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        Welcome to the FFX portion of the Final Fantasy Lair!
Chocobo Race
Awwww chocobos. They're so cute, but is FFX's Chocobo Racing making you want to drop-kick your controller? Click here for some tips on that pesky race.
I hope you find out what you need by using the navigation on the left.
He may look mean but he's actually a big soft friendly monster. Get some more info on Kimhari by checking out the character profiles. maybe some of the links don't work right now, but it'll be up and complete soon ^_^ Just been a little busy lately. Oh, and if you would like to submit any hints, tips, walkthroughs, fanart, ect then please e-mail me at I will most definitely give you credit for what you submit, just let me know what name you want me to use if you feel uncomfortable with telling your real name. Ex: BillyBob24 or something like that. I hope you enjoy the site! More to come soon. I must warn you! There may be some spoilers about FFX in some areas.

Uh oh could it be love? Hmmm...dunno, look at FFX's story to find out more about these two.
If you don't want it to be spoiled keep watch for the giant "WARNING" labels before something important is revealed. Story Don't wanna ruin anyone's fun, and make em' angry. I had that happen to me and I'm still upset >_< (Grrrr....)

            Oh and by the way this layout is brand spankin' new so a lot of the pages dealing with Final Fantasy X are currently under construction. It already took long enough tryin' to figure out how to stick these tables and pictures on here. (*flashback*) AHHHHH!!!! I can't think about it. x_x Anywayz I really hope you enjoy the way it looks cuz I won't be changing it for a loooooooooong time.