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Welcome to GameCube Online, the GC site full of Reviews and Cheats!


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Staff Message: Yes, it's another GameCube-related website, but this one is different! Instead of being full of garbage, we specialise in Reviews and Cheats. That's right, make this your now home because let's face it, you're gonna visit here a lot!

Here at GameCube Online there are the best writers around, ready to tell you about the best games around. Hopefully our reviews will interest you, as well as help you buy encouraging you to buy the best games out. Obviously we had to include you cheaters out there so there's a nice Cheats section to the site as well.

However, this is all very well, but you can't call yourself a GameCube Online visitor without becoming a member of our forums. Yes, we have forums, our lovely forums are made by our best friends over at PhpBB! You see, when you join the forums you don't just become a member, you also join in with the fun and get to discuss games with other GameCube fans around the world. How cool is that?!

Well, that's all from me, I'll just leave you to browse through our spectacular site. See ya! ~ Serj

Visitors since 23rd March 2003

GameCube Online has only just begun so content is being added all the time, soon the site will be full with info!


GameCube Online was last updated on: 4th April 2003

Staff: Serj (Admin) ~ Dirx (Admin) ~ LuigiMan (Forum Owner)


Any budding previewers or reviewers out there?

If so, you can become a reviewer at GameCube Online by simply e-mailing Serj at: In your e-mail you must include: Name, Age, Reason for wanting to become a writer for GameCube Online, and finally, an example of your work. Note: I do not talk by AOL IM so don't IM me with your details, e-mail only. Once I am happy with your application I will get in contact with you as soon as I can ~ Serj


....and recognition goes to:

Site design - Serj (Gary) ~ Reviews, Cheats - Dirx (Matthew) + Serj (Gary) ~ Logo - GBA (GCA)
