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Step into my parlor, said the Spider to the Fly

I haven't got anything here yet.

There are only three things that currently exist on this webpage. One, my Emotional RPG profile. Two, my potential Hentai Senshi. She started off as a joke, but then Anne really started appealing to me, so she's staying around for a bit. Maybe I'll revamp her and use her in something vaguely serious someday. And three, my Sailor Heket for Missing Shard RPG, Ginraino Hanako. Hanako is cool and shibby and I love her to pieces, and love Pixle and the others for accepting her into the Doitra club. Thanks for being here, anyway. I'll see what I can do about making this look nicer once I learn a bit more about HTML and have the time to experiment. To you web arteests out there, layouts and piccies are always welcome.