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This is the OFFICIAL and FIRST website all about GAC's


GAC:'s stands for Grab a Clue the room we all play in on This site was created in order to help noob's learn how to play by our rooms rules, and for regulars to easily direct others to information on our room and players. We all play a game called Word Riot. This word game can be played many ways but we have voted on and agreed to what you will see on the following pages.

Tournament Info



Regular Bacon Double Bacon
Fonix Chewy Canadian Bacon
By The Numbers
(at this time this formats legality in the GAC room is under review)
Backward Fonix Pigtails
Sex Riot Blonde Moment

(not a legal format in GAC room)

Pony Tail



no mercy






Room Rules

1- Treat others with kindness and dignity

2- We change formats every intermission. the clue giver of speed round on the winning team gets to choose the next games format style.

3- we do not answer illegal clues if you do you must answer another clue wrong in order to square it with the opposing team. EXAMPLE if the game format is fonix and someone clues in chewy you can not answer correctly.

4- We NEVER EVER NEVER use abc clues, jj clues, filler clues, or hangman without a clue clues. Players who use these will be booted.

5- We do not tolerate attacking of players. We boot players who attack others.

6- If you do not play we will boot you. We are a play to stay room.

7- If you show us you are truly trying to learn to play with us, show respect, listen and converse with us so we can help you most likely we will not send you on your way. Now mind you we may suggest a different room that is more adept at teaching than we are.

8- if the winning cg should leave or not call a legal format during intermission we revert to default which is regular chat.

9- if a clue giver (cg) gives less than required in a clue that is fine just so it is not more example if the format is double bacon  and the cg gives a chewy clue that is perfectly legal.

10- pogo clues. these are only legal to answer during regular and phonix games! in any other format you can not answer them.

11- Should the teams end in a tie one of two things may occur A) the two CG's agree on a format and call it. B) default is called.


HINTS to note

1- a clue in all caps indicates the clue is in fonix or phonetics

2- a clue such as BigTopC indicates seperation of the words big n top with the key word beginning w a C

3- when there is a clue like this BigTopCs the C is the beginning letter the s the end

4- a clue like this DogSHPd indicates dog is clue S is beginning H and P are in middle somewhere and d is end

5- X or x - no or not

6- gn - girls name

7- bn - boys name

8- SW - short word

9- LW Long word

10- MW medium word

11- a clue done in this manner workLAND means the answer is a compound word

12- st or St - state

13- Cty can be country or city

14- EZ means the word is easy answer don't over think

15- HW hard word

What is a auto boot and why do you boot or auto boot


Who is a GACCLE?

A Gaccle is a person who is considered a regular player by the founders of the GAC room and its rules.

View Gaccle names