/* +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | INVISION POWER BOARD SAFE MODE INSTALL SCRIPT v1.2 | ======================================== | by Matthew Mecham | (c) 2001 - 2003 Invision Power Services | http://www.invisionpower.com | ======================================== | Web: http://www.ibforums.com | Email: phpboards@ibforums.com | Licence Info: phpib-licence@ibforums.com +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | > Script written by Matthew Mecham | > Date started: 30th March 2002 | > Update started: 17th October 2002 | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ error_reporting (E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE); set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); //+--------------------------------------- // ENTER YOUR PATH TO THE DIRECTORY THIS SCRIPT // IS IN. // // Tips: // // If you are using Windows and Apache, do not // use backslashes, use normal forward slashes. // You may need to remove the drive letter also // Example: C:\apache\htdocs\ibforums\ will need // to be: /apache/htdocs/ibforums/ // // If you are using Windows and IIS, then you will // need to enter double backslashes. // // In all cases, please enter a trailing slash (or // trailing backslashes...) //+--------------------------------------- $root = "./"; //+--------------------------------------- $template = new template; $std = new installer; $VARS = $std->parse_incoming(); //+--------------------------------------- // What are we doing then? Eh? I'm talking to you! //+--------------------------------------- if ( file_exists($root.'install.lock') ) { install_error("This installer is locked!
Please (via FTP) remove the 'install.lock' file in this directory"); exit(); } switch($VARS['a']) { case '1': do_setup_form(); break; case '2': do_install(); break; case 'templates': do_templates(); break; case '3': do_finish(); break; default: do_intro(); break; } function do_finish() { global $std, $template, $root, $VARS, $SQL; // Attempt to lock the install.. if ($FH = @fopen( $root.'install.lock', 'w' ) ) { @fwrite( $FH, 'bleh', 4 ); @fclose($FH); @chmod( $root.'install.lock', 0666 ); $template->print_top('Success!'); $msg="Although the installer is now locked (to re-install, remove the file 'install.lock'), for added security, please remove the sm_install.php program before continuing.

"; } else { $template->print_top('Success!'); $msg = "PLEASE REMOVE THE INSTALLER ('sm_install.php') BEFORE CONTINUING!
Failure to do so will enable ANYONE to delete your board at any time!

"; } $template->contents .= "
The installation is now complete!

"; $template->output(); } //+--------------------------------------- // Install the template files, woohoo and stuff //+--------------------------------------- function do_templates() { global $std, $template, $root, $VARS, $HTTP_POST_VARS; //----------------------------------- // IMPORT $INFO! //----------------------------------- if ($root == './') { $root = str_replace( '\\', '/', getcwd() ) . '/'; } $require = $root."conf_global.php"; if ( ! file_exists($require) ) { install_error("Could not locate '$require'. You may need to enter a value for the root path in this installer script, to do this, simply open up this script in a text editor and enter a value in \$root - remember to add a trailing slash. NT users will need to use double backslashes"); } include($require); //----------------------------------- // Attempt a DB connection.. //----------------------------------- if ( ! $connect_id = mysql_connect( $INFO['sql_host'],$INFO['sql_user'],$INFO['sql_pass'] ) ) { install_error("Could not create a mySQL connection, please check that the file 'conf_global.php' exists in the same directory as this file and that the installer has updated the file properly."); } if ( ! mysql_select_db($INFO['sql_database'], $connect_id) ) { install_error("mySQL could not locate a database called '{$VARS['sql_database']}'. Please contact our technical support if a re-install does not solve this problem"); } //----------------------------------- // Lets open the style file //----------------------------------- $style_file = $root.'install_templates.txt'; if ( ! file_exists($style_file) ) { install_error("Could not locate '$style_file'.

Check to ensure that this file exists in the same location as this script.

You may need to enter a value for the root path in this installer script, to do this, simply open up this script in a text editor and enter a value in \$root - remember to add a trailing slash. NT users will need to use double backslashes"); } if ( $fh = fopen( $style_file, 'r' ) ) { $data = fread($fh, filesize($style_file) ); fclose($fh); } else { install_error("Could open '$style_file'"); } if (strlen($data) < 100) { install_error("Err 1:'$style_file' is incomplete, please re-upload a fresh copy over the existing copy on the server'"); } // Chop up the data file. $template_rows = explode( "||~&~||", $data ); $crows = count($template_rows); //we're counting crows :o if ( $crows < 100 ) { install_error("Err2: (Found $crows rows) '$style_file' is incomplete, please re-upload a fresh copy over the existing copy on the server'"); } //----------------------------------- // Lets populate the database! //----------------------------------- foreach( $template_rows as $q ) { $q = trim($q); if (strlen($q) < 5) { continue; } $query = "INSERT INTO ".$INFO['sql_tbl_prefix']."skin_templates (set_id, group_name, section_content, func_name, func_data, updated, can_remove) VALUES $q"; if ( ! mysql_query($query, $connect_id) ) { install_error("mySQL Error: ".mysql_error()); } } // ARE WE DONE? REALLY? COOL!! $template->print_top('Success!'); $template->contents .= "
Template files installed!

The installation process is now complete.
Click the link below to clean up the installer and related files

"; $template->output(); } //+--------------------------------------- function do_install() { global $std, $template, $root, $VARS, $HTTP_POST_VARS; // Ok, lets check for blankies... $NEW_INFO = array(); $need = array('board_url','sql_host','sql_database','sql_user','adminname','adminpassword','adminpassword2','email'); //----------------------------------- foreach($need as $greed) { if ($VARS[ $greed ] == "") { install_error("You must complete all of the form with the sole exception of 'SQL Table prefix'"); } } //----------------------------------- $VARS['board_url'] = preg_replace( "#/$#", "", $VARS['board_url'] ); if ($VARS['sql_tbl_prefix'] == "") { $VARS['sql_tbl_prefix'] = 'ibf_'; } //----------------------------------- // Did the admin passy and passy2 match? //----------------------------------- if ($VARS['adminpassword2'] != $VARS['adminpassword']) { install_error("Your passwords did not match"); } /*if ( ! preg_match( "!^http://!", $VARS['board_url'] ) ) { install_error("The board URL must start with 'http://'"); }*/ //----------------------------------- // IMPORT $INFO! //----------------------------------- if ($root == './') { $root = str_replace( '\\', '/', getcwd() ) . '/'; } $require = $root."conf_global.php"; if ( ! file_exists($require) ) { install_error("Could not locate '$require'. You may need to enter a value for the root path in this installer script, to do this, simply open up this script in a text editor and enter a value in \$root - remember to add a trailing slash. NT users will need to use double backslashes"); } //@chmod( "conf_global.php", 0666 ); include($require); //echo("here"); //exit(); if ( count($INFO) < 1 ) { install_error("Possible corruption in 'conf_global.php' ({$VARS['base_dir']}conf_global.php), please re-upload in ASCII format"); } //----------------------------------- // Attempt a DB connection.. //----------------------------------- if ( ! $connect_id = mysql_connect( $VARS['sql_host'],$HTTP_POST_VARS['sql_user'],$HTTP_POST_VARS['sql_pass'] ) ) { install_error("Could not create a mySQL connection, please check the SQL values entered"); } if ( ! mysql_select_db($VARS['sql_database'], $connect_id) ) { install_error("mySQL could not locate a database called '{$VARS['sql_database']}' please check the value entered for this"); } //----------------------------------- // Attempt to write the config file. //----------------------------------- $new = array( 'base_dir' => $root, 'board_url' => $VARS['board_url'], 'sql_host' => $VARS['sql_host'], 'sql_database' => $VARS['sql_database'], 'sql_user' => $HTTP_POST_VARS['sql_user'], 'sql_pass' => $HTTP_POST_VARS['sql_pass'], 'sql_tbl_prefix' => $VARS['sql_tbl_prefix'], 'html_dir' => $root."html/", 'html_url' => $VARS['board_url']."/html", 'upload_dir' => $root."uploads", 'upload_url' => $VARS['board_url']."/uploads", 'email_in' => $VARS['email'], 'email_out' => $VARS['email'], 'ban_names' => "", 'ban_email' => "", 'ban_ip' => "", 'force_login' => 0, 'load_limit' => "", 'board_start' => time(), 'installed' => 1, 'guests_ava' => 1, 'guests_img' => 1, 'guests_sig' => 1, 'print_headers' => 0, 'guest_name_pre' => "Guest_", ); foreach( $new as $k => $v ) { // Update the old... $v = preg_replace( "/'/", "\\'" , $v ); $v = preg_replace( "/\r/", "" , $v ); $INFO[ $k ] = $v; } $file_string = " $v ) { if ($k == 'skin' or $k == 'languages') { continue; } $file_string .= '$INFO['."'".$k."'".']'."\t\t\t=\t'".$v."';\n"; } $file_string .= "\n".'?'.'>'; // Question mark + greater than together break syntax hi-lighting in BBEdit 6 :p if ( $fh = fopen( $require, 'w' ) ) { fputs($fh, $file_string, strlen($file_string) ); fclose($fh); } else { install_error("Could not write to 'conf_global.php'"); } //----------------------------------- // What MySQL version are we running? //----------------------------------- $a = mysql_query("SELECT VERSION() AS version", $connect_id); if ( ! $row = mysql_fetch_array($a) ) { $b = mysql_query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version'", $connect_id); $row = mysql_fetch_array($b); } $mysql_version = 32100; $no_array = explode( '.', preg_replace( "/^(.+?)[-_]?/", "\\1", $row['version']) ); $one = (!isset($no_array) || !isset($no_array[0])) ? 3 : $no_array[0]; $two = (!isset($no_array[1])) ? 21 : $no_array[1]; $three = (!isset($no_array[2])) ? 0 : $no_array[2]; $mysql_version = (int)sprintf('%d%02d%02d', $one, $two, intval($three)); //----------------------------------- // Lets populate the database! //----------------------------------- $SQL = get_sql(); foreach( $SQL as $q ) { if ($VARS['sql_tbl_prefix'] != "ibf_") { $q = preg_replace("/ibf_(\S+?)([\s\.,]|$)/", $VARS['sql_tbl_prefix']."\\1\\2", $q); } $q = str_replace( "<%time%>", time(), $q ); if ( preg_match("/CREATE TABLE (\S+) \(/", $q, $match) ) { if ($match[1]) { $the_query = "DROP TABLE if exists ".$match[1]; if (! mysql_query($the_query, $connect_id) ) { install_error("mySQL Error: ".mysql_error()); } } } if ( $mysql_version < 32323 ) { $q = str_replace( "KEY forum_id (forum_id,approved,pinned),FULLTEXT KEY title (title)", 'KEY forum_id (forum_id,approved,pinned)', $q ); $q = str_replace( "KEY forum_id (forum_id,post_date),FULLTEXT KEY post (post)" , 'KEY forum_id (forum_id,post_date)' , $q ); } if ( ! mysql_query($q, $connect_id) ) { install_error("mySQL Error: ".mysql_error()."
Query:".$q); } } // Insert the admin... $passy = md5($VARS['adminpassword']); $time = time(); $query = "INSERT INTO ".$VARS['sql_tbl_prefix']."members (id, name, mgroup, password, email, joined, ip_address, posts, title, last_visit, last_activity) ". "VALUES(1, '{$VARS['adminname']}', 4, '$passy', '{$VARS['email']}', '$time', '', '0', 'Administrator', '$time', '$time')"; if ( ! mysql_query($query, $connect_id) ) { install_error("mySQL Error: ".mysql_error()); } // ARE WE DONE? REALLY? COOL!! $template->print_top('Success!'); $template->contents .= "
Your board has now been installed!

The installation process is almost complete.
The next and final step will install the template files into your database

"; $template->output(); } function do_setup_form() { global $std, $template, $root, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; $template->print_top('Set Up form'); //-------------------------------------------------- $this_url = str_replace( "/sm_install.php", "", $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_REFERER']); if ( ! $this_url ) { $this_url = substr($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SCRIPT_NAME'],0, -15); if ($this_url == '') { $this_url == '/'; } $this_url = 'http://'.$HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_NAME'].$this_url; } //-------------------------------------------------- $template->contents .= "
Your Server Environment
This section requires you to enter the paths and URL's for the board.
The script URL
This is the URL (must start with http://) to the directory that this script is in

Your SQL Environment
This section requires you to enter your SQL information. If in doubt, please check with your webhost before asking for support. You may choose to enter an existing database name,if not - you must create a new database before continuing.
SQL Host
(localhost is usually sufficient)
SQL Database Name
SQL Username
SQL Password
SQL Table Prefix(You can leave this blank)

Your Admin Account
This section requires information to create your administration account. Please enter the data carefully!
Retype your password
Email Address
"; $template->output(); } //+--------------------------------------- function do_intro() { global $std, $template, $root; $template->print_top('Welcome'); $template->contents .= "
Intro Welcome to IPB

Before we go any further, please ensure that all the files have been uploaded, and that the file 'conf_global.php' has suitable permissions to allow this script to write to it ( 0666 should be sufficient ).

You will also need the following information that your webhost can provide:
  • Your MySQL database name
  • Your MySQL username
  • Your MySQL password
  • Your MySQL host address (usually localhost)

Once you have clicked on proceed, you will be taken to a form to enter information the installer needs to set up your board.

PLEASE NOTE: USING THIS INSTALLER WILL DELETE ANY CURRENT INVISION POWER BOARD DATABASE IF YOU ARE USING THE SAME TABLE PREFIX "; // Check to make sure that the config file is there and it's got suitable permissions to write to: $file = $root."conf_global.php"; $style_file = $root."install_templates.txt"; $warnings = array(); if ( ! file_exists($style_file) ) { $warnings[] = "Cannot locate the file 'install_templates.txt'. This should be uploaded into the same directory as this script!"; } if ( ! file_exists($file) ) { $warnings[] = "Cannot locate the file 'conf_global.php'. This should be uploaded into the same directory as this script!"; } if ( ! is_writeable($file) ) { $warnings[] = "Cannot write to 'conf_global.php'. Please adjust the permissions to allow this script to write to the file. if in doubt, CHMOD via FTP to 0777"; } $phpversion = phpversion(); if ($phpversion < '4.0.0') { $warnings[] = "You cannot install Invision Power Board. Invision Power Board requires PHP Version 4.0.0 or better."; } if ( count($warnings) > 0 ) { $err_string = "
  • ".implode( "
  • ", $warnings )."
"; $template->contents .= "

Warning! The following errors must be rectified before continuing!

"; } else { $template->contents .= "

"; } $template->contents .= "
"; $template->output(); } function install_error($msg="") { global $std, $template, $root; $template->print_top('Warning!'); $template->contents .= "

The following errors must be rectified before continuing!
Please go back and try again!

"; $template->output(); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CLASSES //+-------------------------------------------------------------------------- class template { var $contents = ""; function output() { echo $this->contents; echo "

Invision Power Board © 2003 Invision Power Services, Inc.
"; exit(); } //-------------------------------------- function print_top($title="") { $this->contents = " Invision Power Board Set Up :: $title
Site hosted by Angelfire.com: Build your free website today!
Invision Power Board Installer

"; } } class installer { function parse_incoming() { global $HTTP_GET_VARS, $HTTP_POST_VARS, $HTTP_CLIENT_IP, $REQUEST_METHOD, $REMOTE_ADDR, $HTTP_PROXY_USER, $HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR; $return = array(); if( is_array($HTTP_GET_VARS) ) { while( list($k, $v) = each($HTTP_GET_VARS) ) { //$k = $this->clean_key($k); if( is_array($HTTP_GET_VARS[$k]) ) { while( list($k2, $v2) = each($HTTP_GET_VARS[$k]) ) { $return[$k][ $this->clean_key($k2) ] = $this->clean_value($v2); } } else { $return[$k] = $this->clean_value($v); } } } // Overwrite GET data with post data if( is_array($HTTP_POST_VARS) ) { while( list($k, $v) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS) ) { //$k = $this->clean_key($k); if ( is_array($HTTP_POST_VARS[$k]) ) { while( list($k2, $v2) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS[$k]) ) { $return[$k][ $this->clean_key($k2) ] = $this->clean_value($v2); } } else { $return[$k] = $this->clean_value($v); } } } return $return; } function clean_key($key) { if ($key == "") { return ""; } $key = preg_replace( "/\.\./" , "" , $key ); $key = preg_replace( "/\_\_(.+?)\_\_/" , "" , $key ); $key = preg_replace( "/^([\w\.\-\_]+)$/", "$1", $key ); return $key; } function clean_value($val) { if ($val == "") { return ""; } $val = preg_replace( "/&/" , "&" , $val ); $val = preg_replace( "//" , "-->" , $val ); $val = preg_replace( "/