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Kikki's website

Welcome welcome to my website


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Welcome welcome to my website!

Due some problems with my previous website, I had to transfer my stuff.
It is still under cunstuction , but the main thing is, you should find a lot of information
about neopets.

If you think something extra should be added, please neomail kikki_98.
you are not getting my e-mail adress, Unless I  know you verry well.
See ya later!





While your here, why not meet my pets.

This is Kougra_2960 and her Dogglefox Spitfire
She is my verry first pet.
You can click on her picture.




This is Roaninflamesburn she's my second Kougra
I got her from a dear friend, she was already faerie when I got her
Whit her you see her Gruslen Robin



 And last but not least Fluzums, she came as last to our little family.
She was adopted from the pound recently.
Here she is whit her polarchuck Cubby




Oops we almost forgot our visitor. Everytime we adopt a pet from the pound,
We zap it with the labray, till it changes in a colour people like.
Its sad that we have to do it this way, but its the only way, people would adopt them
from the pound.

Our visitor is called Andrew at the moment he has a Slorg petpet.
He is staying a little while longer. He's painted halloween, but he isn't verry pleased
with that colour, cauze other pets calle him freack.
So he can stay, till he changes in something he likes.
Normaly I don't do that, but the way he's looking I feel sorry for him.


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