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iVivor Thailand
||| Apply! ||| Forum/Camps ||| We Love You! ||| Thailand |||

Due to a bit of stupidness and irresponsibility on my part, Felicia is no longer part of the staffing team. To replace her I'm looking for a cohost with a good sense of humor (preferably female, but guys can apply too) and a good understanding of Survivor. -J

13/5/03- The second page of the location site is updated! It consists of the difficulties that the castaways r deal with and the map of Koh Phi Phi Le!

Welcome to the main page of iVivor Thailand, with hosts Jesse and Felicia! This new game will start in a completely new way of which one has never seen the likes of before! What are you waiting for? Apply now!

For the location, Jesse picked the beautiful Koh Phi Phi Le, part of Thailand's Koh Phi Phi archipelago. This serene island will be the setting of a battle of wits involving 16 people from around the world.

If you want to be a part of this whole new adventure, fill out the application form! Game requires AIM and and eZboard account- get them free at and

This site was last updated 11/5/2003

Questions? Please email us at The Game Email . We look forward to your applications and/or feedback.