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Realm of Horus

Greetings. You must be confused. Sit down, and I will tell you a tale like none other.

My champion, you must have known when you first walked in that you are in a different realm. Yes, this is the Realm of Horus. In this world there are many realms, many have yet to be discovered. The world is at peace right now, but I feel that may not last long. Do you know what must be done? When the world is at last thrown into turmoil, it will be your duty to restore order to a world who won't listen, who won't obey. There is only one way. You must show who you are, and the power you possess. Only you can accept this task and succeed. Are you ready?

The time has come. Go, my champion, and return order to the Realms. I suggest you go to the Realm of the Legendary Flame Lord next. You will be told there what you must do next.

NOTICE! You must have YVD to play in this RPG. If you do not have it, get YVD at


Note - We have a new tavern, the old one has too many ads, so we got one with no soliciting. This link will take you to the new forums.


Royal Decrees

