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Game Series Conquerer

February / 22 / 2005 : Long time no see! I took a break from posting.. but I got some news. BIG news. I have started to play ff11 again. Its the online one. I made a big galkan monk. I am doing MUCH better than I did before and im working towards samuri. I might post later becase right now, I wanna play FF11. So adicting! bye.

February / 17 / 2005 - 10:00 : Hey. This is my second and last post for today. I have started to play FF4 and what I have come to realize is that the american version of FF4 (USA FF2) WAS easier than this one. It was MUCH easier...hehe. But I like it. Even though the game sets it for this one guy to hide when he gets low on health ( This is a guy all the monsters beat on first just to be annoying ), I still like it. You can tell that FF4 was translated to be more "appropriate" on USA's FF2. Lemme compare the diffrent translations of FF2(EasyVersion) and FF4. Here I go. FF2(JapansVersion Made For USA) : No words like "Damnit" or "Bastard." Also there is no name calling like " incompetent cur! " Maybe it's because when games where made by super nintendo like FF2 back then .. they had some sort of old people edit the translations because apparently we arnt smart enough or mature enough to read long conversations that make the game a bit more BETTER. Anyways, FF4 : Has the actual translation without any american game editors dulling it down! hehe. Oh, by the way, Im american so I am only making fun of the editors... err.. yeah. Anyways, the game is harder than the dulled down version which makes for a more challanging game! Fun! Err.. I'm gonna get some sleep. Hey, maybe I'll put up a script of one scene from each the american translation and the version that was MEANT to be said. I'll post somethin tomarrow. C ya!

February / 17 / 2005 - 2:30 : I JUST BEAT FF2! Yahoo! In Warios words from Warioware, Eh-eh-eh-excellent!! That was very fun. That was a good, challenging game. Im learning basic html, so other stuff will come soon. Maybe within the week. Geez.. at this rate, I am beating 1 of the games per week. I started FF1 around the fourth or fifth of february. By the way, I am planning on adding stats of all my characters at the end of each FF game, A rating of the final fantasys ( Dunno how I'm gonna rate them yet. So many ways :P ), aaaaand the time it took me to beat each game and overall time it took to beat all the games. I can't wait to play FF4! My favorite! I beat FF2 easy version when I was 10. And its been my favorite so far. ( Remember, I havent played all of them all the way through. ) If you look at earlier posts I said that I am not trying to get everything AND beat them. I am just beating them for fun right now. The way I want to play them. Oh! Here is something I WILL not place on my website.. cheats, codes for game genie, codes for game shark and no codes or cheats of any kind! Sorry if this comes out harsh but only people who CAN'T win or are TO LAZY to beat it themselves, use codes! ... Sorry if I offended you.. but thats my opinion.. You don't have to listen :P . Well, that was a long post! Okay. I think I'll start playing FF4 soon here. Game Guy out.

February / 15 / 2005 - 6:52 : Heyo.. Remember me? Been four days. I have been having troubles. Sorry. Anyhow.. I think I could be close to the end of Final Fantasy 2. I hope I am so that I can get to FF4! FF3 never came out in america, and theres no way I'm beating it in 24 hours on a rom with no american translation so im skipping it. Sorry if you need info. I came up with the order of how I will beat all of the Final Fantasys. Here I go.. FF1, FF2, FF4 (America's FF2 Easy Version), FF5, FF6 (America's FF3), FF7, FF Tactics, FF8, FF9, FF10, Kingdom Hearts ( I consider this a series in FF because of the FF characters and stuff. plus it's FUN. ), and FF10 two. Yep. And I might go for beating FF Mystic Quest. I've heard it is EXTREMLEY EASY and kinnda stupid though because there is a room were there is a treasure chest that gives you 3 potions, and if you leave and come back the chest has reappeared. But I like in it how the monsters look more beat up as you keep fighting them.. OOO! I gotta go a sec cause I have to work out.. -_-... I'll be back though.. maybe making updates later tonight! Cya soon!

February / 11 / 2005 : I beat FF1 today! First time I ever did beat it anyways. I'm not going to give you info that will spoil any cool info I found in FF1 but in FF1 I found the reason why the game is called "Final Fantasy" and the orgin of the theme song. I started FF2 ( Japenese Version. Not the FF2 that came out in America on SNES. This is the ACTUALL FF2 and the Japanese version of FF4 came out in America as FF2. This is why FF4,5 and 6 were skipped in America. Because 3 in America is actually 6 in Japan! Bleh.. Confusing. ) Anyways.. FF2 is very unique.. it uses a skill system instead of a leveling system. I will explain this ALOT more when I place up strategys of how to beat the games. I will place strategys of how to beat each game when I beat all of em' once. So.. whatever. Im going to keep you updated. Guten Nacht. -_-

February / 10 / 2005 : Hello, and welcome to my site. I am the Video Game Series Conquerer. Though I have not BEAT any whole series yet, I am planning on in.. I will tell you about my strategys and other things as I beat these games.. I have started with the Final Fantasy series cause I never got around to beating them all. I am currently on FF1. I might start playing FF11 and create a part of this page for a jornal of my jouneys. By the way, I am more intrested in fastasy a technologic video games ( I dont mean with good graphics. ) I think that after The Final Fantasy series I will start with Mega Man and Mega Man X games. But anyhow.. I will be working on this page often and be keeping you up to date. C ya!