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Bad Carrots and You!!


Important Numbers!

(#1) 1-800-ABSVEG
(#2) 1-888-SHAVEM
(#3) 1-848-ISAWIT
(#4) 999-IMSC-AREDOFVEGGIES (England only)
(#5) 1-800-VVAAP

1) Call this number if you see carrots abusing people. 2) Carrot shavers united Club (CSUC) Courtesy of Kim's Turtle Shavers of America Club (KTSOAC) 3) Call this number to verify your capture of the ambigous Carrot 4) If you English lads are afraid of any vegetables whilst cooking, call this number to exterminate that vegetable. Courtesy of Veggie Cops! Brought to you by the smMaSh HiT *When Veggies go Bad!!*(dun dun dun) Don't be sad now that you are skint on buying scary vegetables, call now and Financial assistance will be arranged for 50 pounds. 5) Call Veggiholic Vegetables Anonymous Plus for dangerously intoxicated vegetables.