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OMGF mah ooBAr pictures

Scenes you could find in the real world

Daytime view of a tree on a cliff overlooking an ocean.

Trees in the foreground, hiding a lake/sea and distant mountain.

A lake in the foreground with a small patch of trees and a rainbow in the back.

A meadow of flowers and bushes/trees.

A nighttime view of a shimmering lake.

Nighttime view of a tree on a cliff overlooking an ocean.


'Modern Art' scenes

Glass orbs on a platform surrounded by water.  I don't think I finished this one.

A crazy thinger...must've been pretty early when I did this one.  o_O

Same picture...just different weather...what the heck was I thinking?

Glass cones on a platform.  I really like the haze effect in this image.


Yeah I know, this page sucks...I just needed somewhere to put my images.  O_O

IHOC Productions is better.  :o