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So! You have no Life?!

Well, you've come to the right place. Here we have a list of things you can do to get yourself a REAL life.

Things YOU can do to get a life...

1. The first thing you need to do is look at yourself. Do you act like who you are?
2. If you do and you still don't have a life, you might want to try to make people notice you.
3. So you still don't have a life? Try changing how you dress to make yourself more noticable.
4. Still no life? Try plastic surgery.
5. You probably had one at plastic surgery, but if you refuse that route. Do something obsurd and strange to get yourself noticed.
6. Still none, or did that ruin your image... Do something thats cool. Stop acting stupid, and really look at your appearance.
7. Find people like you, once you find them, you'll all have lives...
8. Don't consistantly bitch about others. They weren't put on earth to please you.
9. Even if they do do something for you, say running an online RPG, unless you pay them, they don't gotta do shit for you.
10. Damn you're sad to be reading this...
11. Get the scoop, go to the parties uninvited, eventually you'll be noticed in the corner.
12. Go to public events, dances, etc.
13. Do something on your week nights.. Go play football with the kids who are playing down the street.
14. Go to something with yourself on weekend nights even more.. Go to the mall.. Get in a fight, do something, you'll be noticed.
15. Aye, you still need help... WTF!
16. Just download this, and eat the floppy you put it on... Free LIFE!
17. you disgust me.. get he fuck off the computer and do something... Easiest step, I shoulda told you at square one...
18. You're hopeless...... Just fuck it...
19. I've decided one more thing.. Go to this site... Perfect way to get a life

As of 7:50pm eastern time, June 9, 2003

lifeless bastards have been to this site.