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Welcome to Necromantic Visions. This website is here to enhance the fun and enjoyment you have while playing our games. Please feel free to send us any comments and talk in our forums.

HAHAHAHA beating the odds

i did a double and triple attack in my game, but my battle system is a highly edited version of the default. here's what i changed in the script. * note that there's a lot of stuff in here that aren't in the default and i think there are some in the default that aren't in here. also, don't script the way that i do, this is highly disorganized, as of now. the lines with many # are the important lines in Scene_Battle_4 def start_phase4 @phase = 4 $game_temp.battle_turn += 1 @double_attack = 2 #################### @triple_attack = 3 ################# for index in 0...$data_troops[@troop_id].pages.size page = $data_troops[@troop_id].pages[index] if page.span == 1 $game_temp.battle_event_flags[index] = false end end = false @actor_command_window.visible = false $game_temp.battle_main_phase = true @phase4_step = 1 end * the @double_attack and @triple_attack variables count how many attacks are left to do so if @double_attack is equal to 2 it means there's still two attacks needed to be executed. def make_skill_action_result @skill = $data_skills[@active_battler.current_action.skill_id] unless @active_battler.current_action.forcing unless @active_battler.skill_can_use?( or @skill.element_set.include?(45) $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil @phase4_step = 1 return end end if @double_attack != 1 and @triple_attack >=3 @active_battler.sp -= @skill.sp_cost end @status_window.refresh @help_window.set_text(, 1) @animation1_id = @skill.animation1_id @animation2_id = @skill.animation2_id # コモンイベント ID を設定 @common_event_id = @skill.common_event_id # 対象側バトラーを設定 set_target_battlers(@skill.scope) # スキルの効果を適用 for target in @target_battlers if == 81 player = $scene.active_battler charge = player.str * 0.05 if player.str_buff <= player.base_str / 2 player.str_buff += charge.to_i player.estring = "STR UP!" end heal = [Integer(rand (player.maxhp * 0.1)),1].max * -1 player.damage = heal player.charge_pop = true player.hp -= heal elsif == 82 player = $scene.active_battler guard = player.vit * 0.05 if player.vit_buff <= player.base_vit / 2 player.vit_buff += guard.to_i player.estring = "VIT UP!" end heal = [Integer(rand (player.maxhp * 0.1)),1].max * -1 player.damage = heal player.charge_pop = true player.hp -= heal elsif == 6 and @double_attack != 0 #################### @double_attack -= 1 ##################### if target != nil ####################### target.skill_effect(@active_battler,@skill) #################### end ################# elsif == 7 and @triple_attack != 0 @triple_attack -= 1 if target != nil target.skill_effect(@active_battler,@skill) end elsif == 10 # cheer skill hp_heal = [Integer((target.maxhp * 0.1)+rand(10)),1].max * -1 sp_heal = [Integer((target.maxsp * 0.1)+rand(5)),1].max * -1 target.damage = hp_heal target.sp_damage = sp_heal target.hp -= hp_heal target.sp -= sp_heal else target.skill_effect(@active_battler, @skill) end end end * the skill id of the double attack is 6, you have to change that line to reflect what skill id your double attack is, as you'll see, the line next to the elsif checks whether double attack is still more than zero, if it's still more than 0, it will make execute its effect on the target def update_phase4_step5 # ヘルプウィンドウを隠す @help_window.visible = false # ステータスウィンドウをリフレッシュ @status_window.refresh # ダメージ表示 for target in @target_battlers if target.damage != nil if == 13 and target.damage != "Miss" # boost skill target.damage = "" target.estring = "BOOST!" target.charge_pop = true elsif == 10 # cheer skill target.hpsp_pop = true else target.damage_pop = true end end end # ステップ 6 に移行 if == 6 and @double_attack != 0 and not target.dead? ######### @phase4_step = 2 ################### elsif == 7 and @triple_attack != 0 and not target.dead? @phase4_step = 2 else ##################### @skill = nil ##################### @phase4_step = 6 ################# end end * this part determines whether to finish the character's turn or restart the whole round if @double_attack is not zero or the target already died. BIG NOTE: you definitely have to edit some stuff if you're using the default, this is just to give you an idea what you have to do to implement it.