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Kiwis Incorporated Recruiting Contest Ongoing Recruiting Contest!

If you want to try your hand at advertising for us, you could be in for getting some big nps!!


For every 2 people you get to join the guild, and get past the initial newbie stage (post 5 messages and stay 5 days) you will receive a random codestone! (not lu!).

Fine Print:

--You *MUST* have the people you referred neomail me (xbreathingmachinex) telling me you recruited them if you want credit! Otherwise, how will I know?? :P

--You *MUST* have these users complete the newbie stage of Kiwis Inc before you ask for or receive your prize(s)!

--If you are owed credit for referring people, please neomail me, Liz! I try to keep close tabs on stuff but I can't keep track of everything perfectly! Bye!

HOPEFULLY this will encourage more posting, recruiting, advertising, and just general activity! Thanks! Happy recruiting! PS. Visit the Advertising Ideas page for hints n tips on recruiting!
Well there you have it!

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