to Amelia Kessler. After that exit and go to the player and open the cabinet and try to put the third role on the stick. It will break when you try. Now you need to make a new one. Go to Elliot and ask him if you can use his lathe. GET THE GOGGLES FIRST! Always remember to take the goggles before you start using the lathe. But before you use the lathe go to that ruler and put the broken rod by it to measure. Now get the goggles first in circled in red. Then get a rod circled in blue. Then press where I circled in green. When you get close up put the rod right under that measure thing. Do what I did. I did that skinny line on the third setting. In pink put it on the third setting to get it like that. Then by 12 do the first setting (press on in yellow to saw through the wood) and you will be finished! After you have the new rod go back to the carousel and put it in place. Then put the third roll on it. Then close that part and press the black button so it switches from cd to roll. You nees to know the first 8 letters. Put the test strips on. Then put the tape on the test strips (pink). The first 8 letters are: A E D E F E A E. Play that for Miles on the harmonica. But before you get to Joy's Harlan will call you to his office. He will tell you he knows that you told Paula about him being an ex-con. After you do he will give you another riddle. After that go to the Haunted House. Go through the door and look at the dummy. That is Spook number 10. Joy's father made it. Then go through the door next to the dummy. You will see a square in the wall. Open it and use that thing you found under the carousel to open a keyhole. It is locked. Now go to Ingrid. She will give you the arm to fix the dummy. You will need to find her pliers to fix it. After the talk with Ingrid go see Joy. When you get there Harlan will call you to his office again. When you get there he will give you an envelope with a key inside it. It is the key that goes in that secret compartment in the Haunted House. Go back to see Joy and she is not there. Oh well. Now go to the Haunted House. Attach the arm to the dummy and get the pliers to the hole and tighten it all the way until you can't anymore. Then take the tag off and give it to Harlan. Talk to him about all of the things you have found. Then Call Anton Sukov. Ask him what the nickname was for Amelia. It is Spatzi. After your done talking to him go to the Haunted House. The dummy looks cool when it's lighted up. Now go up to the dummy and click the vest. Spell out Spatzi and the things arm will flatten out. Now go see Elliot. Talk to him. Joy is still gone.Go back to the Haunted House and go to the dummy. Remember the brass ring from the carousel? Well slide it on the arm of the dummy. You will see a sign pop down saying "Oh, Joy this is it!" Go down and when you do the stairs will get creaky and Nancy will fall right onto the carousel horse. Go towards the horse and pick up the jewels and pick up the letter.go to the symbol on the wall and go into his workshop. Look around. This is where the person has been making fakes. Are the peices coming together? SAVE YOUR GAME. When your done looking around go towards the door when you open it the bad guy will be there. Tell the bad guy you have the jewels and the person can have them. Nancy will throw them at the bad guy. Run towards the door and go up the stairs. You will be by Spook number 10. You will see the door to the Haunted House closing. The bad guy is closing in. Take the ring off the spook number 10. The bad guy will fall. CONGRATULATIONS YOU HAVE WON THE GAME!!!! 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