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          + About Us 
Guild Ranks
           + Guild Council

           + Member of the week


+ Nickname List (NEW)
           + Advisor 
           + The Message Board
           + New Ideas / Comments   


           + Guild Toy Shop
           + Guild Clothes Shop
           + Guild Food Shop
           + Guild Weapons Shop
           + Guild Petpets Shop
           + Guild Donation Shop
           + Guild Book Shop
           + Guild Raffles Shop
           + Guild Medicine Shop
           + Random Items Shop


           + The Laboratory
           + Wheel Of Excitement
           + Fruit Machine
           + Coltzan's Shine
           + Scratchcard
           + Tombola
           + The Healing Springs
           + Snowager
           + Wheel Of Misfortune
           + Wheel Of Mediocrity
           + Omelette
           + Hidden Tower
           + Draik Nest
           + Jelly World





    Welcome to the .:hidden..wonder:. guild website !
    Updates :


Hello! I am sorry the psst few days i have not been on neopets because of some server problem ... But it is ok now :) and the hunt is back  again :) 


Please note that the new councils are up, and that we are giving the councils one month to prove themselves worth.


> Web just opened (some stuff are not ready yet)
New : All the links :D
New : Links for neopets and guild



Yes. The council spots are going to be reset. We will give everyone a chance to be as active as possible, 
donate, post messages ... etc. HELP IN THE GUILD ! The councils will be picked at the end of March, show
get your ranks up if you wanna be a council !

Second Council - Baby Master

- Need to be EXTRA active. Always helping the members, build good relationship with everyone
- Have at least 500k in items and neopoints (if possible) but min. 300k so you can help more people in the guild (MUST PROVE)
- Donation - Shows how loyal in a way 
- Know HTML (dun have to be inside out, but at least enough to make a nice layout or something)
- Always be able to keep in contact with the guild leader
- Help think of contest
- Be able to donate at least 15k per month
- Ranked at least Great Helper and above
- MORe ...

Third Council - Baby Secretary.

- Must be in charge of over-all, guild shops. Make sure everything is going smoothly.
- Must be active in the guild messages boards. Deleted SCAM messages, look out for scammers and delete them
- Promote the rank of those who have qualified post (which i will neomail you to brief you on later on)
- Must have at least 300k (if possible) No lower than 200k.
- Help think of contest
- Be able to donate 15k per month
- Ranked at least great helper
- MORE ...

Forth Council - Baby Treasurer

- Be in charge of Message boards too, help the all the councils a little 
- LOOK for newbies in the guild and welcome them (new)
Get people to be more active and take part in activities in the guild
- Poll changer (must be about the guild)
- Have 100k - 200k (if possible)
- Rank at least  helper
- Be able to donate 10k per month
- MORE ...

Fifth Council - Baby MOTW (NEW)

weekly, there will be a Member of the week pick, if you are the most active (posting messages, donating), and you are the 
Member of the week, you get this position. There are chances you can be the MOTW for long, as long as you remain the most
active member. Remember, this position does change with the member of the week.

- Invite more people to the guild ! Look for baby neopets lovers, with no guild (if possible), Tell them about us ! Yes, you have to
be a sweet talker too ! Tell them what good stuff we got here ... etc. 
- Of course, you will have to be the best !
- Donate, post messages
- Must have donated 10k before.
- Posted at least 50 messages.

Have Proved that you have the nps or items
- aznlilgurl121

2 councils will be picked currently.