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This site is all about me, and if u r at this site, u know who me is

Welcome to my site, which also doubles as an aim profile, enjoy

Also don't forget to check out my Jokes Page
And my photos page, more to come!!!

Want to see somthing on this site? Juz im me at kailasmxw, or e-mail me. i am looking for more ideas. Thanx

This link is to the special ladies site, ask me for the password. Gals only, sry guys hehehe.The user name is Pretty Lady.

If u have ne questions, feel free to e-mail me at

Yeah I know that I can put any damn thing i want to here, cuz nobody comes here any more. I was just sitting here and thinking about my freshman yr. One big thing happened that year. Me and my friend Andrew joined the wrestling team. Andrew isn't a very athletic personso after the first day of practice watching the jacked Sean Malefant barf his guts out it was enough for him. So i did it alone and i will never regret that. don't get me wrong. Andrew and all of my other friends in Bristol were the best friends i ever had. but i miss the team really bad. Going to practice every day, ever single day but some saturdays and sundays not getting home till 6 or 7 at night. working your ass off every second in practice. When you do that, u build a bond with the team. And i will never forget coach archibald. he was like a father to me for that year, while all the shit went down with me, he told me, hey mike, if you ever need anything, just give me a call. that meant so much to me. If you guys ever read this. I miss the rams of 2003-2004 with all my heart, they were a second family to me, and i really don't think they knew how much they meant to me. Dubay, matt, My lithuanian friend Ziogus, Larry and sean, Kyle dess and mike feo (they don't know it but i wanted to be just like them), collins, JP, Darley and his crazy brothers, hell, even itzo the skitzo, i miss the way we always joked around. sometimes it was a one way joke though. If you guys read this, i really miss you guys, and i will never forget you.This is the car i want, sexy.

This... is the car i will get. "Oh come on michael, all it needs is a couple of new tires"-Mother,

On this site and the ladies site, there is some really awesome background music, if you have a slower internet, it might take a while to load the song the first time, juz put the volume all the way down till the site fully loads (there is no green bar at the bottom), then refresh. the songs r really kool, do listen to them, if u don't like them hit the stop button

This is a pic of me!!!!!! MMMMMMMM sexy huh, we'll thank you

Good movies in no specific order:
Patch Adams
The Butterfly Effect
Mulan Rouge
I am Sam
Gone in 60 Seconds
Man on Fire
Office Space
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Happy Gilmore
Billy Madison
(insert adam sandler movie here)
Blazing Saddles (although it is quite vulgar)
Matirx Trilogy
The lord of the Rings Trilogy
Others soon to come

"He who exhalts himself shall be humbled, but he who humbles himself, shall be exhalted"

Fantastic memories, great times, and good things come to those who WAIT -By ME, i thought of it first, ha

Tango is the coolest dance in the whole wide world, trust.

don't u think the bike above is boom bangin', i hope to get it or its honda cbr equillveient, now, all i need is a beatiful girl on the back...sweet.

YO, i am tired of explaining the scars on my chest so here is how it went down, this is the last and final time i will be explaining them, so listen good. Ya see, i was born with a condition called pectus excavatum, it is a birth defect where the breast plate grows inward, aka "funnel chest" it hapens in about 1 out of every 300-400 kids or something like that. As a kid, it was kool, cuz in the tub, i had a lake to play with my micro machine boats in, yeah dudes, you have to remember micro machines. Any way, the pic shows how my chest looked up until i was the age of 4, well, my case was severe, you see, it had turned my heart and screwed with my lungs and everthing i passed out in a carnival, i was in surgery when the next available bed opened up in the hospital. The correctional procedure i had was the Ravitch procedure. This procedure is outdated now and involves a higher risk of mortality than the nuss procedure, which is now a common place in America. In the Ravitch procedure they break ribs and take out bone and cartiledge and rearrange everything, then staple your ribs back together and but you chest plate back together. But before they sew you up they wedge a bar into place behind the "new" breast plate for a couple of yrs to make sure it doesn't cave back in. The surgery lasts usually 5 hrs, but for me it was 7 hrs, now the correct it useing the Nuss procedure. They said around my 14-16th birthday it might cave back in. So far so good. But ladies, don't worry, i am fine, i am not broke. If u have any questions, please ask, i am more than happy to answer ur questions if i can.

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