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Connecting to Kenro Online:

1) Email the GM of Kenro Online at both of the two emails (dunno which one he checks): and

What needs to be included in email:

-Account name



-Referrer (person who told you about KenRO)

-Background info (a lil info about yourself, were only looking for good mannered people to join the kenro community)

2) Download Korean Ragnarok Online version 1029 from, at the top of the web page their is a word that says find, type: RAG_Setup1029 in the box next to find (631 mb Download).

3) After you finish downloading Korean Ragnarok Online, install it into a folder (label it Kenro or label it whatever you want. Something like C:/Program files/Kenro. If you have International Ragnarok Online installed on your comp, dont put this in the same folder as it!)Another note: Dont patch it yet, just install it.

4) Download the Kenro patch from the Kenro site, which is found at

5)When you finish downloading the kenro.rar file, take the files in the rar and extract it to the same folder you installed your Korean Ragnarok files to.

6)One you put all the Kenro files in the "Same" folder as Korean Ragnarok, click on the icon that has the character face with "goggles"

There is three patches, It feels like centuries till it gets done but eventually when it gets done patching youll be able to play Kenro (only if you emailed him for an account =) Note: Make sure to cancel when you finish patching, and click on the goggle face character again just to make sure nothing was missed.

To play Kenro click on the icon labled Kenpatch.exe, then youll be able to play Kenro! (Thank god you made it =P) Note: it wouldnt hurt to make a shortcut =).
