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Welcome to the Official oFi site!

Currently being worked on. Check back for updates though, and thanks for your patience. Due to lack of knowledge, the Guest Book will be used for chatting and finding out what's going on.
~Raest Huitz -Guild Leader-

Recent adventure out in the lands have led to this dragon... needless to say we got our butts kicked even though we did over 2,000 damage... maybe even 3,000 and didn't quite have his health to half. Check it out.
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I hope to kill this boss with you guys some day, and get the good loot it probably drops.

Just a little side note: The current cash in my possesion that i've earned is now up to 30k. Soon i'll be working for nothing but getting that Guild Hall, since i'm about to finish the missions, so when you see me on, any donations you could contribute would be much appreciated.

I've finished the final mission.... after countless tries with various groups and being told it's taken some a week to do, I completed it after 4 attempts. This mission takes lots of stratedgy so I'll be more than happy to help those that get to this point. It's now time for me to go all for the guild, make some more money, take donations, and help those who need it.
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Some ending pics of me and my group. Doesn't really spoil much or anything, especially due to the fact that there's a big twist you find out before you fight this last boss that I didn't take any pics of. Enjoy!

Important Notice: The polls are over with. The new cape is now in effect, so I hope you all enjoy it. However a new poll will be started for the Guild Hall. This time it'll be between the Hunter Island and the Island of the Dead, since it was a tie with the two. Pics for those islands will be up along with the poll for you all to view if you're not yet in Lion's Arch to view it yourself.

Always check for new messages about what's going on.

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