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Recent Events
09/28/04 -- SWG News -- SWGS News Feed 09/25/04 -- RL Event -- First Tournament
09/28/04 -- General News -- BG Image Added 09/18/04 -- SWG Event -- Hunt
09/17/04 -- General News -- TeamSpeak Server! 09/19/04 -- RL Event -- Console Testing
09/16/04 -- RL News -- <IMPHL> to RL!  
09/15/04 -- General News -- Banner Entries  
09/15/04 -- General News -- About <IMPHL>  

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09/28/04 5:19PM Est. -- SWG News -- SWGS News Feed
Just got done adding an SWGS News Feed script to the SWG News page. This will help things stay up to date without me having to do alot of work. :-) I'm lazy! WOOHOO!
--Reirae Aeki--
09/28/04 5:19PM Est. -- General News -- BG Image Added
I took a nice screenshot of the sky on Talus at night and I thought it'd make a nice background so here it is.
--Reirae Aeki--
09/25/04 -- RL Event -- First Tournament
Well, we held the first event. It was rather fun but we didn't end up actually holding a tournament and tracking all our stats. We just blew things up and killed each other.  It was a very long event and we ended up with about 6 people.  We just blew things up and killed each other. The whole event lasted from roughly Noon til about 3:30AM Est. and we spent most of that time playing Halo.
--Reirae Aeki--
09/18/04 -- SWG Event -- Hunt
As to be expected, no one showed up. Of course seeing as how I advertised it only on the site then it's what I figured would happen. Oh well, but as for next week there will be no SWG event as I will be focusing most of the day on the first RL / Console Gaming Tournament. The following week however will have a scheduled event and I'm planning on making it as big of an event as I can.
--Reirae Aeki--
09/18/04 -- RL Event -- Console Testing
The console testing went quite well. The PS2 and GameCube both worked fine but unfortunately our Xbox provider didn't show up so we're not sure how well the multi-Xbox link will work. We will have the Xbox's ready for next Saturday for sure. The play by play will be provided to anyone that wants to listen in on our TeamSpeak server. IP: ""    PW: "imphlforever".
--Reirae Aeki--
09/17/04 8:25PM Est. -- General News -- TeamSpeak Server!
Just finished setting up a TeamSpeak server for <IMPHL>. Feel free to check it out. Just get TeamSpeak from Connect to the server IP: and use the PW "imphlforever". From there you can register to the server. Please use your in game name so we know who you are.
--Reirae Aeki--
09/16/04 4:55PM Est. -- RL News -- <IMPHL> to RL!
I'm taking <IMPHL> into real life and holding console system tournaments. This may not really concern most of you but it will increase our general member base. These new members that will join for the RL Console games will most likely join parts of our online gaming. I'm hoping this will get some more people into our other games so we can finally hold events in them as well. Other than that, I'm pretty sure SWG is still gonna be our base of operations and then we'll just venture out into other games from time to time for just a little extra fun.
--Reirae Aeki--
09/15/04 6:50PM Est. -- General News -- About <IMPHL>
Just added our first entries for the banner contest. You can view them Here! or on the Banner Contest page.
--Reirae Aeki--
09/15/04 5:07PM Est. -- General News -- About <IMPHL>
I just got done working on the "About <IMPHL>" section and it is now up and running. Go check it out from the menu bar.
--Reirae Aeki--

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