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Monday, December 1st, 2003

You know it! Another site update! Provided by me, NeO :) I hope you all enjoy it, for this is the last update like this

for quite some time. We now have an alliance with S)2 which I hope lasts forever. They are one of the nicest clans I've

seen around in along time. Remember to treat them just like your fellow teammates, and that's with respect. I will enjoy that

upcoming match we have with them, it should be a close match. They are very skilled, so don't be surprised if its a close game.

v.3 and S)2 are both very skilled clans, neither clan should underestimate each others skills. I bid you all a good Monday Night.

Posted by NeO 12/1/03 at 6:48 PM

Sunday, November 30, 2003

Hurray! Last night we got n00b3d, We all could have played ten times better then we did. No idea why we couldn't do so.

Horizontal Raindrops had a few problems during that match also, his mouse was unresponsive and was lag spiking everywhere

I was also lag spiking, no idea why. I would like to see a scrimmage against -=[OT]=- when everything is fixed and good, and

see who wins, the scrimmage would not count for anything, just for the fact of knowing who is better than who.

Posted by NeO 11/30/03 at 1:39 PM

Saturday, November 29, 2003

Clan match tonight against -=[OT]=- at 8:30 Eastern, 7:30 Central time. Mr.Wiggles is working tonight, and should make it

to the clan match, there will be a practice today at 5:00PM Central time, 6:00PM Eastern time today, all v.3 members are to

show up for the practice. I hope to see all of you there at 5:00 today. In other news, our clan member 1ns4n3 re-installed his

Windows and is currently having problems with his CS, hopefully it will be working ASAP

Posted by NeO 11/29/03 at 3:19PM