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12:28 am - 2:03 am July 21st 2005

CrAzEEClaNcY243: wat did u say? - H2MstrChf: yesterday i said - u no, only two people no the whole story and even one more nos that something happened, and dont u underestimate me- that was about when they asked if i think u would h u wit me - H2MstrChf: only we no everything - CrAzEEClaNcY243: ha - H2MstrChf: and its gonna stay that way if the two of us have anything to say about it - H2MstrChf: cuz well both threaten - H2MstrChf: its just about how close their house is... - H2MstrChf: give em a nice little night scare - H2MstrChf: dress like jason and bang on a window while theyre sleepin but that sometimes gets a call from the cops - CrAzEEClaNcY243: haha - H2MstrChf: and i just realized i might not miss you all too bad i think im here for one or two days after i come back from florida till i go to cape cod - CrAzEEClaNcY243: k - H2MstrChf: i still just dont understand y were always in eachothers heads - H2MstrChf: and eachothers mouths as of yesterday - CrAzEEClaNcY243: haha - CrAzEEClaNcY243: well i kno im always in urs - CrAzEEClaNcY243: but idk y ur in mine - H2MstrChf: was that some hidden meaning? - CrAzEEClaNcY243: idk - H2MstrChf: im confused - CrAzEEClaNcY243: my head is like a way in and one way out...i havent found out how to get out yet - H2MstrChf: and im trapped on the other end - H2MstrChf: the little 2 inch tall mini me - CrAzEEClaNcY243: haha - H2MstrChf: and mine is a never ending hallway filled with doors, all leading somewhere, but once u find what ur lookin for, its all there - H2MstrChf: not to sound random, but my dog is snoring - H2MstrChf: ok that was just one of the stray thoughts in the hallway - CrAzEEClaNcY243: am i close 2 finding the door to answer all my questions? (slight giggle yet ignoring that) - H2MstrChf: what no one ever knows is that the right door is always right in front of them, they just dont know which key fits the lock - CrAzEEClaNcY243: so they pass it by because nobody has the patience anymore to take the time and think things thru to realize that every door is the rite door, it only depends on wat ur looking for (no rhyme intended) - H2MstrChf: very perceptive - H2MstrChf: and exactly right - CrAzEEClaNcY243: ur not as complex as u make urself seem, u just have to wait and then everything unravels and u kno everything u want to kno and everything ull need to kno - H2MstrChf: thats the patience - H2MstrChf: everything is there, u just have to be looking hard enuf - CrAzEEClaNcY243: which im currently acquiring H2MstrChf: and tho im still not finding my way thru the maze of your mind, im mapping it out, finding my way around, familiarizing myself - CrAzEEClaNcY243: and im acquiring the patience to figure out wat i need to kno to get fulfill my thoughts with everything i need to kno from each individual door, corner to corner, lite or dark, no matter how long it takes me i always configure everything in my head before i move on, finding my knowledge and patience i didnt kno i had, familiarizing and fantasizing myself - H2MstrChf: choosing the keys wisely - CrAzEEClaNcY243: choosing the turns wisely - H2MstrChf: its straight - H2MstrChf: and neverending - CrAzEEClaNcY243: not in my head - H2MstrChf: - H2MstrChf: everyone has their own views - CrAzEEClaNcY243: and ours on a few things are slowly becoming to be the same - H2MstrChf: like i see your maze as doors, just thats its all doors, doors on every angle, every wall, every floor, all leading to another door, though each time more and more is revealed - H2MstrChf: that is extremely coincidental how even our metaphorical minds are alike - CrAzEEClaNcY243: as were slowing becoming more and more similar day by day, every sentenced spoken, every kiss given, every glance caught by the other as emotions creep thru our eyes into the others contently unfolding wat u cant find by opening, discovering and revealing the doors of our minds - H2MstrChf: and eventually, inevitably, we will find the final unopened doors, the final key to try, only to discover that those two doors in each of our minds only lead to eachother - H2MstrChf: all puzzles and mysteries then solved - H2MstrChf: minds connected directly - CrAzEEClaNcY243: one to the other, the other back to the first, never ending, connecting every thought, all of our perspectives on everything and anything, secrets unfold, feelings are told as we grow closer slowly, just as slowly as we started, begining every all over again but seen in a different lite, a new hallway pops up, another maze is created, and much more time will it take for us to realize where well end up, or end up where we are now - CrAzEEClaNcY243: everything* - H2MstrChf: as one door is found, leading from the light of our minds to a new territory, never explored, yet already familiar to us both, which could only be the true essence of our souls - CrAzEEClaNcY243: slightly familiar yet mostly new, unexplored, dangerous and partially frightening, not knowing wat to expect or wen to expect wat we think or hope will happen, never knowing if weve reached the end of a dark hallway or if its just the never ending shadow of the unknown - H2MstrChf: as finally, after seemingly endless wandering in the dark together, we near toward the final passage, to find a mirror. everything that has ever been of us is nothing than a reflection of eachother, bringing light to the entire maze dungeon we have so untiringly looked through H2MstrChf: bringing a new yet familiar light back to our lives - CrAzEEClaNcY243: and it all reoccurs again, just to come back the way we came to find another mirror, as we, together now as one, search confused and induced with terror at the thought of never finding the end to only realize we made a wrong turn all the way back in the begining, shedding the new said light back into our lives of the joy and familiarity of our own minds, never knowing wat wud happen next - CrAzEEClaNcY243: now we have figured out eachother, we just have to figure out ourselves H2MstrChf: and that is where we truly become terrified, knowing that the only true way to explore ourselves is alone, in darkness, with the slightest of help from who u truly no, tho by the end it is only apparent that knowing urself is nothing more than knowing the soul of the other, and finding the door that leads to the thoughts of yourself, bringing back into the question of this taunting, neverending loophole - CrAzEEClaNcY243: that never ends, no matter how hard we try to figure out ourselves and the other, we always fall into the never ending abyss of the thought of" wat if ive been wrong all along? wat if this hole thing has been a giant lie to myself and ive been cheating myself thru this all?" the only answer is if the other says the song in ur head wen ur not saying the words, if u kno the rite moment wen to kiss, if u always kno wat to say, if ur always there to save the other from someone else or themselves, u kno u are truly connected, thru the confidence or the doubt, u ARE truly connected by heart and mind - H2MstrChf: u always have to win dont u? - CrAzEEClaNcY243: im the queen, its an obligation - H2MstrChf: thats one door ive seen over again, but the familiarity is comfortable - H2MstrChf: well ive found my door to my poetic side thats new to me - H2MstrChf: thx for guiding me - CrAzEEClaNcY243: ive found a hidden corner of mine - CrAzEEClaNcY243: im part of u, thank urself - H2MstrChf: i dont like to give myself too much credit - H2MstrChf: its all to the other part of me - CrAzEEClaNcY243: by thanking me u are giving urself credit - CrAzEEClaNcY243: but its credit uve worked hard for and u deserve - CrAzEEClaNcY243: but wat i have realized is - CrAzEEClaNcY243: no matter how much we deny or refuse to believe it, without PJ none of this cudda happened - H2MstrChf: how true - H2MstrChf: i gotta thank him for at least one thing now - H2MstrChf: that fateful day - CrAzEEClaNcY243: ? - H2MstrChf: if it wasnt for us being at his house on that day, our minds would just have been dark, always - H2MstrChf: without meaning - H2MstrChf: just an emptiness that could have been avoided - CrAzEEClaNcY243: without the new shining lite of our other selves weve been longing to find - H2MstrChf: finally finding that our other selves are truly so close, keeping a bar jammed to keep open the door that always leaves a reminder, a feeling, that just like our minds and souls are intertwined, it gives a feeling of embraced arms that dont, wont, and never will let go, that we are always there with eachother, and ourselves - H2MstrChf: the same door that has trapped the voices of eachother in it, the door that leads to our minds and souls, the door that leads to the mirror, the door that connects the two of us, the one door containing all of the meaning in our lives - CrAzEEClaNcY243: the door that is us....our hearts, our minds, our souls, our phsycological being - H2MstrChf: the door that has all the mystery, in one spot, in total light, for us to see, that truly becomes the only door ever needed again, the door that finally leads outside, letting the mysteries flow out and reveal themselves to their own physical being, and every doubt, every question, every wondering, answered, and disappears - CrAzEEClaNcY243: then the door itself is simply gone because we have, together, uncovered every corner, answered every question, solved every mistery of our, now one, mind and soul because we have become one at mind. the questions answered.the mysteries solved. the doors gone. we have entered the land of being another - CrAzEEClaNcY243: but no matter wat we become, there are no questions of the mind - CrAzEEClaNcY243: they have already been answered - CrAzEEClaNcY243: and are gone - H2MstrChf: which only leaves one last thing to know, which openly shows itself, the meaning of life,: to love - CrAzEEClaNcY243: the faith that if u fall the other will catch u - H2MstrChf: while being supported by the faller at the same time, a now ultimate trust, all-knowing, that the other is always there, backed up by yourself, backed up by the other, and so on, now forming a new neverending continuum, with everything already revealed, and nothing left, except for the undying love everlasting - CrAzEEClaNcY243: a devotion to the other so strong nothing can break it, no matter who or wat interfears theres always the faith and support of knowing theres always someone to turn to, nite or day, the hero is always there to save the damsel whos so frequently in distress - H2MstrChf: and yet, even when the hero should fall, the damsel is always waiting to be the heroin, and the hero still willing to go on, knowing that his damsel and he shall be together always - CrAzEEClaNcY243: always, non stop, never ending,undying and everlasting - CrAzEEClaNcY243: unconditionally - H2MstrChf: a perfect ending to a saga that shall be looked upon, i swear it - CrAzEEClaNcY243: so shall i - H2MstrChf: check my profile - H2MstrChf: bottom - CrAzEEClaNcY243: aw - H2MstrChf: make others figure out for themselves, knowing everyone has their own soulmate - CrAzEEClaNcY243: but figure out wat we have, i doubt they will - H2MstrChf: it takes two minds and souls on the exact frequency, a chance of i dont doubt less than 1 in all of history - H2MstrChf: all of eternity as well - H2MstrChf: the mysteries of life, untangled by two 13 year olds in the early morning online, funny isnt it? - H2MstrChf: and yet what better way then to have children guide everyone to the eternal peaceful knowing of life and love - CrAzEEClaNcY243: phsycotic yet true, probably more has been discovered in wat was just said then many great minds in history have ever dreamed of realizing - H2MstrChf: easily - CrAzEEClaNcY243: without doubt - H2MstrChf: this is amazing - H2MstrChf: truly - H2MstrChf: i dont no if we should let this conversation out but if people saw this, imagine, it would be like an extension to the bible - H2MstrChf: it would be kept on a microchip under 10 feet of bulletproof glass in a museum - CrAzEEClaNcY243: haha - H2MstrChf: wars would be fought over the interpretation - H2MstrChf: with only 2 knowing the true full meaning - H2MstrChf: im never going to forget this throughout my whole life i can tell that right now - CrAzEEClaNcY243: me oto - CrAzEEClaNcY243: too* - H2MstrChf: us being one, of course - CrAzEEClaNcY243: ha - H2MstrChf: we lie to eternal rest next to eachother as one, remembering this day, the day life was dissected by two teenagers in love - CrAzEEClaNcY243: such a pleasant way 2 put it - H2MstrChf: thanks - H2MstrChf: u would have come up with it if i didnt beat u to it - CrAzEEClaNcY243: well - CrAzEEClaNcY243: if love to you is feeling ur heart beat in ur chest wen somethings are said, knowing if u fall theres someone to catch u, always knowing in the back of u mind that theres always someone there for u, knowing theres someone u wud trust with ur life and positive u wudnt die, then i love you - H2MstrChf: thats exactly it, and i love you too - H2MstrChf: and i must say, ive always had a huge liking of the word always, and now is a perfect way to use it, and i no our minds were tangled with the startings of our love before the end of school, with when u circled and wrote in huge letters by ur signature in my year book, ALWAYS - H2MstrChf: and i will surely love you, always - CrAzEEClaNcY243: - H2MstrChf: - H2MstrChf: amazing talk - H2MstrChf: good way to end a night, even tho i no i dont want it to ever end - CrAzEEClaNcY243: cmon ur leaving me? - H2MstrChf: but we must all move on, regardless of what mysteries there are left, and my dad is gonna rip my head off in a second - CrAzEEClaNcY243: - CrAzEEClaNcY243: no more kisses then - CrAzEEClaNcY243: BYE - H2MstrChf: by - H2MstrChf: love you - CrAzEEClaNcY243: love u 2
