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Everquest and College


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For all of you that are reading this who play Everquest and Counter-Strike, you know that you need a good computer to take part in those games. Well, currently I play with a 4 1/2 year old computer.

In Everquest, I have to turn all spell effects off, the sky off, names off, the sound off, barely any new models for races on, and I have to look at the ground mostly all the time to experience barely any lag. The background of this site is how Everquest looks to me. In Counter-Strike, I get over a 100 ping and it lags quite a bit so I can barely shoot and kill people, which means I can only stay on servers that are based near me to keep the lag low.

As of now, I attend college in the morning until about 1:00pm EST and right after that at about 2:30pm EST, I have to go to work and end up getting home at about 9:30pm to 10:00pm EST which doesn't give me much of a chance to play those games, since I have to go to bed to wake up at 5:00am EST for college the next day. I have to pay for college, my internet and cable television, my Everquest subscription, and insurance for my 91' Van. I am currently 18 years of age, I live at home with my mother, and I am already paying bills since my parents are too cheap to help me with even one dollar. After all of the bills are paid, I barely break even.

Although I don't like begging, you other people who play games can see how bad I have it right now. But if any generous people are out there and willing to spare a little bit towards my cause for a new computer, I would really appreciate it. For everyone who donates, I will send them a gift, as soon as I can think of something to send. I can only think of a simple thank you right now, but I am sure something will come to mind. I will try to update this site regularly and post some nice things. You can email me at if you have any questions or comments.

Here is my address for the generous people to send donations to, until I get Paypal working:

S. Miller.

2152 Morrison Ave.

Lakewood, OH 44107.

Please make sure to include an email address so I can send my personal thanks. For now, I am going to create a story about Everquest. Feel free to send me an email with any comments about the web site or the following story, but if you don't have anything nice to say, please don't say it at all and keep it to yourself.

*Everquest and all Everquest related material is copyright of Sony Online Entertainment. Anything else is copyright of S. Miller.*

The Journey of Scarzz

Some time, long ago, a young hatchling came from his shell not knowing he would be a special iksar, or anything special at all. The iksar, known as Scarzz was separated from his parents at an early age due to their family being ambushed by goblins. Scarzz was found wandering the land of Kunark by a druid, who felt sorry for the lone iksar and took him in under his wing. The iksar grew up and was taught in the druidic ways and was the first and only iksar druid to this day. The druid that watched over the iksar was a half elf, so he knew what it was like to be an outcast, since he wasn’t really accepted by the humans, or the elves. The iksar was brought up wherever the druid traveled since the druid rarely stayed in one place for a long period of time. It was hard for the iksar to adapt to the constant moving since he was still young, but he eventually got used to it. When younger, the iksar made no friends except for his father at the time, the druid. Not many other races that came in contact with Scarzz appreciated him, since many dislike iksar. From time to time, Scarzz met a young iksar, but since he kept moving, he had barely any time to spend with his newly made friend. One day, the druid who was caring for young Scarzz left him alone in the Commonlands to see if he could fend for himself while he ventured of in search for his parents. The druid went to Cabilis, the city of iksar in search of Scarzz’s parents. When he got to Cabilis, the warriors, monks, merchants, and most of the shadow knight’s welcomed him, but the shamans, beastlords, necromancers, and the rest of the shadow knights despised him. The druid would only be able to gather information from only half the iksar. The druid eventually found out that everyone who would help him had different information which ended up leading him in a circle, so he stopped at the local tavern and got a drink, while trying to piece the information together to try and find a real answer. Meanwhile, Scarzz was having trouble getting some experience in weaponry and spell casting. After a while, an older iksar ran by and noticed that Scarzz was about to be mauled by some skeleton’s since he wandered too close to the ruins. The older iksar was a shaman and easily destroyed the attacking skeletons and zombies. Scarzz thanked him and asked his name. “Hail young one, I’m known as Klarx, and it looked like you were about to get ransacked by those skeletons,” claimed the iksar. Scarzz replied with, “Yes, I am a little new to fighting an all.” Klarx told Scarzz he would get used to it and that learning a new thing can be tough at times. Klarx ended up giving Scarzz some buffs to make him a little more powerful and Scarzz had some fun in his more powerful state. When Klarx was about to leave, Scarzz quickly asked, “I lost my parents about two weeks ago, and I can’t really remember much about them… Have you heard anything about anyone missing their hatchling?” “Unfortunately, no I haven’t. I am sorry, and I will find you if I find anything out.” Scarzz thanked Klarx again and Klarx left to do what business he had to do.

After three days of the druid finding out barely anything, and Scarzz gaining experience in the Commonlands, the druid finally came back and tracked Scarzz down. The druid was very impressed with the progress Scarzz made and thought he was ready for bigger and better things. The druid gave Scarzz a choice: He could either fight in the Field of Bone or could try his luck in the Northern Desert of Ro. Scarzz was tired of sand since fighting in the desert part of the commonlands and it dried out his scales and put sand in places that he didn’t like. The Field of Bone is dry as well, but there isn’t as much sand there, in addition to other iksar being near. Before teleporting to the Plane of Knowledge, the druid warned that traveling through the books takes some time to get used to, and there are many different people in there: some who are thieves, but most are nice. After going to the Plane of Knowledge, the druid said, “Don’t leave the Plane of Knowledge until I show you where to go, I have to pick up some spells in the druid guild for you. Explore all you want, but remember to not give anything to anyone and always watch your back for thieves.” Scarzz came in contact with a variety of races and people, but most were nice, as his druid mentor claimed. Scarzz ran into a group of druids who were talking amongst themselves so Scarzz decided it would be good to ask a few questions as well. Before he asked any questions, one of the druids pointed his finger at Scarzz and said, “What do you want, iksar?” Scarzz claimed that he was learning how to become a druid. The druids all laughed and the oldest druid stated, “I’ve never seen an iksar druid, you must be joking!” Scarzz told the druids his story of being separated from his parents and was brought up by a driud, so then the druids finally agreed that Scarzz could be a druid, but a weird one. Scarzz asked, “Where do I get my spells and how do I get equipment?” (Which is a commonly asked question by most young spell casters.) One of the druids said, “There are guilds for each class in some of the cities which sell the spells and you can train in things as well, but they sometimes cost money.” Scarzz asked a few more common questions and the druids felt sorry for the only iksar druid ever, so they gave him a few pieces of equipment and some money. When his druid mentor came back, Scarzz was still bothering the group of druids with questions. His mentor asked “Is young Scarzz pestering you all?” All the druids waved and said, “Hi Dag, what’s up?” Dag, Scarzz’s mentor said, “Nothing much, but it is time for Scarzz and I to go. We are about to make a trip to the Field of Bone.” The other druids waved good bye and Scarzz and Dag were off. While walking to the Field of Bone book in Plane of Knowledge and Scarzz closely behind, Dag handed Scarzz some scrolls and taught Scarzz how to scribe and memorize some spells in his spell book. After Scarzz got the hang of it, they teleported through the book to the Field of Bone and before the druid let Scarzz do whatever he wanted, he made sure to give some buffs to him as well.

Scarzz was lonely for a while, not wanting to fight, so he just basked in the sun while he wondered where his parents must be and what they must look like. He imagined that his parents were great individuals who had many hatchlings, and was curious if he met any of his hatchling brothers or sisters, but just didn't know it. He also thought that his parents might have left him for dead, but tried to not think of him getting seperated from them like that. After a short time, Scarzz dosed off, but was awakened by an army of skeletons and mummies running at him from all directions. Scarzz fought his way through one section of the army acquireing gashes and cuts almost everywhere on his body until he fell to the ground too overwhelmed to move. The skeletons knocked him unconscious and bound his hands, arms, and legs together with old rope, and dragged him to what is called Kurn's Tower. When Scarzz woke up, he was inside what looked like a jail behind locked doors. "Ahhhh!" echoed Scarzz's yells throughout the tower, as he scraped his claws against the door in anger. "Damnet, why does everything bad happen to me," Scarzz told himself. "Same here, m'lord," exclaimed a shadowy figure in the corner that Scarzz didn't notice. "Who are you?" Scarzz asked, as he turned around slowely. "Me, oh, I'm called Zelwyth X`Teth," claimed the figure in the darkness. Zelwyth appeared to be a female, dark elf rogue who seemed real nice for a dark elf. Scarzz introduced himself, and sat on one of the hard, uncomfortable beds that were sitting in the room. Scarzz noticed that all his equipment and weapons were gone, as well as none of his spells seemed to work, while in that room. "Don't worry hun, we will get out of here soon," exclaimed Zelwyth. "I hope," Scarzz said, with disbelief.