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Tournament Information
HighTimes Rules, Tournament Types



NO FORCE FORFEITS - You may never win a tournament game by clicking on "FORCE FORFEIT". You must invite a TD to put on a timer.

10 MINUTE TIMERS FOR NO SHOWS - If your opponent is not accepting your invitation, invite a TD to your table to set a timer. If your opponent is supposed to make the table and is not inviting you or in the room, make a table and invite the TD to your table to set a timer. There is a 10 minute timer for no shows.

THE WINNER OF THE GAME IS WHOEVER YAHOO SAYS WON THE GAME - Yahoo makes mistakes sometimes, but if Yahoo has a glitch or a problem, you play through it. There are no redos because of yahoo glitches. .

8 ball break is NOT a win it is a rerack.

PROBLEMS WITH THE TOURNAMENT, ANOTHER PLAYER, OR THE TD - Any arguments you have to make should be done in a private conversation through Instant Messages or on a private table. The lobby is not the place for whining (I mean, expressing your concerns).





Types of elimination: Single and Double

Single Elimination

Single elimination means that a player only needs to lose one game to be eliminated. You can have single elimination suicide tournies, single elimination killer tournies, and regular single elimination tournies.


Double Elimination

Double elimination means that a player needs to lose two games to be eliminated. You can have double elimination suicide tournies, double elimination killer tournies, and regular double elimination tournies.


Types of tournaments: Regular, Swiss, Suicide, Killer, 2 Strikes,Bootem, Team, Rack-N-Run,10 Shot, and Bank the Eight (BT8),Last Pocket,Power Ball,Red Ball,Strip,TD Picks,Stripes on Top Solids on Bottom, Four Corners, Fuck Thy Neighbor,Perfection,Timed Tourney, Speed Tourney, No Slop


Each player will be assigned an opponent for each round. Games are played at rated, protected tables. You are eliminated from the tournament when you lose once (for single elimination tournaments) or twice (for double elimination tournaments).


Each player will be assigned an opponent for each round. Games are played at rated, protected tables. Games are played until one player has not lost any games.


Each player will be assigned an opponent for each round. Games are played on protected unrated tables. The winner is the first person to get the 8-ball in. Game is played like a regular game where each player shoots at their assigned balls (stripes or solids) but your goal is to get the 8-ball in as soon as possible, no matter how or when you get it in (could be the first or last ball you shoot in or anywhere in between). If you scratch when the 8 ball goes in, then you lose.You may combo the 8 but you must hit your assigned ball first.You may NEVER move the cue ball.IF opponent scratches, the cue ball goes in the middle of the center line.

TDs: Set up this tourney as a regular tournament, either single or double elimination, and report the games as you would a normal tournament.



Everyone in the tournament plays at one table set up by the TD. The TD sets up a private, unrated, practice table and invites all of the players into the room. Play goes in alphabetical order by screen name. Play starts with the first player breaking the rack, then taking a shot. Then that player stands and the next player shoots, and the rotation continues through each player, each one taking one shot then standing.there is no BALL IN HAND.If the player before you scratches white ball goes on the white line in the center.A scratch counts as a miss. A player is eliminated when they have missed three shots. The TD is to track every missed shot and call players out as they lose. Players should remain quiet in the room so as not to confuse their high and/or drunken TD.

TDs: Set up this tourney as a swiss tournament. When the tourney is over, report the matches so that the winner is the one who lost no games. Try to report the matches so that the person who lost first loses the most matches, and the person who lost last loses the least matches.



This tourney is played just as a killer except a player is out after only one miss.

TDs set this tourney up as swiss and report as you would in a killer.



This tourney is a 1v1v1 that is played on training tables.The first player breaks and takes one shot then stands.the following player takes one shot and stands, the 3rd player does the same.Play continues in this fashion until a player gets 2 misses, after the second miss they are out of the tourney. When one player is left on the table they advance to the next round.There is no ball in hand.A scratch counts as a miss and the cue then goes in the center of the white line.

TDs set this tourney up as a 1v1v1.


Teams can be either assigned or voluntary, depending on how the TD sets it up. If it is voluntary, create a team, a team nickname, and team password. Depending on the size of the teams (can be 2 or more), each team member will enter the team nickname, team password, as well as their own username and password to join the tournament.

Games are played at unrated, private tables. The games are played same as a normal game, except that the team members alternate turns (not shots.)

TDs: set up this tournament like a regular tourney, except that where your option is "number of players per team" you will change to 2 or more, and where it says "random team assignment" you may select that if you want to.



The object of a rack-n-run is to get the most number of balls in per game. You have three turns per game to get in as many balls as you can - no matter what balls they are. The balls you get in on the break count.If you scratch on the break, white ball goes on the white line in the center. Players are to keep track of the balls in, and the TD should also keep an eye out. Games are played at private protected tables. If you scratch, the ball you get in on the scratch still counts but your turn is over. With each turn, reset the table, break, and then your turn begins. On the next turn, player breaks, then begins their turn.

TDs: Set up this tournament as a regular tourney, single or double elim. Person who gets in the most balls at the end of their three turns wins the match.


10 Shot Tourney

The object of a 10 Shot Tourney is to get as many balls potted as you can in 10 shots. All games are played on training tables.First player breaks then takes ten shots after the break.Their opponent will count the shots and type the number after each shot (1 after fisrt shot, 2 after second and so on).If you scratch, the white ball goes on the white line in the center for next shot. After 10 shots, player stands and the opponent sits and roles are reversed. Each potted ball is wotrh 1 point except the Black ball(8 ball) is worth 2 points. If you scratch it is -2 points from your total and counts as a shot. Balls made on the break count in point totals. If there is a tie, each player gets 10 more shots.

TDs: Set tourney up as regular tourney single or double elimination.


Bank The Eight

A bank the 8 tourney is just like a regular tourney except you must bank the 8 ball. This means the 8 has to bounce off of a rail before going into the called pocket. Making the cue ball(white ball) bounce off a rail then into the 8 is not a bank it is a kick and will not count as a win unless the 8 ball bounces off of a rail too or unless the TD has called for kicks to be legal in their tourney.

TDs: Set tourney up as a regular tourney single or double.


Last Pocket

A Last Pocket tourney is the same as a regular tourney except the 8 ball must be made in the same pocket as your last ball was made.If 8 is made in a different pocket, you lose.

TDs: Set tourney up as a regular tourney single or double.


Power Ball

All shots must be made at full power according to the power bar on right side of table. All games are played on regular table.

TDs: Set up as s/e, d/e,swiss, or as a rule in td picks tourney.


Red Ball

You Must save your red ball for the last ball you hit in before the 8 ball. If your opponent knocks your red ball in, you dont have you worry about it and you continue play as a normal game.If you knock your ball in out of turn you lose, please hit the 8 in and give your opponent the yahoo win.Red ball in on break is a rerack. Games are played on regular rated tables.

TDs: Set up s/e, d/e, swiss or td picks tournies.



This is just like a regular tourney except you can NOT use english on any shot. If you use english you lose the game.

TDs: Set up s/e, d/e, swiss or td picks tournies.


TD Picks

this tourney has a different rule each round decided on by the TD.The rule for the round will be announced before the round begins and that rule will only apply to that round.

TDs:Set up as s/e, d/e,or swiss tourney and make sure to announce rule for each round.


Stripes on top, Solids on bottom

In this tourney, after the break and players are assigned either stripes or solids, you must hit yours ball into assigned pockets. Stripes go in the top 3 pockets and Solids go in the bottom 3 pockets. If your opponent hits your ball in wrong pocket continue playing.If a player hits their own ball in wrong pocket they lose and should knock 8 in to give opponent the yahoo win.The 8 ball(black ball) must be it into one of your assigned pockets.

TDs:Set up as s/e, d/e, swiss tourney, or rule in td picks.



Four Corners

This game is played and regular protected tables. It is played as a normal game except balls may only be potted in the corner pockets.If you pot your ball int he side you must tap the cue ball and give turn to opponent.

TDs: set up as reg s/e, d/e, swiss, or as a rule in td picks.



Fuck Thy Neighbor

This game is layed just like a regular game except, your opponent gets to call the pocket on your shot at eight.Each shot, opponent may call a different pocket.

TDs: set up as reg s/e, d/e, swiss, or as a rule in td picks



Perfection Tourney

This game is played on unrated tables and played as a regular 8 game except if you scratch or hit another players ball in, you lose.

TDs: set up as reg s/e, d/e, swiss, or as a rule in td picks

Timed Tourney

This is a tourney that has a time limit on each shot.The time limit will be determined by the TD when the tourney is made and announce in the tourney spam.Games are played on rated tables and the timer must be set by the player making the table.

TDs: set up as reg s/e, d/e, swiss, or as a rule in td picks.

Speed Tourney

This tourney is played at a training table and the TD will announce each match at that table one at a time.Each player has one minute to shoot in as many balls as possible(the TD keeps time). If you scratch your turn ends. If the two players tie, they each go again..

TDs: set up as reg s/e or d/e but you must have all matches at the same table and time each player one by one.

No Slop

This is a regular game except you must call every shot. Example: red in top right or blue in bottom middle.If you fail to call the pocket or make wrong ball or make in the wrong pocket you must pass your turn by tapping the cue lightly(not to move it but to pass your turn). If you fail to call twice in a game you lose the game.There is no ball in hand unless a player scratches.

TDs: set up as reg s/e, d/e, swiss, or as a rule in td picks.

Do you have an idea for another type of tourney? Email Us!


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