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Ifurita's Anime Jukebox

Anime Music | Forum | Links

All hail Ifurita!!
Ifurita's Anime Jukebox is a collection of anime MP3s that rotates monthly. Download this month's tracks while you can, because next month they will be replaced with new selections! Right click (control-click for Mac users) and "download target of link." Please do not stream, it wastes bandwidth. Enjoy, and remember......

*Please help make Ifurita's anime community great by participating in the Forum! Thank you*

Please do NOT use Download Managers. Your IP will be banned!

January 2006
Ifurita's Anime Jukebox is on hiatus. Please read this for more details....

Ifurita is a copyright of AIC and Pioneer LDC (nee Geneon Entertainment). All music copyrights are held by their respective owners. This is a fan tribute site, created out of respect for the music and it's composers. No money is made from this site. MP3s are for evaluation purposes only. They should be deleted from your hard drive after 24 hours.

Ghost's Anime Kitties