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StarCraft [WR] Clan (Wolf Rider)

Clan description and leader


my e-mail adress ( if u wanna join clan
Starcraft site

If you want to join [WR] clan.. please write to me t Some modification are going to be made at this site... it's only the begining!!!!!

______________________________________________________ There is a problem here with the WR clan... let me explain. All the story of WR started on a day of 1998 with 2 guys and I don't remember there name. I joined they're game and they told me it was a clan tryout. I beated them, and I became leader. The two of them quit the clan. Other people we're involed like... [WR]Killoftime.. [WR]Robin.. and then came THAT DAMN Wr_Hydra. I asked Hydra if he would like to join the clan, as he did. Then 2 years later, in 2003, I come back on-line, I look at Hydra's profile and it says... Clan leader of WR. Then a hole shit came up. Like there was 5 leader... and there stll is but there is one true leader.. me! In that time, WR meant Warlords Reborn, so I had to create another so that I could gain control of WR again. And that's why I made this site.
