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J & G Yard Work

What do you think about our work?

We are currently updating this page for our work. We are pleased to see that you support us and are interested in our service. Hi my name is Jesse and I am glad to see that you have visited our site please feel free to leave a message or comment in my guest book, remember its their for you to fill out not me. My friend and I have done work around our neighborhood since we were little and we have decided to make it into a business. We work on mainly yard work but during the winter we do snow removel since theirs no reason to work in the yard. Below are prices of work that could be done in this season Shoveling drive-ways $10-$30 depending on how big your drive-way is. Shoveling sidewalks $5-$8 depending on how big your sidewalk is. We also have this new way of handling your drive-way or sidewalk its called the wake up and ready plan where we go out and shovel your drive-way early in the morning. *Please note that this doesnt take effect if we have no delay or cancelation in school then we can not come out plus if we dont the snow isnt deep anyways. But if we do we will be out and hadleing your drive for a little bit more money. My friend Geoff is also helping me with this so dont worry about work not being done.

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