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  Hidden Midgets Homepage
    Lil' people...all over the place...AGHH!

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Welcome to the Hidden Midgets homepage, the bestest errr... group on pso! This site was made because someone was very, very, bored. 

Current Members
Midget A (Slade), Midget B (The PSO Bum), Midget C (Glasseater), Midget D (Skye), Midget E (????), Midget F (Jack SquaT), Midget G (Hawkeye), Midget H (Ace), Midget I (Testostdrone), Midget J (Hitomi), Midget K (Plague), Midget L, Midget M(Outcast), Midget N, Midget O, Midget P


11/22/03: Ok, believe it or not I have been making quite a few unannounced updates, I was just too lazy to put anything here to say something about them...

7/4/03: Believe or not, I'm updating again! Wohoo!

6/24/03: Yesterday the site editor wasn't working so I got a little worried, but it's ok now.

6/22/03: Added a the tricks section and the midget arcade.

6/22/03:  Hmmm I'm going to start working on all the cool ideas everyone else thought of soon...

6/21/03:  Changed the template color, and changed the background.

6/21/03:  Lots of stuff has happened since my last update, our official HQ has changed to Eu\Titan 13-9, we got one or two new members, and *GASP* A midget has resigned, yes Midget G is no longer with us, so we need a replacement G! Join HIDDEN MIDGETS today!

6/19/03:  Soooo... not much is happenin, I'm just workin on improving a few things.

6/16/03:   I got bored today too, so I added a little more to this site.

6/15/03:   Just started this site cuz I got really bored(I guess i coulda went and played pso). Sorry if there's any typoss or misprints...well, not really.





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