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Krazy Ivans stuff


ClIcK On the penguin

random floating menu

Dynamic Drive
the DarKTemlaR's site
administrative stuff...DONT CLICK
unimportant stuff... DO CLICK
your an idiot if you click this link... GO AHEAD


kool stuff

reflex test
tic tac toe
DarKTemplaR's site
me and my friends forum
don't click
open the secret menu on YOUR WINDOWS OS and make it not suck! -NEW
your an idiot if you click this link...GO AHEAD!
outwar thug-builder cheat!
TURN YOURSELF IN, i know the guilt of that last crime has just been eating you up
SUPER_MARIO RAMPAGE mario got a shotgun!
kikko-man video-- the weirdist damn thing i ever saw- ALSO NOT QUITE SO NEW ANYMORE
Marios killer jump-FUNNY AND (not newerist anymore) SORTA NEW
NEWS FLASH- giant penguin sighted!!!
my language arts story book
one of my powerpoints
NEW mosquito killer game NEWERIST