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MTG Final Fantasy RPG and Nimmo Guild

We have:


  • The guild 50/50 was won by thisismyhouse6. Congrats!
  • More contest will be held soon, check back!

The One and Only, General Interest Guild!

Guild Status

  • As of July 28, 2003 we have 7 members and 1559 page views
  • We are currently working on a Guild RPG which we will keep you posted on
  • The new guild webbie is up (as you can see)
  • We have a new layout curtousy of fredkittykeeper
  • Check back, more to come!

Tell me, how many guilds go to this extreme? How many guild councils are devoted enough to learn html from scratch and start this wonderful organization that so far has hardly any members. Well, if you're reading this, then beware! For if you aren't yet satisfied at our devotion to our future members, then your satisfaction is undefined. Please support our cause, we aren't in this to make np, we're in this to have fun and help others have fun as well.

Images copyright Squaresoft