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You Want Fun...You Got It!

                                GRAND THEFT AUTO:
                                  SAN ANDREAS
                             Secrets/fun things guide
                               By: GoodGamerGuy
                        Copyright Andrew O Hart 22/11/04
Last updated: 12/18/04
Version 0.10: Just started. You can add anything you think is fun by 
Going to my address.
Version 0.25: I have done a lot and have a few contributions. Keep 
Them coming.
Version 0.90: I have nearly finished and still need more 
Version 1.0: I have now finished but it will be updated a lot. Keep 
Sending stuff in please.
Version 1.25: Replaced the miscellaneous section with Glitches and 
Secrets has been changed To myths but secrets are still here.
Version 1.50: I have added a single player section just because 
Everybody who posted had the category on single player most of the time.
Version 1.75: I have added two new sections; photos and an faq section.
Version 1.90: I have added two sections, Girlfriends and 100% complete.
Version 2.00: I have added a section called Leading to GTA:4
Version 2.20: I put in a weapons part.
Version 2.40: I have had to take down the Review, Next GTA,
and change My Favorite Things To do to Favorite Things Anywhere.
Version 2.50: Photos section has to be taken down due to I am not able to
get pictures up.
Version 2.60: I have rearranged my guide into a better order.
Version 2.70: I have added some new new things.
Version 2.75: I have put in more thing's.
Version 2.90: I have added a new section, Rare car's and have put 
in more fun things, glitches and secret's.
Version 3.00: I have got alot more contributations so keep them 
coming guy's.
Version 3.25: I have had a pile of contributation's sent in. They
are now in the guide.
Version 3.50: I have added a Car Mod and a Property's chapter.
Also I have added a few new things to the rare care section.
Intro: Well, it sort of explains itself really.
Chapter 1: Cars.
Chapter 2: Cheats.
Chapter 3: Do's and Dont's.
Chapter 4: FAQ.
Chapter 5: Fun things anywhere.
Chapter 6: Funny Things.
Chapter 7: Girlfriends.
Chapter 8: Girlfriend Gravyard.
Chapter 9: Glitches. 
Chapter 10: Los Santos fun stuff.
Chapter 11: San Fierro fun stuff.
Chapter 12: Los Venturas fun stuff.
Chapter 13: Missions.
Chapter 14: Moderation.
Chapter 15: Pedestrians.
Chapter 16: Police Chases.
Chapter 17: Planes.
Chapter 18: Propertys.
Chapter 19: Rare vehicle's.
Chapter 20: Secrets.
Chapter 21: Single player.
Chapter 22: Some Myths.
Chapter 23: Stories.
Chapter 24: The Country fun stuff.
Chapter 25: The Desert fun stuff.
Chapter 26: Two-Player Mode.
Chapter 27: Unlockables.
Chapter 28: Weapons.
Chapter 29: 100% Completion.
Outro: Oh. Too bad, its over, Fin, Now go to bed.

*NOTE* Press CTRL+F and you can search for something from
the above.
Hello and welcome to my guide. As you may or may not know, this is my 
first guide and I decided to make it for the best game in the world... 
GTA: San Andreas.
This is my favourite game because of its freedom.
You can stroll over to some guy pull him out of a car get the army 
after you and drive into the sea and survive it all. That's what 
makes it so fun and enjoyable. Now let us begin by saying that if you 
wish to contact me, you can send me an email to my address at and if you see a spelling mistake
or a wrong fact please send that in as well.
But please remember the way I want the email is like this:
Name: The name of it.
Category: what ever you want from the chapters list.
What you need: Whatever you need to do it. 
What you do: post what you like doing there.
Tip: What will help the player.

Easy enough I suppose. Now please don't flame me but I do think there 
is leather face but not a Bigfoot. Weird things happened to me at the 
Penticon, as you will find out once you read the Stories section of 
the guide. Now you can read on a head to see some fun things to do.

*NOTE* If you dont send me a tip I will put one in for you*Note*

*Note* This guide contains spoilers such as charecters etc*Note* 
Chapter 1: Cars
I have put in the car section for fun things to do in cars.
This section will be fairly small, as I can't think
of much stuff to do. 
High faller
Fun rating: *********
What you need: A plane or helicopter.
What you do: Fly your vehicle of choice up very high.
Now whenever you want to just hop out. Now you will 
Fall for a minute. What you have to do is try land on a car. 
When you do you will die but the car will fall apart.
Tip: Fall over the highway.
Fun rating: ******
What you need: A car.
What you do: Go around and do jumps.
Easy enough.
Tip: Try the Country and Desert.
Pick me up Scotty.
Fun rating: *******
What you need: A pick up truck.
What you do: Go up to somebody in a car and 
Latch them up to the pick up. Now drive them to
a cliff and drop them off it. It is quite funny.
Tip: Bring them to the top of Mt. Chiliad.
Tractor Trouble
Fun rating: *********
What you need: Tractor.
What you do: Get in your tractor of choice.
Now bring the latch on the back of it to the 
bottom using the right anolog stick. Reverse into
any other veicle except for a truck or a bike 
because you cant latch onto a bike.
Now try killing or scaring the people inside
the car for fun. Try hanging them off the side of
Mt. Chiliad, Drown them in a river or go onto 
the train tracks and blow them away when the 
next train come's.
Tip: Stay in the country for more fun.
Car jumper
Fun rating: ******
What you need: Nothing.
What you do: Go to a highway of your choice. 
Now jump onto any car you see. Let the car drive away.
Now whenever your ready just try and jump to another
car in any direction. Count the amount of times you
can do it without falling off. 
Tip: Get a friend, now take it in turns and see how
who gets the most jumps(Not in two player.)
Car shooter
Fun rating: ****
What you need: Any weapon except explosives.
What you do: Do the same as the one above. 
Except this time dont jump to another car.
Now you have to try shoot the other car's gas 
tank and blow it up.
Tip: Try doing the same as in the one above.
Matrix Man
Fun rating: ***
What you need: A car and a friend with a gun.
What you do: Get in two player mode. Now one person get in the 
car and the other stays out. Now the person out of the car holds
R1 and then the person in the car runs him over. The person in aim 
mode looks like they are in the Matrix with them lying on the ground
with their arms out. Its not really fun but its nice to see it.
Tip: Has to be done fast so you can see it.
Contributor Central
Have you got some things that you like doing in or out of cars.
Well send them into
Nearly all will be put up.
Sewer Shot
Sent in by TimmyVermiceli
What you need: I nice modded car.
What you do: Take a fast car like a Bullet or 
Banshee etc. down to the dry sewers in Los Santos. 
How fast can you go? 
Tip: Mod your car from better effect.
Thanks go to TimmyVermiceli.
Chapter 2: Cheat's
Hello, this chapter was put in because the cheats make the game 
A lot more fun. Here are most of the cheats.
R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
$250,000, full health and armour.
R1, R1, Circle, L1, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down
4 stars wanted level.
R2, Circle, R1, L2, Left R1, L1, R2, L2
Aggressive Traffic.
Right, R1, Up, L2, L2, Left, R1, L1, R1, R1
All Traffic Lights Stay Green.
Triangle, L1, Triangle, R2, Square, L1, L1
All Vehicles Invisible (Except Motorcycles)
Circle, L2, Up, R1, Left, X, R1, L1, Left, Circle
Black Traffic.
Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2
Cars on Water.
Right, L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1
Commit Suicide.
R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1
Destroy Cars. 
Right, R1, Up, L2, L2, Left, R1, L1, R1, R1
Faster Cars.
Circle, Circle, L1, Square, L1, Square, Square, Square, L1, 
Triangle, O, Triangle
Faster Clock.
Triangle, Up, Right, Down, L2, L1, Square
Faster Gameplay.
R2, Circle, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Square, Triangle
Flying Boats.
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X
R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down
Lower Wanted Level.
R1, R2, L1, X, Left, Right, Down, Up
More Respect.
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Triangle
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Down
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square
Down, Up, Up, Up, X, R2, R1, L2, L2
Pedestrian Attack (cannot be turned off)
Down, Left, Up, Left, X, R2, R1, L2, L1
Pedestrian Riot (cannot be turned off)
R2, R1, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, Up, Down
Pedestrians have weapons.
Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1
Perfect Handling.
Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, Circle
Pink Traffic.
R1, R1, Circle, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
Raise Wanted Level.
Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1 Slower Gameplay
Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle,
Circle, Triangle
Spawn A Rhino.
R2, Up, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right
Spawn a Stretch.
Down, R1, Circle, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Left, Left
Spawn Bloodring Banger.
Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X
Spawn Caddy.
R1, circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X (2), Square, R1
Spawn Hotring Racer #1.
R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Up, circle, R2
Spawn Hotring Racer #2.
Up, Right, Right, L1, Right, Up, Square, L2
Spawn Rancher.
L1, L2, R1, R2, up, down, left, right, L1, L2, R1, R2, up, down, left, right,
Spawns jetpack.
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Circle
Down, R2, Down, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, Left, Right
Unlock Romero.
Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right
Unlock Trashmaster.
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
Weapons 1.
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left
Weapons 2.
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down
Weapons 3.
Thanks go to Gamefaqs for the cheats. 
Chapter 3: Do's and Dont's
Hello and welcome. In this chapter you will see some things to do and
some things you should not do in the world of San Andreas. Let
us begin, shall we.
Mod up a car.
Go swimming.
Fly a plane.
Drive a car.
Play with the fun toy.
Crash a car.
Get in a fight.
Go on the highway.
Cut people up with a helicopter.
Gamble until your moneys gone.
Be a P.I.M.P
Be a G.I.M.P
Start a firefight. 
Knock pedestrians off cliffs.
Knock pedestrians into water.
Jump off a tall building and "Forget" your parachute.
Play arcade games.
Play Two Player.
Shoot people off bikes.
Fly a plane into a building.
Fly into a car.
Drown yourself. 
Stand in the one spot for half an hour.
Pretend your a sim.
Laugh at the clown in the Ice cream truck.
Try jump off your house in real life thinking you'll survive.
Start saying "I randomized it."
Cry from supply lines,(Well you can if you want.)   
Fart and try say things in a mexican accent.
Go out to your friend's and start saying things like "Where now CJ."
Try last 104 hours without going toilet.
Wear same clothes for hours on end.
Try run into a train and move it.
Jump out of a plane while trying to jump so you will survive.
Dislike this game.
Start to like the funny country music.                  
Chapter 4: FAQ
Don't know something or want to know something? Check out the
Faq and you will find out.

Q: You're so lame because you believe in Leatherface.
A: Actually many people believe in Leatherface because 
Many things happen at the Panopticon.

Q: How can I tell you stuff?
A: Send it to

Q: I can't see how this thing here is fun.
A: You will and wont find some things fun as you
May not like parachuting or something fun.

Q: Will you be getting new fun things?
A: Yes, I will be updating whenever I find fun things, 
Or if I get a contribution.

Q: You suck!
A: Thanks.

Q: Why wasn't my contribution in the guide!
A: I have a life, I go to school, and can only go
On the Internet every few days. I will put it in
When i have a chance as I go down the list of 
People in order and don't pick random ones, so 
Please be patient.

Q: Will you make another guide?
A: This is my first guide and yes I most likely will
Make another guide. Not a walkthrough but fun things 
Guide for the next free roaming game.

Q: Will you be putting pictures in your guide for some?
Fun things.
A: If I can find out how to get them off of my play station then 
Most likely yes.

Q: Bye!
A: Bye.
Chapter 5: Fun things anywhere
This chapter is about fun things you can do anywhere you want to.
You dont have to be in a specific area to do it though.
Exploring is one of the best thing about the GTA series.
Look for funny messages, cars or people.
Get homies, kill them in different ways, off buildings,
Shotgun blasts or "accidents."
Road Trip's
Get some homie's and head out to anywhere you want to. 
Bring a camera to have more fun.
Bring in a lowrider to a garage and mod it up with
whatever you what and take it for a spin!
Listen to the radio!
Yes the radio on this game is hilarious and has some
deadly songs.
Base Jumping
Hike up somthing really big and then jump off with a 
parachute and then hike up again...repeat...repeat.
Starting fight's at high places
Bring somebody up to a high area like the ramp at the
top of Mt. Chiliad and punch them off it.
Contributor Central
Have you anythging that you like doing anywhere in the game,
well share it bey sending it to
and you could see it here.
Chapter 6: Funny things
Here my friends, I will tell you where some funny signs are. 
Tiki sign
Where: Near the Skateboard Park.
What it is:  statue of the hidden package sign from GTA: VC.
Dirty Magazines
Where: It's in the porn shop in Los Venturas 
What it is: Look at all the magazine and videos for funny messages.
Funny signs
Look for the big pointy building in San Fierro. There are a few
signs around it that say funny things.
NorthStar Rock
In Los Santos look on your map, at the top is a place called
NorthStar Rock. If you rearrange it a bit you get the word
"RockStar North," the creators of the game. They sure love 
Resident evil rip off
In downtown in San Fierro across from Cluckin Bell
is a white building called Zombotech which has some
funny signs on it which clearly shows it taking the 
mick out of Capcoms Resident Evil series.
*Update* Apparently if you go there at about 23:00
on a Wednesday night you can hear an explosion and
a zombie appears or somthing like that?
Contributor Central
I need funny things people so send me your finds the way I have them 
Wrote out to 
Chapter 7: Girlfriends
Hello, welcome to the new section of the guide, the girlfriends
section. This was added as the guide was having trouble getting
submitted as Gamefaqs dont take Fun thing Guides so I had to do 
alot more. Enjoy.
The Girlfriends
1. Denise
2. Millie
3. Michelle
4. Barbera
5. Katie
6. Helena
When: You will get Denise after you do the mission
"Burning Desire." 
Where: She lives right near your house and will be home
at 00:00 and 16:00
What: Bring her a date to either these places:
A bar a few streets away.
The club.
Driving is easy. Any speed around her house.
Receive: Keys to her car at 50% and a suit at 100%
When: Millie is yours when you are doing the robbery missions
for Woozie.
Where: She lives at the top of Los Venturas in Prickle Pine.
She will be home at 00:00
What: Bring her to either:
A restraunt near her house.
Camels toe club.
You need to drive average around her area.
She has a special where you put on the gimp suit
and will be invited in for coffee.
Receive:50% you get car keys.
Requirements:50% fat and high sex appeal
Where: Found in driving school and lives in
her garage in San Fierro near the pier. She 
will be home at 00:00
What: Bring her to either:
A bar.
The club.
She likes you to drive fast around her house.
Special date is where she drives and you watch.
You get coffee at 40%.
Receive: Free pay and spary at her garage.
50% you get keys to her mini monster truck.
100% you get a racing suit.
Requirements:50% fat and high sex appeal.
Where: You find her and date here at the
El Quabrados cop station. She will be home
at 00:00 and 16:00.
What: Bring her to either:
A diner.
A club.
Driving is at slow speeds around the station.
Coffee is at 60%.
Receivce: Get out of jail free with all weapons.
50% is keys to her car.
1000% is a cop uniform.
Requirments: 70% muscle and high sex appeal.
Where: You find her in a bush in the San Fierro
golf club. Her home is in the Paradise distrect 
Home at 12:00.
What: Take her to either:
A diner beside her house.
A club.
Driving is slow in chinatown.
Coffee at 50%.
Receive: Get out of hospital free with all 
your previous weapons.
50% gets you car keys.
100% you get a medic uniform.
Where: Found on the roof of ammunation in 
Blueberry. Her home is in the middle of
nowhere. She is home at 00:00, 14:00
and 16:00.
What: Take her to either:
A retraunt in the rodeo.
A club in San Fierro.
Driving at a slow speed on her farm.
Coffee at 70%.
Receive: Her tool shed is open with weapons
on it and her car is available.
100% gets you country clothes.
Well there you go. I have told you what
you should do with your girlfriends.
I have not said alot but there is a faq on
GameFaqs you could check out for a real 
Chapter 8: Girlfriend Gravyard
Hello and welacome to the part of the guide where you tell me your 
dead girlfriends and how they died, the good, the bad and the plain 
old annoying bitches. So send them in to me if you want.

 _____________         _______________         _______________
/  R.I.P      \       /     R.I.P     \       /     R.I.P     \
|  Denise     |       |    Helena     |       |     Katie     |
|to hi-jack a |       |That toolshed  |       |Your annoying  |
|car, you got |       |was very useful|       |yoga practice  |
|shot by a    |       |after driving  |       |made somebody  |
|drug dealer. |  \ /  |to your house  |  \ /  |go angry after |
|             |  -O-  |in the middle  |  -O-  |punching them  |
|             |  /|\  |of nowhere so  |  /|\  |when they first|
|             |   |   |many times.    |   |   |went out       |
/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/   |   /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/   |   \/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/        

Send in your Girlfriend's deaths to
and you can see your girlfriends death in my all new grave-o-vision.
Chapter 9: Glitches
This was put in because of so many emails wanting it in. Send
In your glitches to 
No head
Go on two players and get the second player to chop CJ's head off with a 
Katana. When the game comes on CJ will have no head and blood squirting.
Bike morph
Go to Mt.Chiliad with a parachute and get the bike. 
Go off a ramp up there and hop off the bike and use the 
parachute and you will get stuck with the bike and can do an insane 
amount of tricks.
Phone guns
When you answer your phone hang up and quickly change to your Uzi or 
whatever you have in your slot.
Fish swim in air
Throw a grenade or shoot a rocket launcher into a shoal of fish.
The fish will blow out of the water but will swim in the air!
Throw trucks
Get a tracktor in the country and find one of the trucks
that you can attatch oil tanks onto. Now attatch your
tractor to the front of it. Drive forward and 
turn a bit. The truck will go flying away from you.
Run under water
Get into two player mode. Find a sea sparrow or a 
sea skimmer. Player one gets in, player two pulls him 
out and then player one will fall to the bottom
of the ocean and will be able to run around and use
weapons under the water.   
Get rid of the gang war
When a gang war starts and you cant be bothered to
fight just go and save the game and it will be gone.
Running animation when not moving
Have a camera and run a tap L1.
CJ will be stuck in the 
running animation. You are able to turn but cant
go anywhere. Let go of the left anolog stick 
and CJ runs again.    
Strange world
Go to the Lil Probe Inn, now head to the part with the 
pool tables and start jumping. You will land on the 
roof. Now use the jetpack code and fly a far bit away.
Land and all of San Andreas will be strange 
with no walls. You can see weapons and horseshoes and
pedestrians. To get it off just go into a yellow marker .  
Win races easy
Chiliad Challange made you gone nuts,
or any driving race for that fact. Well
all you have to do is take your time driving to the 
destination. Once there, make sure all the opposing drivers
are finished. Now all you have to do is blow all the cars up.
You will come in first place once all cars are blown up.  
But stay behind the finish line.  
Use any weapon in Two Player
Waste all your ammo in your Uzi and get in a car. Have your
weapon selected that you want, and use the weapons cheat in 
the car that has your weapon in it. Now you can shoot
with whatever weapon you want.
*NOTE* You cant use Grenades, Moltives or Rocket Launchers. 
Blow up bikes
Try and get you bicycle upside down and it will go on fire
and blow up.
Melt CJ
Get on a mountain bike and reverse using square. Now while
reversing keep tapping X as fast as you can. It will look
like CJ is melting.
Sub-Urban and Ammunation
Go into any Sub-Urban with a camera and look in the mirror
with it. You will see that ammunation has the same interior
Invincable Pedestrian
Try keep a passenger in the car when you hi-jack one.
Bring him or her to a pay n' spray. Now once the spray
is done the pedestrian will run away but no matter what 
you do you cant kill them.
Contributor Central
Send in your funny glitches or any type of glitch you want to the
Email address
Super jump
Sent in by Belly 
What you need: Bmx, Gun 
What you do: equip the gun you can use on the BMX and as-soon you bunny
hop (L1) tap circle 
Tip: Must be quick 
Thanks go to Belly.
Headless CJ
Sent in by satansson777
Start a 2 player game and have the second player shoot CJ's 
head off,when the 2p game is over(something like that) CJ will
be headless.
Thanks go to satansaon777
Wrong Wind Sock
Sent in by iceblue.
The wind-sock at the airfield is pointing straight down
when you are far away. However, if you get close to it, 
it is suddenly pointing south.
Not really fun, but interesting.
Thanks go to iceblue.
Chapter 10: Los Santos Fun Stuff.
Hello homie and welcome to the city of Los Santos.
This being your first city, newbies to the game may want to have fun 
at the start until they get further and start the real fun. So here 
is a list of some things you should try.

Fun rating: *******(out of ten)
Things you need: A car, a weapon of some type.
What you do: Stalker is fairly simple yet is fun. Get in a car; get 
any type of gun, preferably a shotgun. Now what you do is go to a 
street where a lot of cars go by. Sit in your car and wait for 
somebody to pass. You can seek your victim out yourself. Once you 
spot them follow them. Keep behind them until they reach there home 
and then when they get out kill them.
Tip: Is more fun in the country.
Fun rating: ********
Things you need: The van, a silenced weapon if possible.
What you do: Robbery is one of the funniest things to be put in a 
game. From your house in the game, look on the map across the road 
from your first girlfriends house are four identical rectangle 
buildings. In one of them is a van. Get in it and press R3. You can 
now go to a house with a yellow triangle beside it and enter it. Now 
take whatever. Sometimes people are awake in the house and will ring 
the cops so get out before they arrive. 
Tip: Robbery's can only be done at night.
Skate Park
Fun rating: ******
What you need: A bike, for more fun an Uzi.
What you do: In glen park is a skate park. Get a bike, preferably 
with an Uzi. Now if you have full cycling skill and an Uzi you will 
have loads of fun. Go on the half-pipe or the concrete bowl. Now 
cycle as fast as you can and then hold L1 near the end of it and 
release L1. You should go high, but if you want really high, you hold 
L1 and the second you release L1 press O. You should go nearly half a 
mile high if you have full cycling skill. Now you can do back and 
front flips.
Tip: Try with a BMX for a tiny bit more speed.
Fun rating: ******* 
What you need: CJ and a shovel (don't need shovel)
What you do: On the weekend's head down to Santa Maria Beach near the 
lighthouse to start the Triathlon.
The Triathlon consists of three parts, Swimming, cycling and running. 
Beware though; it is fairly hard, as the other people seem to have an 
infinite sprint. Don't kill any body or you're disqualified from the 
For a bit of fun just bring a shovel. When running if anybody gets 
ahead of you just bring the shovel of pain upon him or her, just 
don't kill him or her.
Train Ride
Fun rating: *******
What you need: A gun and a bike if you want.
What you do: Okay this is fun. Go to a train station. Wait for one of 
the trains that have no passengers in (Cargo train?) and jump on the 
flat back part. Now you can move about at will and shoot or if your 
stupid likes me you can jump off. For more fun bring a bike on by 
bunny hopping onto it. You can now cycle your bike and bunny hop off 
into a river. It can be fun to get cops after you while on the back 
of it.
Tip: Shoot rocket at the train and hopefully it will derail.
Road trips
Fun rating: *********
Things you need: A good car, some homies, some moltive cocktails and 
a camera.
What you do: Get a car, a big one if you can, get as many homies as 
you can fit in the car, a few moltive's to burn things with and 
finally a camera to capture your trip on film. All ready good. Head 
were ever you want to. Be it the middle of the train tracks, or the 
beach. I always head to the forest to start fires with the moltive I 
Have and capture my homies burn on film... how nice.
Tip: Don't go on a train as they wont come.
Gang Wars
Fun rating: *****
What you need: Gun, life, armour and homies.
What you do: Get suited up, head to area in purple or yellow and 
Shoot a few gang members. A gang war will start then. It is fun for a 
While but gets old fast because you have to defend it when you could 
Be at another city, which is frustrating.
Tip: Your gang wont help much so take cover and don't be a hero.
Highway to hell
Fun rating: **********
What you need: Armour, armour, armour oh did I mention armour.
What you do: Go on the highway out of a car, on the wrong side of the 
Road. Now all these very smart drivers will crash into you, then the 
People behind crash into them and then a big pile up like in the film 
Final Destination 2 happens. Cops will crash and kill those who they 
Crashed into all while you are trapped underneath the car, which 
Started it all.
Tip: Try surviving as long as you can. Or bail out of a car and watch 
The pile up from a safe distance.
Pool diver
Fun rating: *********
What you need: A plane
What you do: Fly over madd dogs mansion or any houses
with swimming pools. Now bail out of the plane and try 
land in the pool. Its fun as hell because you dont 
lose any life if you do it right.
Homie Squash
Fun rating: ********
What you need: As many homies as possible.
What you do: Gather up all your homies and head to the 
highway. Cross over to the other side and see how many survive.
Tip: Go to the part where cars turn in to get more killed.
Fun rating: *******
What you need: A parachute.
What you do: Go to the big building in the Downtown section
and head inside. Once transported to the top you can get a 
parachute up there. Now parachute off the side where the 
highway is. Try land on a car.
Tip: Open your chute and press triangle when you think you
can land on the car.
Contributor Centre
This is where all you people who email me with suggestions go. So if 
You have an idea please send it to my email address  
You will get full credit from me so thanks to anyone who sends 
Army BMX
Sent in by AntW
What you need: Armour, Uzi, 6 star wanted level and BMX.
What you do: Get all your stuff and then head to the BMX park.
All the army come and you have to stay in the park and go 
In the bowl and half pipe.
Tip: Go up the bowl and try land on the tanks.
Thanks go to AntW (Me mate)
Bomb Lobber  
Sent in by Belly
What you need: Helicopter 
What you do:  Land on the top of a tall building, shoot and lob bombs and 
see how long you can last, get a high wanted level 
Tip: shoot down the police helicopters and make sure they don't fall on you.
Thanks go to Belly.
Groove or Balla foo'?
Sent in by nintendofandan2004.
What you need: Wite T-Shirt, bandanna, short's.
What you do: Dress up in white T-Shirt, bandanna, shorts,
then walk up to a gang of Ballas, they wont shoot you,
but when you reply postively or negatively to there comments 
then things get real nasty...
Tip: Bring a gun for fun!
Thanks go to nintendofandan2004.
Chapter 11: San Fierro fun stuff

Hello and welcome to San Fierro my friends. I myself have not 
Explored San Fierro a lot. I know a few fun things to do but not 
Many. Well lets get started.
Army Base Case
Fun rating: *****
What you need: Lots of armour, lots of ammo.
What you do: Near Easter Bay is a military compound. What you have to 
Try doing is steal the patriot and make it out alive. People have 
Said they have saw a submarine and have also reported a man in black 
Walking around talking about aliens and such.
Tip: Don't go in the water as the army can shoot at you but you cant 
Shoot them.
Fun rating: ********
What you need: Lots of pedestrians.
What you do: In San Fierro you will see lots of tram tracks. Get 
People after you by hitting them or such. Bring the people near the 
Tram track and when a tram comes run out of the way. Squish goes the 
Tip: Try pulling people out of their car near tram tracks when a tram 
Is coming.
Hitching a ride
Fun rating: *******
What you need: A gun
What you do: Jump on a fast looking car and aim at it and let fire 
Until the driver goes away very fast. Now remember you have to be on 
Top. Now duck down and watch as the driver does flying up all the 
Streets and getting some serious air. You will probably fall off a 
Lot though so be ready.
Tip: Get satchel charges and throw them on the car. Now when you fall 
Off detonate the charges.
Mod on up
Fun rating: ********
What you need: A car and some cash.
What you do: Go to a mod garage and mod up your car with the best NOS 
you can. Now take your ride for a ride up the hills in San Fierro. 
You'll get lots of air.
Tip: Get hydraulics and before you go up a hill press the button to 
Make the car jump to go higher. 
Fun rating: *********
What you need: Plane/ helicopter and parachute.
What you do: In the business district of San Fierro is a very large 
Building with a big spike shape on it. Get a plane or preferably a 
Helicopter and fly onto the building, try get on the spike, which I 
Have never tried before. Now since you have a parachute (hopefully) 
You can now jump off the building. Whenever you want pull the cord,
well, pull it. 
Tip: If you want a challenge try land on one of the cars below, or 
Even harder, a pedestrian!
Garver Bridge Gruesome
Fun rating: ****
What you need: A gun is optional.
What you do: Go to the Garver Bridge and hit somebody or if you want 
Shoot him or her. The people on the bridge or near it will scream and 
Run off the edge. It is fairly funny to watch them plummet to there 
Death but it gets a bit boring.
Tip: Shoot more people to get more to jump.
A pirate's life is a life for me
Fun rating: ***
What you need: A boat is optional.
What you do: Go into the waters and if you see a boat pretend to be a 
Pirate and hop on. Strangely the people just run off the boat and 
Drown once you climb on. If you have a boat bring it beside the other 
Persons boat and jump on which is slightly more difficult.
Tip: If you're really bored you can sing the "Pirates Life Is A Life 
For Me" song, but that's just wrong.
Curse you Zero... Curse You! 
Fun rating: **********
What you need: Ammo, lots of it, moltive's, flamethrower, everything 
That burns!
What you do: Time to burn the stupid bums shop down. After super 
annoyingly hard "Supply Lines" mission you deserve you're revenge. Go 
Into his shop and throw everything you have and make his shop burn 
That he will never want to here the name CJ again.
Tip: It helps to take your anger out on zero while shouting things 
Like "Curse you, you'll die and mmmwwwahhahahaha."
Note: I am not crazy and this really is the boringest thing I have put 
on. I just thought it would be funny to do this.
Contributor Central
Remember to send your stuff to 
Sent in by funny chap.
Dingy Rampage
What you need: Any weapon (Except rocket launcher) dingy.
What you do: Go to the beach and stay in your dingy and start
killing people on the beach.
Tip: A good weapon is the sniper.
Thanks go to funny chap.
Get on the trolly.
Sent in by PhantomShadow.
What you need: Heat seeking rocket launcher, 
grenades, or sathcel charges. 
What you do: Get a heat seeking rocket 
launcher, grenades, or sathcel chares 
and Park a car outside the Doherty station 
in San Fierro right on the side of the trolly 
track. Get on top of the car. When the trolley 
rolls by, jump onto it. Throw stuff, shoot 
people, and shoot rockets at the oncoming 
police from the back of the trolley. 
Tip: Shoot the choppers down whenever they appear.
Thanks go to PhantomShadow.
Chapter 12: Las Venturas Fun Stuff
Hello people and welcome to Las Venturas the rich gamblers paradise. 
Take a stroll through the casinos or take flight in the plane 
graveyard. Now the real fun starts, as the whole map is open for 
play. So please enjoy the rest of this guide.
Money no more
Fun rating: *******
What you need: Luck and lots of money.
What you do: Go into one of the casinos and go on any means of 
gambling you want. Its funny because you can have $1,000,000 one 
minute and then have $0 the next, so be careful.
Tip: I don't have a tip, as I am rubbish at gambling. 
A pointy end
Fun rating: ******
What you need: Armour, lots of ammo and weapons.
What you do: Go on top of the big pyramid to the pint at the top with 
a six star wanted level and see how long you can last.
Tip: Bring a rocket launcher.
Casino kick out
Fun rating: *****
What you need: Armour, gun that's about it.
What you do: Go into any casino and start a fight with somebody. See 
How long you can last against the bodyguards.
Tip: Its better in Woozies casino.
Stunt Skydiver 
Fun rating: *********
What you need: A plane.
What you do: Go up high in your plane and when you are over a house with
A swimming pool bail out. You have to try land in the swimming pool.
Tip: Do in the hills where Madd Dogs Mansion is. 
Contributor Central
I can't think of anything to do in Las Venturas so send in some stuff 
To please send in some stuff.
Sent in by Belly.
Exploring Area 69
What you need: Jetpack 
What you do: Get into the underworld (see Codes & Secrets on Gamefaqs)
Then fly under to area69, there is a big hole going down (were you find 
the jetpack originally) fly to this hole then drop you will fall for about
5 seconds and then spawn inside so you can explore. 
Tip: be careful once inside as you can alert the guards. Also there
is no way out once you are in. 
Thanks go out to Belly.     
Venturas Pile up
Sent in by SpasticDisaster
It's always fun to cause a pile-up in the freeway at Las Venturas.
Then, once there's enough cars crashed around, throw in a couple
satchel charges and detonate them.
It's pretty sweet.
Tip: Remember to throw the satchel's.
Thanks go to SpasticDisaster.
Las Venturras: Reloaded
Sent in by rin kobayashi
What you need: A Nrg-500
What you do: Take an NRG-500 and ride against traffic in the 
freeway surrounding LV. It's surpisingly fun, weaving in 
and out of coming traffic at high speeds. Plus, 
other cars will crash into eachother, sending bikes, 
cars, trucks, etc. flying over-head while riding.
Tip: See how long you can last.
Thanks go to rin kobayashi.
Chapter 13: Missions
In this chapter you can make up missions for people to try out for
Some fun. 
Bomb da Train
What you need: Satchel charges.
What you do: On your map look in the countryside for a bridge with
Railway tracks underneath it. Stand on the edge of the tracks and when
a train comes
You have to jump on it before it goes. When on the train you have to place
A satchel charge on each part of the train. When the train stops get off and
Blow it up and mission won.
De-rail da train
What you need: Nothing.
What you do: Get in a train at a train station.
You have to go as fast as you can and de-rail it.
Once done congratulation's, you've completed this
Sniper assassin
What you need: A sniper rifle and a helicopter.
What you do: Get your stuff and land on any building in
San Fierro. Now look for one of those guys with bags on there heads.
They are really movie stars trying to hide so kill at
Least one of them to send the rest of them a message. 
S.A.P.D blow up
What you need: Guns armour and satchel charges.
What you do: Go into any police station and you have to plant 
a bomb on every floor of the police station, once done blow them up
In a safe area in the police
Station. Mission Complete.
Night of the living dead
Start in the gravyard in the country. You can only have a rifle as your
weapon and cant do any cheats. You have to make your way to the part
of the Panopticon with the chainsaw and stay in the shack. You have to
put the cheats bounty on your head and peds riot on.
If you run out of ammo your going to fight them by hand
Day of the dead
Put the cheats bounty on your head and peds riot cheat on
and find any underground place like tunnels where people tend to 
be. You have to have a machine gun and desert eagle and cant use armour
or ammo cheats.
Dawn of the dead
Put on the same cheats as the previous two and go on top of
yellow building near where you stock up stuff you steal in the
robbery mission. Now you need a sniper. If you run out of ammo
you have to go to the nearest ammunation which we are pretending is
Andy's gun store from the movie. You then have to find a way back
on to the building by using a car or truck. See how long you can last.
The matrix highway
In this you have to put on a four star wanted level and get a bike,
now go on the wrong side of the road and get to the country. You
have to have the aggresive traffic cheat on.
Nija killa
Wear all black and cover your face in a black bandanna. Get a katana
and put on bounty on your head. You have to start in San fierro
on the pointy building and parachute down. Now you have to make your
way to Your house in Ganton on foot. You can jump on a train roof but are
not allowed in any veicle.
Contributor Central
Send in any missions you made up to 
And you can have people testing your missions.
Chapter 14: Moderation
Hello  everybody and welcome to the moderation section of my evolving
guide. This chapter will show you the car moderations in the game.
So please read ahead and see some of the stuff!
Okay then, let's start with where the garages are:

Los Santos
Amount: 2
What: Transfender and LocolowCo.
Where: Transfender is in Temple, NorthEast.
LocolowCo is at playa Del Seville.
*Note* LocolowCo and Transfender is unlocked after
doing "Ceaser Vialpando."
San Fierro
Amount: 2
What: Transfender and Wheel Angels.
Where: Transfender is north of your garage.
Wheels Angels is at Ocean Flats.
*Note* You have to have purchased Wang Autos to unlock
Whell Angel.
Los Venturas
Amount: 1
What: Transfender.
Where: Come-A-Lot.
Now we come to the part where I will show you all the Mod's
available to each type of car I have found.

MOD Shop.........................Loco Low Co.


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........3
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
# of Moddable Interior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Chromer, Slamin
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof mods available.....................Hardtop, Softtop (up)
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................Chrome
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......9
Offroad wheels available?...............NO
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................Loco Low Co.


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........2
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
# of Moddable Interior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Chromer, Slamin
Front bumper mods available.............Chromer, Slamin
Rear bumper mods available..............Chromer, Slamin
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof mods available.....................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................Chrome Strips
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......9
Offroad wheels available?...............NO
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................Loco Low Co.


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........3
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Chromer, Slamin
Front bumper mods available.............Chromer, Slamin
Rear bumper mods available..............Chromer, Slamin
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................Chrome Flames, Chrome Arches
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......9
Offroad wheels available?...............NO
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES
Misc mods availabe......................Chrome Grill, Chrome Bars,
					Chrome Lights


MOD Shop.........................Loco Low Co.


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........3
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
# of Moddable Interior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Chromer, Slamin
Front bumper mods available.............Chromer, Slamin
Rear bumper mods available..............Chromer, Slamin
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof mods available.....................Hardtop, Softtop (down)
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................Chrome
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......9
Offroad wheels available?...............NO
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................Loco Low Co.


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........3
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Chromer, Slamin
Front bumper mods available.............Chromer
Rear bumper mods available..............Chromer bullbar, Slamin bullbar
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof mods available.....................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................Chrome Trim, Wheelcovers
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......9
Offroad wheels available?...............NO
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................Loco Low Co.


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
# of Moddable Interior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......4
Offroad wheels available?...............NO
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................Loco Low Co.


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........3
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
# of Moddable Interior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Chromer, Slamin
Front bumper mods available.............Chromer, Slamin
Rear bumper mods available..............Chromer, Slamin
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................Chrome Strips
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......9
Offroad wheels available?...............NO
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................Loco Low Co.


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......4
Offroad wheels available?...............NO
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES

                       Street Racer Car's                           


MOD Shop.........................Wheel Angels


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........3
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Alien, X-Flow
Front bumper mods available.............Alien, X-Flow
Rear bumper mods available..............Alien, X-Flow
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................Alien, X-Flow
Spoilers available......................Alien, X-Flow
Side skirts available...................Alien, X-Flow
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............NO
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................Wheel Angels


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........3
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Alien, X-Flow
Front bumper mods available.............Alien, X-Flow
Rear bumper mods available..............Alien, X-Flow
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................Alien, X-Flow
Spoilers available......................Alien, X-Flow
Side skirts available...................Alien, X-Flow
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............NO
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................Wheel Angels


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........3
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Alien, X-Flow
Front bumper mods available.............Alien, X-Flow
Rear bumper mods available..............Alien, X-Flow
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................Alien, X-Flow
Spoilers available......................Alien, X-Flow
Side skirts available...................Alien, X-Flow
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............NO
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................Wheel Angels


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........3
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Alien, X-Flow
Front bumper mods available.............Alien, X-Flow
Rear bumper mods available..............Alien, X-Flow
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................Alien, X-Flow
Spoilers available......................Alien, X-Flow
Side skirts available...................Alien, X-Flow
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............NO
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................Wheel Angels


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........3
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Alien, X-Flow
Front bumper mods available.............Alien, X-Flow
Rear bumper mods available..............Alien, X-Flow
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................Alien, X-Flow
Spoilers available......................Alien, X-Flow
Side skirts available...................Alien, X-Flow
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............NO
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................Wheel Angels


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........3
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Alien, X-Flow
Front bumper mods available.............Alien, X-Flow
Rear bumper mods available..............Alien, X-Flow
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................Alien, X-Flow
Spoilers available......................Alien, X-Flow
Side skirts available...................Alien, X-Flow
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............NO
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES

                   HIGH POWERED CARS


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................2X and 10X only
Bass boost available?...................NO
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........2
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................NO
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........2
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................NO
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................Win, Fury, Alpha
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................NO
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........2
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................NO
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................NO
Hydraulics available?...................YES


Note: YES, This car IS in the game!

MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........2
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................Oval, Square
Roof scoops available...................Standard
Spoilers available......................Win, Fury
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................Square
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES

Here are the steps to acquire a Phoenix...

1. Start the "Hills of San Fierro" street race next to Pay n Spray
   in Doherty.

2. Instead of racing, return to the place where you activated the

3. Get out of the car and wait for the 30 second timer to expire.

4. You fail the race, but the Phoenix is still sitting next to you
   so back out of the race screen and go get it.


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................NO
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................NO
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................NO
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Medium, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................Standard
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................NO
Hydraulics available?...................YES

                      REGULAR CARS


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........2
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Twin
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................Race
Hood vents available....................Oval
Roof scoops available...................Standard
Spoilers available......................Win, Drag, Fury, Alpha
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........2
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Medium, Twin
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................Round
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Twin
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................Fury, Champ
Hood vents available....................Oval, Square
Roof scoops available...................Standard
Spoilers available......................Win, Alpha
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................Round
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................Fury
Hood vents available....................Oval, Square
Roof scoops available...................Standard
Spoilers available......................Win, Fury, Alpha
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................Round
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Medium, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................Square
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................Champ, Race
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................Fury, Champ
Hood vents available....................Square
Roof scoops available...................Standard
Spoilers available......................Worx, Pro
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................Round, Square
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................Oval, Square
Roof scoops available...................Standard
Spoilers available......................Win, Fury, Alpha
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................Round
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........2
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........2
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................Fury, Champ
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................Standard
Spoilers available......................Worx, Pro
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available.................. Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................Champ Scoop
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................1
Spoilers available......................Win, Drag, Fury
Side skirts available...................1
Fog lamps available.....................Square
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Medium, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................Round, Square
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........2
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................Oval, Square
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................Drag, Fury, Worx, Alpha
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Medium, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................Fury
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................Standard
Spoilers available......................Drag, Fury, Worx, Alpha
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Medium, Twin
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................Round, Square
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Medium, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................Champ
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................Drag, Race, Worx, Pro
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........2
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Medium, Twin
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................Drag, Worx, Pro
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................Round
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Small, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................Fury, Champ
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................Standard
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................Round
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Medium, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................Standard
Spoilers available......................Win, Alpha
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................Round
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Medium, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................Oval
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................Worx, Alpha, Pro
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........2
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................Fury, Champ
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................Standard
Spoilers available......................Drag, Worx, Pro
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................Round, Square
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........2
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........2
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Medium, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................Win, Champ, Fury, Pro
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................Standard
Spoilers available......................Win, Fury
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................Oval, Square
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................Win, Fury, Alpha
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................Round
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................0
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................Fury, Champ
Hood vents available....................Oval, Square
Roof scoops available...................Standard
Spoilers available......................Win, Fury, Alpha
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................Worx, Race
Hood vents available....................Oval, Square
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................Win, Fury, Alpha
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Medium, Twin
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................Fury, Champ
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................Win, Alpha
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................Champ
Hood vents available....................Oval, Square
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................0
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................Square
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........2
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Medium, Upswept, Twin
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................Oval, Square
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................Champ, Fury, Alpha
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


MOD Shop.........................TransFender


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Medium, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................0
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................0
Spoilers available......................Champ, Fury, Worx, Pro
Side skirts available...................0
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES


# of Custom Paintjobs available.........NONE
# of Moddable Exterior Colors...........1
Exhaust mods available..................Large, Twin, Upswept
Front bumper mods available.............0
Rear bumper mods available..............0
Hood scoops available...................Worx, Race
Hood vents available....................0
Roof scoops available...................Standard
Spoilers available......................Win, Fury, Alpha
Side skirts available...................Standard
Fog lamps available.....................0
# of wheel custom wheel selections......10
Offroad wheels available?...............YES
Nitro availabale?.......................YES
Bass boost available?...................YES
Hydraulics available?...................YES
So this concludes all of the Mod's I think. Well that took a long
time to do!
Contributor Central
Did I miss a car in the game and you have modded it and you know about
it, well send it into
and I will be happy!
Chapter 15: Pedestrians
Now the pedestrian's comments are some of the funniest things of 
Funny things there are. Also the way some pedestrian's look is funny.
Here are some of the things they say.                     
                     Some funny Lines
"Hey boy, you smell. Get a wash."
"Love fist are back baby yeah." 
"Just because I'm English give you the right to assault me."
"(Does a long screechy fart) It wasn't me I swear to God."
"Oh my god he has a gun, run, Ahhhh."
"I'm a gangsta now bitch!"
"Hi, Welcome to my sh*t store." 
"Hope you choke a doodle do."
"Don't choke on the bone fragments."
                    Strange/funny pedestrians
In the country a man can rarely be seen walking
 About talking about aliens (Not seen).
In San Fierro a man who has a brown bag on his
 Head can be seen wandering around.
Apparently a man can be seen using the jetpack
 Up very high up. (Have not seen this)
In Easter Bay Chemicals a man is meant to have been seen in a
 Black trench coat talking about "things."(Not seen)
Some stories have been told of Ryder's dead body
 In the water near the Gant Bridge (Not seen)
Contributor Central
Have you seen weird or strange pedestrians or heard funny
Comments, if you have send them to
Chapter 16: Police Chases
Police chases in this are
Better than any game I have played before. They are fun as
Hell as the police are fairly dumb and fall off bridges and
Drive into walls which I hilarious.                      
Gun n run
Fun rating: *******
What you need: A gun.
What you do: For this you shoot a cop, then run away.
You are not allowed drive and when you kill one cop 
you have to kill another and keep killing until you
die. See how long you can last.
Tip: Carry a light weapon so you can sprint.
Back ride to nowhere.
Fun rating: ********
What you need: A gun.
What you do: Get your gun and find a car you can jump in
The back of and you could stay in it easier than normal cars.
Once in it kill lots of people and get cops after you and then the 
Driver will speed away with you in the back of it. Now stay in it
Car while fending off the cops. It's just like a action movie.
Tip: Try get in a big truck down by the docks.
Chase in the woods
Fun rating: ********
What you need: A bike and gun.
What you do: Get whatever bike you want and head to the 
Country for loads of fun. The cops will go flying up the hills 
And probably land on you.
Tip: Mt. Chiliad.
Fierro Flare
Fun rating: **********
What you need: Bike or car.
What you do: Get your chosen veicle and get a four star wanted level.
Speed up the hills of San Fierro and you will think it is fun.
You can try recreate The Fast And The Furious.
Tip: Mod up your car for more fun.                   
Contributor Central
I want your ideas for your favourite types of car chases.
Send them all into the email address
Homie Drive By
Sent in by Uncontrollable.
What you do: Get a four-door vehicle with open windows 
(such as a Glendale.)
Recruit 3 homies (less if you want a greater challenge.)
Drive-by cops until you have a 3-star wanted level.
Let your homies blow up 15 police cruisers
Tip: Cruise through the countryside to lose your wanted level.
Thank's go to Uncontrollable.
Stupid cop's
Sent in by Ringo.
What you need: Jetpack, gun's.
What you do: Get like 3 stars, put on the jet
pack... lead the cops into water by hovering
over the end of a dock... all I do is hover
a little bit off the end of it.
Tip: Take out the Helicopter's whenever they get come.
Thanks go to Ringo.
Police blaster
Sent in by Gloopy35
What you need: Weapons, armour.
What you do: Go into a police station (unarmed) . 
Choose a good place to defend yourself (Showers in 
Los Santos for eg), and then start blasting pigs
until you get 6 stars.
Now the tricky bit - make it out of the station
and back to a save point.
Tip: If you need armour try the locker room.
Thanks go to Gloopy35
Chapter 17: Planes
Planes are very fun if you know how to fly them. So
Try some of the stuff here and see for yourself.
Upside down man
Fun rating: *******
What you need: A plane.
What you do: Get in your plane and fly up. 
Now go upside down and go low. Now 
See how long you can fly through a town.
Tip: Don't crash.
Fun rating: ***
What you need: A plane.
What you do: Fly to the country and
Try fly through the forest as you repeatedly 
Blow up more and more.
Tip: Don't fly into a tree.... hold on one 
Minute, that's impossible.
Fun rating: **********
What you need: A plane/helicopter and parachute.
What you do: Fly up high and bail. You will fall
For a bit. Open your chute whenever you want. It's really
Fun just falling and then realizing you doesn't
Have a chute and going SQUISH.
Tip: Bring a parachute.
Contributor Central
Send whatever you think is fun to
Please send some in.
Sent in by Belly.
What you Need : a plane 
What you Do: fly up in your plane to a minimum of the second altitude 
meter once you are high press triangle and leap out of your plane. you 
will automaticaly equip a parachute and will be able to skydive 
Tip : i think you need to have completed pilot school to be able to dive 
out with a parachute.
Thanks go to Belly. 
Sent in by Skills4
Pool diver
What you need: A plane.
What you do: get a plane and fall out and try to land in a pool 
(no damage to you AT ALL!!)
Tip: Go to the hill's at Madd Dog's mansion.
Thank's go to Skills4.
Sent in by igor006
Area 69 skydiver
What you need: Parachute, plane.
What you do: Make your CJ take up skydiving into Area 69 as
a new hobby!Then use your instincts how to make it out of 
there alive and with a new Hydra!
Tip: Start a dogfight with the other jet's.
Thank's go to ignor006
At the AirStrip...
Sent in by Psyco monkey
What you need: Satchel charges.
What you do: You should have a at least four planes 
at the Airstrip by the end of the game...
One for completing one of the Heist missions
One for bronze, one for silver from Pilot School
The Hunter if you get gold from pilot school
The Hydra from a latter mission....
Ok so you get all these planes put them in one area....put
about 20 charges around the planes....step back a good way
and detonate the as there are about 40 explosions....
Tip: Park a bike where you watch the fireworks take place....
as you get at least a 4 star wanted level from blowing
the planes up, hop on the bike and try to avoid the police.....
great fun....
Thank's go to Psyco monkey.
Sent in by dave100
What you need: Armour, maybe a gun.
What you do: Bust into the airfield at Area 69
and steal a Rhino.
Destroy everything on the airfield except the Hydras.
When police helicopters come, shoot them down with the main cannon.
Once you get 6 stars, leave the Rhino and steal the Hydra
furthest from the northeast SAM site. Fly low directly 
over it and you *should* not be hit. If you are hit,
bail at your airfield, save, and try again.
Fly to Las Venturas and see how many Hydras you
can shoot down before you get bored, shot down, or crash. 
If you bail out the choppers will kill you as you float down to 
the ground.
Tip: My current record is 46 Hydras shot down, try beat it.
Thanks go to dave100
Plane race
Sent in by PolperroPS2
What you need: A plane.
What you do: Fly as high as you can in a plane, 
make sure you are over water, bail out of the
plane, open parchute, then bail out of parachute and 
see if you can beat the plane into the sea.
Tip: Use the Big 747.
Thanks go to polperro.
Chapter 18: Property's.
Hello my friends and welcome to all that is property's.
You go them, you save and leave, right, well your wrong.
You need these to get 100% as well and stuff.
Read on to see them all.
You get this free at the start of the game.
You can fit two cars and no planes.
A camera, spraypaint can and a game console
are here. Your Tags reward also appears here.
El corona 
In this place there is nothing special.
It costs $10,000 and you can fit no
cars or planes in it.
It costs $10,000 and can hold no cars 
and no planes.
It also costs $10,000 and can hold absolutly
no cars or planes what so ever.
Verona Beach
$10,000, no cars or planes, need I say
any more.
Okay finally, it costs $50,000 and can hold
2 cars and no planes.
Santa Maria Beach
It costs $30,000 and can hold 2 cars and 
no planes.
It costs you $100,000 and can
hold up to 3 cars.
Is costs you $10,000 and can hold nothing.
Palmino Creek
It costs you $35,000 and can hold up to
2 cars but no planes may be stored.
It cost's $40,000 and can hold 2 cars and 
no planes.
Shady Creeks
This one is very pricy at $120,000 and strangly
for that price can hold nothing at all!
This is free and can hold no cars and no planes.
Firn Ridge
Firn Ridge is free aswell and cannot hold 
any vehicles at all.
Angel pine
This place costs you $20,000 and cant hold 
anything at all.
Its free and can hold 4 cars and no planes. Also
all of the weapons you get from the snapshots 
spawn here.
Costing $40,000 isnt so bad when it can hold up
to 4 cars.
It costs $20,000 and can hold no vehicles 
at all.
It costs you $50,000 and can hold no
It can hold 2 cars and will cost you £20,000
for this estate.
This place costs you $20,000 and can hold
no cars.
This costs a whooping $100,000 and can only
hold up to 2 cars.
Verdent Meadows
This costs you only $80,000 and if you can do
it right, you can hold 50 cars and without cars
you could hold around 5 planes. If you cant do 
it and the garage eats your cars you will be stuck
with 4 cars and 1 plane.
Fort Carson
This costs you $30,000 and you can hold
up to 2 cars.
El Quebrasos
This place costs you $20,000 and 
can hold nothing.
Los Barrancas
This costs you up to $20,000 and can hold
no vehicles.
Redsands West
$30,000 and can hold 2 cars
Pirates in mens pants(PIMP)
It costs $6,000 and cant hold anything.
Camel's toe(Ha ha ha)
It costs $6,000 and cannot hold anything.
Four Dragons casino
It's free and can hold nothing.
Ring Master
Costs $6,000 and has no room for any vehicle.
Prickle Pine 
Costing $50,000 and can hold 4 cars this is a realy
good buy.
Old Venturas Strip
$6,000 and can hold nothing.
$10,000 and cannot hold anything.
White Wood Estates 
It costs you $20,000 and can hold up to
2 vehicles. 
Rockshore West
Costs $20,000 and can hold nothing.
Now we will move onto the buiseness part of the
Property chaper of the guide.
Zero's shop
Buy it after his missions to get a save point and 
that is it.
Wangs AutoShop
Finish "Puncture Wounds." Save at it, do Import/Export
Verdent Meadows.
Buy it when Toreno tells you too.
Get a save, generates up to $10,000,
holds loads of stuff like planes.
Courier Places
Complete all the courier missions
to get a save point.
Rs hauling
Complete all of the trucker missions
to get a save point.
Vank Goff Hotel
Finish level 5 of Valet missions to get it.
You get a save point.
Hunter Quary
Complete all the Quarry missions to get
a save pont.
Chapter 19: Rare vehicle's
Hello my friend's and welcome to the rare vehicles section.
Are you trying to find some vehicle to carry lot's of homie's in,
well we have it here, so check it out below.
Bullet Proof Tanker
Mission: Tanker Commander
What you do: Get in the Tanker and hop back out of it.
Now kill Catilina and drive the Tanker to a garage that
can fit it which will be either the one near Ceaser's or
the Santa Maria Beach place.
Bullet Proof Slamvan
Mission: Before T-Bone Mendez
What you do: Okay before the mission this spawns outside
Jizzy's club. You cannot save it in a garage or it will
not be bullet proof any more.
Custom paint job mothership
Mission: Are you going to San Fierro.
What you do: After you burn the weed just kill the Truth and
get in his Mothership and drive it to the nearest garage.
Go Kart
Mission: After completing all the story missions.
What you do: Go to the empty water canal near CJ's house.
Head to the other end of it and it should be parked there.
Police car with it's hood up.
Mission: None.
What you do: Head to the impound lot in San Fierro near
the two bridges. Head inside and you should see a police
car with the hood up. No matter how fast you drive the hood
will not fall off.
Fire Proof Greenwood.
Mission: Drive-Thru
What you do: In the mission just bring the car into 
whatever garage you want as it is already fireproof,
so just save it.
Bullet Proof Forklift. 
Mission: Robbing Uncle Sam.
What you do: Get in the forklift like normal.
Now just drive it to your garage and you have
yourself a Bullet Proof Forklift.
Bullet and Fire Proof Tahoma.
Mission: House Party.
What you do: After the mission two of the cars
you used to hide behind are Tahoma's and you
will be simply able to push it into your garage.
Bullet, Fire and Explosion Proof Savanna.
Mission: High Stakes, Low Rider.
What you do: Finish the mission and wait
for Ceasers car to turn up. Bash into his car
with another car and kill him when he gets out.
Now you can get in and drive away.
Where: Easter Basin Chemicals.
How: Go in and shoot your way through to it and drive away
to a garage.
              ---OR YOU CAN---
Go to area 69 and you will find it near a Cargo Bob.

You can find one of these around Las Venturas Strip
alot driving about. 
I have not seen this driving along alot so if you want it then
head inside Wang Auto's.
Baggage carrier
Go to the airport to see this driving around. It can attach a
stairs and baggage onto it.
If you find it hard finding these then dont woory as there is one 
parkes next to the gym in San Fierro.
Now this alot of people have been having trouble finding,
it is simply parked underneath the camels toe in Los Venturas.
This is the daddy of sandy cars? Well if you want it just check
underneath the "Big Ear."
Super GT
If you want the fast, but shit handling car just go to the 
control tower in the airport in San Fierro.
Ha ha ha ha ha, it's funny at first but then it's not.
Anyway to get it go inside Wang Autos when your missions
in it are finished.
Mr. Whoopee
It's is in Tierro Robado in Las Venturas.
Tow Truck
You can find this in the junkyard near Angel Pine.
BF Injection
Found in Santa Maria beach for all your beach needing
The country club in San Fierro.
Combine harvester
Ohhhhhhhhh yes! This big thing of fun can be found on Truths
farm after the mission body harvest.
Dillamore is where you will find this grass mowing machine.
Found under a bridge in Angel Pine.
Very fun for throwing big trucks. This can be found
nearly all of the country.                           
Contributor Central
If you have found a vehicle that I haven't you can send it into me
Chapter 20: Secrets
In this chapter we will look at some secret weapons or funny things.
747(It's a Jumbo Jet)
In Las Venturas go to the airport and to your left is an enormous 
Hanger. Go to it and wait for it to open. It will normally appear in daytime
So don't worry if it's not there. Bizarrely it can only hold one person. 
"Purple Toy"
Go into any police station. Now in the evidence room is a purple 
"Fun" toy.
Behind the Vinewood sign is a cane that kills people in a few hits.
Infinite Nos
When you do up a car and you find it annoying when it keeps running out of Nos, 
Try this. Bring the car to any garage you have. Now blow it up. It will
Spawn with infinite Nos.
If you wait a few minutes without doing anything a screensaver will
Come on. It will zoom to any active civilian or car.
A tribute to lemmings 
As you may know, Rockstar used to be called DMA and made
The game lemmings where you committed suicide over and over again
With your very small green haired people. Now head to the
Los Venturas gym and beside it is a bomb shop.
Beside the bomb shop an alleyway. Go into the alleyway and look
At the building across the street. You will see about two 
People jump off the edge to their death, just like lemmings.
Big moon and small moon.
Shoot the moon and just like all the other Gta games the moon
Will change size.
Bridge facts
Near the gant bridge you will find a board with facts on the bridge like 
height, draw distance and polygons.
No easter eggs
On the gant bridge on one of the high pllars is a sign saying 
"There is no easter eggs up here."
In the panopticon in the shack where the abused glendale is,
on the floorboards is lots of dried bloodstains.
Rockstar make fun of games
In this secret on the missin where you sneak into madd dogs 
mansion, you will see a guy playing Driver3, he says stuff like 
"Reflections screwed up so bad" and "Tanner you suck!"
Also go to the train station in Los Santos (the outside one) and
a billboard says "True Grime:Street Cleaner."
Past charecters sign
In Los Venturas you will see two signs on the side of the
casinos. One of Candy Suxx the other of Avery.
Rockstar logos
In many parts you can see rockstar logos. Many items of clothing 
has it on them and I have spotted one nobody posted aabout. When 
you bring your girlfriend on a good date to a bar they will drink a 
bottle of beer. If you look closly enough you can see the rockstar 
logo on the side of the beer bottle.
Big logs
In many of the safe houses in the kitchen is a cereal called
Big Logs Cok o Pops which is making fun of Kellogs coco pops.
Take a picture of you
If you have a gang member near you just stroll over and press L1.
He will take the camera and yu can take photos of yourself.
Take over all of San Andreas
Fly or boat out to the southeast of Los Santos.
Now bail out and drown. You should spawn with gang territory all
over the map.(I have not tried this but people say it works and 
supposdly you can fight gangs that were meant to be taken out of
the final game.)
Manhunt picture
In the bar near Cj's house in Los Santos called "Ten green bottles"
there is a picture a a trooper from manhunt. Since all the bars
pretty much look the same this can be found in nearly any bar.
Get gun level up fast
Get your weapon of choice and repetedly shoot at the wheel of a 
car and it will get your gun level to hitman in no time without
blowing up the car.
Make loads of money
Go to your Ganton house and go onto the
vidio game console. Leave and come bak later and a large sum
of money will be at the house outside. If you done it without
going on the game console you would starve.
CJ puke's
Go to any fast food outlet and eat over 11 of the dearest meals.
If you eat over 11 the owner will say something and CJ will puke 
out green puke. You will not be able to eat for a while after you 
Nitro gets back quickly
If your Nitro runs out all you have to do is
simply get out of the car and get back in. The Nitro
has now recharged. 
Lil probe Inn map
This one has started topics on the Gamefaqs boards and the topics 
have reached 2000+ post's. People are wondering what the hell all
the spots on the map is for. To get to it go to the Lil Probe Inn
and go to the back room. It can also be found in Torenos cabin.
They have led to such things as the beat up Glendales, Greenglass 
College and some guy said one leds to a large vally.
Private Dance
In a strip club if you go to the room at the back of it you can see 
a red marker. Go into it and you will have a Private Dance that costs
you $100 and you can change camera angle with the right anolog stick.
Strike a pose striper
In a strip club you can go up to any girl danceing on the pole
and press triangle to throw $20 and she will strike a pose for 
Sick cop's
Go to impond lot in Los Santos and in a corner you will see 
two cop's with a different pedestrains with one beating them
up and the other watches.
Smoking pedestrians
Go into the Los Santos police department and go into where all
the cells are. You will see pedestrians smoking or being beat 
up by cop's.
Peice of cable
When coming of the San Fierro bridge you will see a path leading
to a diner. Around the back of the diner is a peice of cable with
funny little sentences under it.
Rockstar Constilation
If you look in the sky at night you will see stars form a 
star constilation forming the Rockstar logo.
Silver Vibrater
In Bayside behind some dumpster is a silver vibrator.
Girlfriend photos
In your safe houses when you have a girlfriend, sometimes
photos of them appear in your house.
Go into a strip club and look at the womens boobs and you
will see part of the nipple.
Alien man
Get Infered goggles and go to the Lil Probe Inn and look for 
a man with a hat. Put the goggles on and you will see that he 
looks like an alien.
Michelles work belt
Go into the garage Micelle owns and look in your camera and
check out her work belt for a few suprises.
Dildo chainsaw
Go into the sex shop in Las Venturas and behind the counter you
will see a chainsaw with the blade replaced with a dildo.
Sadly you cant use this. 
Contributor Central
Found any secrets, super cool things, well send them all to and you will get thanks.
Silver Vibrater
Sent in by D.Pavy                      
It can be found in that area in top left,
it's the island that boatschool is on.. anyways, there is a small 
spot that has a dumpster and lot's of dirt as ground, it has some
cones in front of entrence... well you go there and right behind 
the dumpster is a silver vibrator!!
Thank's go out to D.Pavy
Chapter 21: Single Player
This section is put in for contributors because they sent a good bit 
of things saying single player as their catogory.
Now what do you like doing the most everywhere in San Andreas?
For anyone who puts his or her category as single player come here.
Fun rating: *********
What you need: Anything you want.
What you do: Go around places especially the country
and see if you can find and funny secrets or possibly
a myth.
Tip: Get a sanchez for your hunting.
Good Driver, Bad Driver
Fun rating: ********
What you need: A car and patience.
What you do: Drive your car from Ganton to the airfeild sensibly.
Obey all lights and if you hit a person you have to get out of your car
and look for a second. If somebody hits your car though, you get to beat
them to death.
Tip: Go to the top of Los Santos to get there quicker.
Bird Shootin
Fun rating: *****
What you need: A rifle.
What you do: It's really easy to do this one people, all you do
is aim into the sky with your rifle and start shooting some
bird's. They do not fall out of the sky, they just dissapeer.
Tip: Go to the country to see more birds.                       
Contributor Central
You were the ones who wanted it so send in all the things you 
like to do in single player to
Smack the cop
Sent in by Mushroomhead29
What you need: The funny purple weapon.
What you do: Rn up and slap a cop with the big purple love machine.
Tip: I dont know.
Thanks go to Mushroomhead29.
Suicide Bomber
Sent in by Cousin Dell
What you need: Satchel charge's.
What you do: Try to keep tossing remote charges on the same ped.
when you cannot make any more stick, keep following him until 
he reaches a crowded area and kaboom.
It's kinda hard since they keep running but it is fun.
Tip: Do a long throw to get it on them when running.
Thank's go out to Cousin Dell.
Fairly not fun
Sent in by jazztronaut
What you need: Absoluly nothing
What you do: Well this has to be the most dumb
thing I have done in this game, he might of been 
messing but he say's try walking from the airport 
in Los Santos to the abandoned airstrip.
Tip: Dont try it.
Thanks go to jazztronaut.
Find the bodie's
Sent in by motherbuster2
Recruit a full gang of seven homies, then lead
them into the middle of the Grove St. cul-de-sac
and hit "down" on the d-pad so they'll stay put. 
Walk a few feet back and begin launching satchel 
charges at the center homie in the group.
(They'll stick to him.) 
            Once you've stuck about 20 satchel 
charges to him, go stand waaaayyyy 
back from the group, but make sure they're still in
frame, then detonate the bombs. The bodies will 
scatter in all directions at about mach 2. Now run 
around and see if you can locate any of the bodies 
of your homies. You'd be AMAZED how far some of 
them make it off of 20 satchel charges...
Tip: Go to the country.
Thanks go to motherbuster2.
Highway pile up!
Sent in by Neven89
Put something in the middle of the highway and 
behold the chaos and destruction.
Cars will explode, people will fight and you'll 
be laying back sippin' on Gin and juice.
Tip: Do it in a highway near a city.
Restraunt killer
Sent in by jd chugger
The funnist thing in this game is getting a
gun and going in to a restraunt and killing every one.
Then cops spawn and the dont shoot at you. They are all scared.
Tip: I think Clukin Bell is the best place to go.
Base Jumping
Sent in by DarkKnight27
What you need: Parachute.
What you do: jump off all sorts of things, buildings
mountains lighthouses, etc.
Tip: Bring a vehicle if needed.
Thanks go to DarkKnight27.
Halo Jumping?
Sent in by DarkKnight27.
What you need: A helicopter or plane, parachute.
What you do: try to get as close to the ground before 
opening and survive.
Tip: Open it a little after it tells you to.
Thanks go to DarkKight27.
Drug dealer bust up
Sent in by lazyDannyboy29.
What you need: A silenced pistol.
What you do: Sneak around with a silenced pistol
killing drug dealers, and enemy gang members. 
They wont notice it half the time with a silenced pistol.
Tip: Also park a car on some drug dealer, and stab him in
the ball sack.
Thanks go to lazyDannyboy29.
Sent in by: Demedemarian
What you need: Baggage car.
What you do: Go to SF airport and get a Baggage Handler. 
Now try and see how many trailers you can 
attach to the back (It's quite a challenge, 
though the trailers are easy to push.). Now 
have fun with your big train of trailers by 
driving off a ramp and crashing (madness ensues 
with trailers flying everywhere) and then blow 
them all up. Or drive the baggage-train on the 
train travks (BUMPIEST. RIDE. EVAR!).
Tip: Try hook up trailers and tractors.
Thanks go to Demedemarian.
Rip-off Splinter Cell
Sent in by Tetra Vega.
What you Do: I turn the in game brightness all the way down.
Gimp suit
Silenced pistol
Sniper rifle
Satchel charges
Camera (optional)
Play around with the pseudo-stealth in the game.
Tip: Try stealth kill people.
Thanks go to Tetra Vega.
Chapter 22: Some Myth's 
Now what would GTA be without a few myth's. I love searching around the 
Place for things. I think Leatherface or the crazy farmer or whatever 
He is real. People saying they seen him in the game files as a guy 
With anger at a hundred percent or aliens flying about. All will be 
revealed soon As Rockstar release the Easter egg list. Read on for some 
stuff I Have saw or heard of.
Real: Unknown.
Info: People claim to of been attacked by a hairy farmer people are 
Calling Leatherface. I have not saw him but weird things happened to 
Me at the Panopticon, as you will find out in the stories chapter.
Explanation: People have reportedly looked in the game code and saw a 
Hairy farmer with his aggression up full with a different range of 
Weapons. I have not seen him but I believe in him.
Real: Definitly not.
Info: People claim they saw Bigfoot near Mt. Chiliad. It was said to 
Be fake as the people used Paintpro 4 or something like that.
Explanation: A texture glitch, people using Paintpro 4, who know, he 
Just could be there somewhere.
Body bags
Real: Yes 
Info: In the Desert at the side of the road is a hole with body bags 
In it.
Explanation: I have not seen it myself but people say they have seen 
It and many have. A Glendale is supposed to be beside a hole in the 
Ground. Who knows what happened.  
Loch Ness Monster
Real: Haven't a clue!
Info: People saying they saw a big figure in the water.
Explanation: Don't know. Have to wait for the Easter egg list to come 
Real: Don't know.
Info: People said they saw an Island under the water.
Explanation: I don't know about this. We have to wait until the list 
Is ready.
Secret Island
Real: Not sure.
Info: People who have a 100% say they saw an island about 15 minutes 
Flight past Los Venturas.
Explanation: I went out looking but found nothing. I didn't have 100% 
Though. It is meant to give you infinite money and a skeleton of 
Tommy Vercetti on it.
Vice City Surfboard
Real: Yes
Info: People said there was no surfboard in CJ's Wardrobe.
Explanation: The people may have had a pirate copy game because 
Everybody I know has it in the wardrobe. Could the next game return 
To Vice City?
Vice City Figures
Real: Yes
Info: People claiming they saw action figures of Vice City Characters 
Lance Vance and Tommy Vercetti.
Explanation: Its true. In nearly all shops on the counter is a rack 
Of Vice City Characters.
Real: Don't know.
Info: People say Jaws jumped up and eat them.
Explanation: Not sure. There are things but they could be Dolphins. 
We will have to wait and see.
Real: Apparently yes.
Info: People said they explored two caves and found clothes 
and bodyparts.
Explanation: Reports show that there are two caves in
the game. One in the back o beyond and el diablo castilla.
I have not found them but with so many people saying they
found them and because its a beleivable myth, its 
probaly true.
Door's in the sky
Real: Unknown.
Info: A few peoplesaid that the yellow triangles that lead to
buildings have been seen hovering in the sky.
Explanation: Possibley RockStar left some building interiours 
out of the game and now the triangle to let you go into the 
building is in the sky. Remember the real easter egg in Vice 
City where you jumped into a wall in a building, well possibly 
if you manage to parachute into the triangle if there is one, 
you will see some easter eg of some sort.
Chapter 23: Stories
Now this is the chapter I was looking forward to. I can tell you of my
Adventures. All of this is 100% true so please don't send me flame mail.
                  My Search for Leatherface
09:00:  I am up and ready. I have got the camera from
My house. I am heading to the Panopticon.
10:00:  Its Saturday and me and three different looking homies
Headed out in Sweets car.
11:00:  Were on the highway with Rage against the machine blaring. 
I turn to the news. There is meant to be a storm tonight.
14:00:  We arrive. It's been cloudy overhead. I check out a few shacks.
I found bloodstains and a beat up Glendale. 
16:00:  It's getting late and it has started to drizzle rain.
I was just taking photos for a while.
19:00: It's raining now. I sat in Sweets car listening to the radio.
23:00: This is where the scary stuff happened. One of my men
(The one in the green vest) started screaming and ran away.
I was wondering what happened when I heard a shotgun sound.
00:00: I found my homies corps near a set of trees. He had no head.
It was getting really scary now.
01:00: I found a cabin and beside it...A fire.
A big massive fire burst out. I took photos of the fire.
04:00: I left my homies and ran off to look in different cabins.
05:00: I returned and found my homies in a shack, which was on fire.
I got my fire extinguisher. They died unfortunately.
06:00: I took photos of their dead bodies. I heard a chainsaw noise and ran. 
Fog Was all around me, I could see nothing at all. I got in my car and
drove out.I was surrounded by fog. 
08:00: I was heading up a hill to escape whatever was chasing. 
A big black object was coming at me from the sky. "Oh s**t" I shouted.
Blackness engulfed Me as a giant plane crushed me.

This diary was found five days later.
So I suppose Leatherface is real.
I don't know what it was that killed my men. 
But that was like the worst way to die

                        29 Days Later
My friend and me played two players and had a brilliant time.
We started in Los Venturas. I was CJ and he was the medic guy.
We put on all the cheats I told you to put on. We headed out
And hi-jacked the first car we see. Not too soon we find a bike
And get on it. We headed to the freeway to escape the cops. We went
On he wrong side of it and was soon lying on the highway face first
We got up and ran. We were in a tunnel when a car ploughs into my friend
And went out of control and hit me as well. Suddenly all the cars were 
piling up on us. We were losing life fast. The cops
arrived and tried 
shooting at us.
But they shot the gas tank on a car and blew up all the cars in a chain
Reaction. We were killed instantly. That was very funny.
                           Fight Pub
I went to the Lil Probe Inn and I began a fight with one guy.
It reminded me of the film Fight Club. I learned the move set
From San Fierro and kicked him in the face. A guy tried defending
Him and started attacking me. I got a pool cue and killed the first
Guy and then started attacking his defender. He was tough. He got a few
Punches on me and then strangely he killed me.
                         Chiliad Chap
I got a tractor a towed another tractor up to the top of Mt.Chiliad.
I was driving towards the edge and then got out and pulled the man
behind me out of his tractor. The guy started fighting me. I ran on 
top of the ramp. We fighted until he punched me off and ran off after
me, killing the both of us.
Contributor Central
Please send in your funny or scary stories to 
I will put nearly all-good stories in.
Here's something that happened to me that I haven't seen anyone else
mention. Only two things fall from the sky -- Birdshit and Idiots....until
now! Dead folk fall from the sky, too. I was doing the flight school, the
challenge 'parachute onto target' or whatever. I jumped but did NOT pull
the ripcord. Instead, I plummeted to the ground. As I hit, I pressed the
triangle button (restarts mission). Instead of being 'Wasted', I resumed
parachuting -- only I was dead! My CJ would not pull the cord, just plummet
back to earth. I could use triangle to restart the mission, but my limp CJ
just kept falling each time. When I had enough and exited the school, My CJ
just dropped dead ('WASTED!') as soon as he walked outside. 

Chapter 24: The Country fun stuff
The country is one of my favourite places in the game. There are 
Loads to do and so I will state some of it to do.

Bike rally
Fun rating: *******
What you need: A mountain bike.
What you do: The country has thousands of hills and his deadly for 
Doing bunny hops over hills and such. Hop over roads are fun as well. 
Tip: Be sure you don't fall into a river because it takes ages to 
Find a new car.
Chillin on Chiliad
Fun rating: *********
What you need: A bike of some type.
What you do: Go to Mt. Chiliad and hang about at the top or explore. 
At the top is a parachute. Get on a bike and fly off the ramp and use 
The parachute.
Tip: Be careful as if your not fast enough you will hit the edge and 
Go squash.
The Penopticon
Fun rating: ********
What you need: A rifle, nerves.
What you do: If you believe, this will be fun for you, if not, don't 
Bother. I believe in leather face myself look in the stories chapter 
To see why. Weird things happen and I'm not kidding around.
Tip: Bring gang members for company and may make leather face appear 
Crazy country
Fun rating: *******
What you need: A big gun.
What you do: Okay so in the country there are lots of bridges. Well 
You have to find one with no walls. Once you found it start running 
Around it. Get cops after you and shoot around to scare the drivers. 
The entire place will be crazy and cops and pedestrians will drive of 
The edge. When a cop comes near you move out of the way and he will 
Drive off the edge.
Tip: Get moltive's on the cars to make them go crazier.
Quad on up
Fun rating: *********
What you need: A quad bike, which can be found in a shack on hilltop 
What you do: Get on your quad, and rally about, fairly easy. The quad 
Bike is really fun, especially on two players with a six star wanted 
Tip: Try to land flat as the quad always seems to go forwards or 
Something and knock you off it.
Chainsaw crazy
Fun rating: ******
What you need: A chainsaw and if you can a hockey mask?
What you do: Get a hooker in San Fierro or Los Santos and bring them 
To the woods or a cabin. Now get "Business" done and when she is 
Finished she will get out. Now chase her down and kill her.
Tip: You can run her over if you want but the chainsaw is better.
Fire Starter
Fun rating: ********
What you need: Loads have moltive's and things that burn and go boom.
What you do: Get all tooled up and go into a big forest thing and 
Throw all you have and a big fire will start
Tip: Bring loads of cars in and blow them up in a chain reaction for 
An enormous fire.
Chillin in the country
Fun rating: *********
What you need: Anything
What you do: Well I dont know about you but I just love messing 
about in the little town's in the country and listening to
all the hillbilly conversations.
Tip: Try Angel Pine.
Contributor Central
There are loads more things that I do not know about, so send in 
Anything you think is fun to 
Sent in by Funny Chap
Nos Chiliad
What you need: A car with nos parachute (Not needed)
What you do: Get to the top of Mt. Chiliad. Use Nos before
The ramp. Parachute if you want. Try land on four wheels.
Tip: Get Nos 10x. 
Thanks go to funny chap (me mate) 
Sent in by Evan Taylor
Votex Chiliad
What you need: A Vortex.
What you do: Get a vortex and bring it to the top of Mt. Chiliad.
Back it up to the Camper van and go off the ramp.
It will be like going on a hang glider.
Tip: The ramp is near the flag.
He didnt want thanks but thanks anyway Evan Taylor.
Sent from Skills4
Chiliad Carnage
What you need: 3 tractor's
What you do: Get three tractor's together and bring them to the top 
of Mt. Chiliad and drive off. Watch the carnage!
Tip: Go off the ramp.
Thank's go to Skills4
The REAL Chiliad challenge.
Sent in by BVT
What you need: A bike.
What you do: get a three star wanted level, then race from CJ's
house in Los Santos to the top of Mount Chilliad.
For a challenge use a bicycle and keep to the roads 
(no shortcuts down alleys or across fields). 
Tip: My record is halfway up chilliad with 6*
(Then got mullered by a tank...HALF WAY UP A MOUNTAIN!!!!!) 
Try to beat my  record.
Downhill Undomination
Sent in by Ringo.
What you need: Mountain bike, parachute.
What you do: I like to use the mountain bike and ride 
down the side of Mt. Chiliad until I hit something that 
launches me way off of the side of it, then do flips 
and spins and such and land it for stunt bonuses... 
or bail and make it like a base jump-type thing.
Tip: See if you can make it to the bottom without
Thanks go to Ringo.
Body harvesting
Sent in by IceHaven.
What you need: Combine harvester
What you do: Get in a combine harvestor and drive to SF to start
an insane killing spree. Watch your wanted level 
shoot up! Or the badlands is a good area to play 
around with the harvestor too. Watch police cars 
fly and burn and when they get out...HARVEST BODY!!
Tip: Try to avoid car's and such.
Thanks go to IceHaven.
Chapter 25: The Desert Fun stuff
So you're at the desert now and wondering for some fun stuff to do. I 
Have some of the answers but you can tell me as well. Lets get 
Started then.
Jump boy
Fun rating: *******
What you need: A parachute and helicopter.
What you do: Get in your chopper and fly to any very high mountain in 
The desert, fairly simple now, jump off. Open your chute whenever you 
Tip: Try land on a cactus.
Top plane
Fun rating: *******
What you need: Any type of plane.
What you do: Get in any plane/jet. Now fly over area 69. You will get 
A wanted level and jets will come after you. Now see how long you can 
Last in your jet against the others.
Tip: You can get in a jet and try shooting the others down but more 
Will come.
Monster trucker
Fun rating: ********
What you need: A monster truck.
What you do: Get in your monster truck and go to the freeway. Go on 
The opposite side of the road and keep on ploughing down through the 
Tip: Its fun but be careful because sometimes your monster truck will 
Topple over.
Bike biker
Fun rating: *********
What you need: A bike, motorbike any type of bike.
What you do: This is similar to Monster Trucker, except you have a 
Bike going at insane speeds down a freeway with some very bad 
Tip: Bring armour because you'd want to.
Fun rating: ********
What you need: A plane
What you do: Get in your plane, fly up and get some speed, now fly 
Really low and try survive all the mountains and see how long you can 
Tip: You may want to bring a parachute.
Contributor Central
Send your favourite stuff to do in the email address anything will be accepted as long as no 
Bad language is included.
Chapter 26: Two-Player Mode 
Holy s**t, f**k b**ls wi**y con carnie San Andreas has two player.
Yes it does and once you calm down get ready as two in my opinion is 
One of the best things about this game. Although you cant have split 
Screen or get in two vehicles this is just one of the best things 
Ever. I will tell you where to get the two player symbols (except for 
Rampages as aren't much fun, how to have loads of fun and make the 
Length of this game at least twenty hours longer.

Los Santos
Amount: 2
(1)	In Idlewood on the map look for the highway. You should see 
Below it. You should see a set of three white dots on the left 
And three on the right. Now in the middle of the nearest one 
Is the two player sign
(2)	In the town Dillamore the sign is behind the gas station.
San Fierro
Amount: 1
(1)	In Juniper Hill in San Fierro on the map look for
A backwards L shaped ally way. The symbol is in there
Or near it (can't remember exactly)
Los Venturas 
Amount: 2
(1)	In Tierra Robada there is a symbol.
(2)	Look on your map for the Royal Casino. Once you find it go 
To the biggest part of it. You can walk through it and you 
Will find the icon.
                 Good and Bad things

Good Things are as following:
- It's GTA and its two player!
- Exiting on bikes. 
- Stunts are hilarious.
- Laughing at your friend because he has a stupid guy.
- Getting on a car while your friend drives.
- Beating up people.
- Getting in chases with cops.
- Planes are funny.
- Going to the country is hilarious.
- Quads on two players are hilarious
-It's GTA and its two player!
Bad Things are as following:
- No split screen.
- No parachutes.
- No going in separate vehicles
- Second player too slow.
- Can't get two people on cycling bike!
-Can't go far away from other player.

It may have a few problems but it is still deadly fun.
                             Fun Things

Battle of bums
Fun rating: *********
What you need: A katana 
What you do: The two players have to fight each other to death in a 
fun battle.
Tip: Try get a combo to chop the other player's head off.
Fun rating: **********
What you need: Any type of bike.
What you do: The two players go down the opposite end of the highway 
On a bike. You have to see who will die first. The first to die 
Tip: When off your bike you stay off stays off? 
Fun rating: *********
What you need: A plane that two people can get in.
What you do: Two players... one plane. It's like chicken. You fly low 
And head towards a building. You have to stay in the plane and bail 
Out whenever you want. The Person who jumps out last and doesn't die, 
Tip: Make sure you don't jump beside the building, the plane will 
Explode like ten times and you'll be caught in the blast.
Swimmers race
Fun rating: ********
What you need: Nothing
What you do: Get in a deep part of the sea. Now the players have to 
Swim down and touch the bottom. First one to reach the surface again 
Tip: Its best to have high health and lung capacity to do this race.
Hide and kill
Fun rating: *********
What you need: If you want a gun.
What you do: This is fairly fun. Tell one player to press select to 
Put the camera on their view and the other player looks away in real 
Life. Now the player who has the camera on them hides. The player who 
Looked away puts it on his view and searches for the hidden player. 
Once found the hidden player had to run away until the chasing player 
Kills him or her.
Tip: More fun in the country.
29 days later
Fun rating: **********
What you need: Armour and lots of guns.
What you do: Now this is fun for me anyway. Put on cheats like 
Aggressive traffic, pedestrians riot, faster cars and pedestrians 
With guns. Now you start in Las Venturas and have to go to the plane 
Graveyard, then to the garage in San Fierro, to the Panopticon and 
Then to Groove Street. This is hard but fun.
Tip: Drive through ally-ways and not the streets as the rocket 
Launcher guys always get you as I found out.
Break a leg
Fun rating: ********
What you need: A car and some weapons.
What you do: One player in a car the other out on foot. The player in 
The car has to try run the on foot player down. It is hilarious as 
You try avoiding the car. The on foot player has to try blow up the 
Car. The player dead first loses.
Tip: The on foot player should try to jump on top of the car to get a 
Lot of shots on the car.
Two jetpacks
Use the jetpack cheat twice and the two of you can use it.
Or if you want it the hard way you can go to the airfeild
and run back later. 
Two boats
You can get in two boats in it. Just find one, hop in, drive
and find another.
Contributor Central
What things do you like doing in two players? Killing sprees, fun toy 
Fighting, send em to 
Sent in by Belly
Things you need: Plane.
What you do: One person stands on the wing and the other flies
(Can be hilarious) see if you can fly from one airport to the other.
Tip: Use the Shamel
Thanks go to Belly
I'm in control
Sent in by crimsonknight87 
What you need: A mate, a satchel charge
What you do: while your friend isn't looking, 
Place a satchel charge on him, now whenever he
Does something you don't like, BOOM! of course,
He could do the exact same thing to you.
Tip: don't do anything your mate won't like you to do.
Thanks go to crimsonknight87.
Sent in by Belly
Big jump
What you need: a BMX or motorbike
What you do: go to the biggest building in Los Santos 
(Sort of circle shape on the map) ride into the door and
You will appear at the top. Ride of doing flips and spins
When you land, if you are still on your bike you will survive, 
Lots of fun.
Tip: get the parachute encase it goes wrong
Thanks go out to Belly.
Sent in by Belly
Car Surfing
What you need: Car, Truck, boat
What you do: One person drives the selected vehicle 
Whilst the other stands on the top shooting and lobbing grenades
Tip: don't walk of the car
Thanks go out to Belly.
Chapter 27: Unlockable's
Hello and welcome. This part was in the cheats section but since 
they are not cheats they go here, in Unlockable's. Read on
to find things you can unlock.
Bandito- Collect 15 vehicles for the Import/Export dock.
BF Injection- Place 1st in the Dirt Ring race at the stadium 
In Las Venturas. 
Bloodring Banger- Get your total time up to 1 minute in the 
Bullet- Get all silver awards in driving school.
Bullet- Collect 30 vehicles for the Import/Export dock. 
Dune- beat the score of 25 at the Dirt Ring. 
FCR-900- Get all silver awards in bike school.
Freeway- Get all bronze awards in bike school. 
HotKnife-Get all gold awards in driving school.
Hotring- Racer Get first place in 8 - Track. 
Hunter- Get all gold awards in pilot school to spawn. 
One at Verdant Meadows Airstrip. 
Hydra- beat the mission, "Vertical Bird" and it will 
Spawn at your airstrip. 
Hydra and Rhino at CJ's house complete the game 100. 
Percent to have the Hydra Jet and Rhino Tank spawn outside.
CJ's house on Grove Street. 
Jet Pack- Complete the airstrip asset near Las Venturas. 
JetMax- Get all gold awards in boat school. 
Leviathan- Complete the mission "Up, Up, and Away". 
And the Leviathan will spawn at your airstrip. 
Marquis- Get all bronze awards in boat school. 
Monster- Collect 5 vehicles for the Import/Export dock. 
Monster Car- Win it by beating 8-track. 
NRG-500- Get all gold awards at Bike School. 
Rustler- Get all bronze awards in pilot school. 
Squallo- Get all silver awards in boat school. 
Stunt Plane- Get all silver awards in pilot school. 
Super GT- Get all bronze awards in driving school. 
Turismo- Collect 20 vehicles for the Import/Export dock.
Vortex- Collect 25 vehicles for the Import/Export dock. 
Windsor- Collect 10 vehicles for the Import/Export dock. 
Thanks go to Gamefaqs for the unlockable stuff. 
Chapter 28: Weapons
Hello once again and welcome to the weapons part of the guide
where I will fill you in on most of the weapons I have found.
If I missed a weapon you can send it in.
Melee Weapons
Knife: Mostly by killing hookers. One at Snake Farm in LV.

Golf Club: Get in a caddy at the San Fierro golf club to
get one.

Chainsaw: This can be found in the Panopticon or in 
Helenas tool shed.

NightStick: Found on police or in police station.

Dildo: Found in evidence room in police department.

Bat: Not sure where to find.

Pistol: Found on some police men.

Desert Eagle: In ammunation, not sure where else.

Silenced pistol: Date Helena.

Shotgun: Get in police car or go to a police station.

Sawn off: Found at CJ's house after all tags 
have been sprayed

Combat: Bought at ammunation.

Micro machineguns
Uzi: Found on top of Sweets house.

Tec9: Found at ammunation.

Smg: Bought at ammunation.

Machine Guns
Ak-47: Found at CJ's house after all tags
have been sprayed.

M4: Found all horseshoes and it can be found
at the four dragons casino.

Sniper Rifles
Sniper: Bought at ammunation.

Rocket Launcher: Bought at ammunation.

Minigun: This can be found at Toreno's cabin 
after you finish all his mission's.

Heat seeking rocket launcher: Found at
Torenos house after his missions.

Flamethrower: Found at Torenos cabin after
his missions.

Moltive cocktails: Found at CJ's house
after all tags are sprayed.

Grenade: Bought at ammunation.                      

Satchel charges: Found at San Fierro 
country club and bought at ammunation.

Well thats about all the weapons I can think of
so if I left out one send it in. I put this section
because people on the net wanted one, it might not be
detailed but it will have to do for now. 
Contributor Central
Have you found a weapon I havent. Send it in to so please send them in.
Sent in by Clinton Kelly
The Desert Eagle can also be found in the area around Zero's shop
in an allyway.
Chapter 29: 100% Completion
In this section I will explain what you need to get 100% in the game.
So it might no be the best reward what you get but you feel good.
In order to get 100% you need to do the following:
-All story missions.
-All side missions.
-All R3 missions.
-All races.
-All tags sprayed.
-All horseshoes.
-All oysters found
-All assets bought
-Complete driving school.
-Complete bike school.
-Complete boat school.
-Complete plane school.
-Complete import/export garage.
-Complete quarry missions.
-Complete all valet missions.
-Complete all arena races.
-Complete all side races.
Tag's area:
Playa De Seville  6
Ocean Docks       4
Willowfield       6
Ganton            2
Jefferson         6
Glen Park         4
Little Mexico     3
Idlewood          10
East LS           11
Las Colinas       7
East Beach        8
Los Flores        2
El Corona         6
Pershing Square   2
Commerce          1
Verona Beach      2
Market            4
Downtown LS       3
Mulholland        2
Vinewood          1
Temple            1
Marina            2
Rodeo             2
Santa Maria Beach 2
Verdant Bluffs    1
LS Airport        2
Oysters area:
Ocean Docks       3
LS Airport beach  1
Verona Beach      1
Marina            1
Santa Maria Beach 1
Glen Park         1
Verdant Bluffs    1
Mulholland        1
Playa De Seville  1
Palomino Creek    1
Blueberry Bridge  1
Frederick Bridge  1
Fisher's Lagoon   1
Flint County      3
Beacon Hill	  1
Whetstone         1
Mount Chiliad     1
Panopticon        1
Blueberry         1
Richman           2
Gant Bridge       2
Easter Basin      2
San Fierro Bay    2
Missionary Hill   1
Garver Bridge     1
Easter Bay        2
Tierra Robada     6
Valle Ocultado    1
Sherman Dam       1
Bone County Beach past golf club    1
Las Venturas Beach past KACC Fuels  1
V-Rock Hotel pool                   1
Visage Casino waterfall             1
The Pilgrim pool                    1
Come A Lot moat                     1
Pirates In Men's Pants              1
I cant find all the hoarseshoes so
look elsewhere for them please.
Well that is all you need to know for
100% in San Andreas. What you will unlock
a Hydra and Rhino outside the Johnson house.
This was a very undetailed 100% guide.
If you want a detailed guide go to 
GameFaqs and you will find one there.
The last few pages just flew by. I'm happy to say that this guide 
Is not completely finished. I will add more and more as I find out more
Fun things.
You can all send in things to
It was not a pleasure doing this, so you better enjoy it. 
To all those who contribuated, thank you very much for
it all, for those who like it, thanks alot for appreciating
my guide so enjoy, and for those who dislike it, well you can
all go and fuck yourselve's. 
This guide was intended to be a Fun things guide,
bt it turned out much more then that.
Thanks again.
Well, goodbye, goodnight, sayonara, fin, goodbye.
All the best...
Credits go to:
Rockstar for making the best game ever.
Me for taking time to do this. 
All you people who sent stuff in.
Gamefaqs for letting me use this and for the best game site.
My friends for not supported me.
And that's about it. Goodbye and goodnight.
Copyright Andrew O Hart 24/11/04. All rights reserved.
Sites that can use this guide:
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All the best: GoodGamerGuy
Have a very merry Christmas!

