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      G&S Clan    


                                                                                    founded January 10, 2003




Welcome to the G&S Homepage.

Since our founding in January 2003, our members have lived the ideals of G&S Clan:

1)  Strength & Honor

2)  Battle Tactics

3)  Speed and Agility

4)  Informational Warfare

5)  Stealth and Covert Ops


Our Clan exists solely to rule supreme on SOCOM II - US NAVY SEALS.  


Midnight on the BattleField

by John Preston Campbell


Midnight On The Battle Field.
'Tis midnight on the battle field,
The wind's low moan is chill,
Our army's on the march again,
After the battle of Chancellorsville;
The drum's slow beat
And weary feet
Tell of courage tried;
Brave souls, of honor born,
Their manly leader's pride.

The moonbeam's silvery gleam
Gilds with beauty that marl of death;
Hushed and silent now,
Is the angry foeman's breath;
All peaceful, still,
They slumber on the hill,
While the sentinel stars above
Look down in sorrow,
From seraph lands of love.

The prowling eat and hungry wolf
Have gathered on the mead,
They tear anew, in heaven's view,
Wounds of death that bleed;
Their famished jaws
And angry claws
Tear with a sensation sore
Flesh from the fairest form
A mother ever bore.

The sinless angels of the sky
Shudder such sights to see,
While some soldier's soul
Goes speeding away to the realms of eternity;
Alone in the darkness there,
Grown frantic with despair,
Some slowly-dying soul
Struggles the burial clods
From his bosom to roll.

Thus the cheerless night went by,
And the misty morning gray
Broke up in the dull sky,
Where the dead and dying lay;
While all along the line
Some shattered pine,
Or strong oaken hold,
Grim tales of war
Their story told.

"Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field."

-Sun Tzu ("Attack by Strategem")