Gryhnd_Pryncess' Rules
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Tournament Rules

135 Point Oklahoma Gin

Rated and Protected Tables

Click Here for more specific game rules and table settings

General Ladder Rules

1. Swearing and/or foul language, hissy fits and other random acts of childish behavior will not be tolerated. Any use of them will result in instant disqualification. Lets play nice kids.

2. The top and/or left player invites. If you have trouble remembering your left from your right, just make an L with both hands. I'm sure you can figure it out from there (hint: L stands for...).

3. The nonwinning player must report the loss to the tournament page as soon as their sore arse can get there. Have no fear, a nice padded seat will be waiting for you in the lobby when you are done.

4. Your RM name and Yahoo name must match. Caps do not matter as long as the name is the same. If you need help in changing your name, hollar at me and i'll be happy to guide you along. We'll have a fun name changing adventure, just the two of us! Yea!

5. If your opponent is not in the room or does not answer your invites, invite me to the table and they will be put on a timer. You have 10 minutes per tournament (not per round) for MIA. If after 10 minutes you have not graced us with your presence, we will assume that you were kidnapped by the mob and are being tortured accordingly. I will take a load off your mind and withdraw you from the tournament. See, i'm always thinking about my monsters!

6. In swiss tournaments there is a 30 minute time limit per round. At 30 minutes I will come to your table and start barking orders, saying something to the effect that whoever has the highest score when the hand in progress is done wins. This is not a good time for whining kids, trust me. I have muzzles and i'm not afraid to use them!

7. We all know how dependable yahoo is so if (or should we say when, it's always a matter of time) a new server comes up, finish the game you are in and then switch over to the new server. The 10 minute MIA applies to this situation. Remember: muzzles.

8. You are more than welcome to watch other monsters games as long as you get both of their permission first. Simply enter the table and say, "May I watch?" Not that hard. If they say no, please leave immediately before they have to boot you from the table. No one likes a sore behind.

9. If for any reason I say that you are disqualified from a tournament, you are to forfeit your game and report the loss as soon as possible. I don't care how much you beg or plead. The only thing that may sway me is large (and I mean large) cash bribes wired to my bank account in the swiss alps. At that point I will consider letting you back in. But you won't have to do that right? You are going to be a good monster and follow the rules right? Right!

10. By registering for the tournament you agree to these rules. If you are reading this in the middle of a tournament trying to prove me wrong...sorry, its too late. Your only hope is to refer back to #9.

11. The most important rule: HAVE FUN!! Its just a game! :)

Questions or comments? Contact me!

Email me:

Or via Yahoo! Messenger ~ I am: Contact via Yahoo Messenger

Need help getting into a full room? Try these Backdoors:

Click Here

Click Here

Also, on RM Y!Gin homepage where it tells you tourneys are played in Command Central - Click Command Central and it will bring you into room.

Amazing Grace

For five long years, She's graced the track.
Led from the front,
Come from the back.
Paid her way,
She's earnt her keep.
And now they say,
"Put her to sleep".

For five long years,
She's thrilled the crowd,
Pleased her owners,
Made them proud.
Ran her heart out,
Gave her most
Loved to be first past the post.

No longer young and in her prime,
Now she struggled to the line.
And those who've watched her all these years,
Shake their heads and hide their tears.
Those who know can't bear to see,
This brave old girl that used to be.

The clock is ticking,
She doesn't know.
The decisions made she's got to go,
Her trust in people knows no bounds,
The downfall of so many hounds.

So now she's loaded up once more,
She hops up through the open door.
She thinks she's going to the track,
But others know she won't be back.

Her kennel mate waits patiently,
The van is back but where is she?
He whines and paces, why so long?
He doesn't understand she's gone.

She'll never slip back through that door,
The deed is done she is no more.

A few days later far away,
Grace begins another day.
Oblivious to her destined fate,
She skips out through the garden gate.
We know she'll never understand,
She owes her life to a kennel hand.
And a few kind people,
Who wouldn't stand by,
And watch this grand old lady die.
By: Denise Dubarbier